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Azure Viper Dragon

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Bet you can't draw better stick figures than mine but, jokes aside, really nice art and 3D models. I always like it when people show this kind of stuff. It just blows my mind how people put so much effort into creating awesome art in such a detailed manner.
  2. My weapons of choice would be a hot pocket with my left hand, and a controller on the other hand.
  3. Brain dead? Make sure they are not flood. They might spread their bad halo skills all over you, and get you infected.
  4. Thats a great idea. Hopefully they do that for the next Halo.
  5. That's exciting. Hopefully, it's a huge map like Forge World. I'm curious if it's Forge World or not, but I guess we have to wait.
  6. If you could create your own game type, what would it be? How would it work? What are the rules to the game? How many people do you need in order to play? So on and so forth.
  7. Many pros and cons can be created from just adding Thel 'Vadamee or the Arbiter, to the rest of the future Halo games. One positive thing is that people will like to see some old characters return from the previous Halo games. However, one bad thing can come out of this. If he dies during Halo 5 or Halo 6, many people that liked the Arbiter will be upset that he died during the campaign. And the fans might get upset and possibly say something like 343 industries is killing the halo games or something. But, that all depends on 343 industries idea, and if it fits the story. Mostly, they want to make something new and adding the Arbiter from the previous games isn't probably their favorite choice, unless they decide to make a new Arbiter. That would be interesting. Even though that the Arbiter is my favorite character from the Halo franchise, I think we should leave him alone, in my opinion. He has done enough from Halo 2 and Halo 3. Plus, if he does come back, I have a bad feeling that he will probably also be killed like what they did with Cortona. And it's sad to see my favorite characters die in any way, even if it was in an honorable or badass way. However, if they ever put him in Halo 5 or Halo 6, that would be fine by me. Plus I get to see what he looks like with new graphics and how he has changed over the course of time. Just as long as the Arbiter doesn't die, I'm fine with having him in the future Halo games.
  8. I could possibly see that happen. They would probably release it on its 10th anniversary. Like what they did with Halo: Combat Evolved.
  9. Wait, now we are trying to save the Halo rings? I thought we were suppose to destroy them. People cannot make up their minds these days.
  10. So, instead of listing the negative things about Halo 4, let’s list some of the positive things you like about Halo 4. It can be from gameplay mechanics to the campaign storyline, and/or the audio production, etc. It’s entitled to your own opinion. One of the things I enjoyed from Halo 4 is the mission Midnight. The best part of that mission for me was the first couple minutes of that mission because I was able to fly around in a ship shooting turrets while maneuvering around avoiding obstacles. It reminds me a lot of Star Fox.
  11. It does suck that 343 Industries is taking away Halo 2 Online Multiplayer for the PC. I don't really want them to take it down anyway. But, I can only see two reasons why they would do this. First, the lack of community in Halo 2. Rarely, I see anyone in an open halo 2 server with CTF or slayer. Those were my favorite gametypes to play. Second is how many connection issues I had. Many times I would join a server with a decent ping. When I join in, it was laggy and unplayable. There was sometimes a glitch or a bug in the game. But those were always memorable moments to me, because I would never expect it. There might be more reasons why they would do this, but those are the most noteable I can see. But, if it's true, they might make a Halo 2 remake. And if they do, I hope they bring multiplayer back. That would be fun. They might also reveal it at the same time as the rumored Xbox console at E3.
  12. This is going to be a short paragraph, but I want to ask. Is there any custom maps you can recommend? Anything from infection, races, grifball, etc. It doesn't matter what it is. I just want some custom maps because I have very few saved. So, if you know any fun custom maps, share it with me. Also, link the custom game type and the map creator, because right now the file share system is not working properly.
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