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Miffed Monkey1

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Everything posted by Miffed Monkey1

  1. Okay, so I've created some Forge maps and I can access them just fine, and just the other day, my dad could do the same on his own Profile which, at the time, was not on Xbox LIVE. Today, however, we decided to input the 14 Day Trial code that came with my copy of the game so that he and I could play Spartan Ops together, but before that I wanted to show him my newest map. The problem of 'Online Safety Settings/Member Content must be set to Everyone' arose, and I promptly made sure that both mine and my dad's Member Content settings were on Everyone, but alas, the problem is still there. Anyone else having the same issue/have a fix?
  2. I don't even think it's as potent of a weapon as the Plasma Pistol. Plasma Pistol has range with the Charge shot, and while it might not kill a man, it makes way for the dreaded noob combo, and in this game, I think mid-long ranged weaponry beats short-ranged weaponry any day.
  3. With the Duplicate Object and Magnet tools, it definitely seems like 343 intended to help players Forge their ideas with more speed. However, while a friend and I were Forging a symmetrical map today and he said something brilliant, yet simple...and it kind of baffled me that this feature WASN'T in the game. You have Duplicate Object, but why not Duplicate Selection? Something like Copy/Pasting an entire selection of pieces, be it by holding a button and dragging a selection box over what you want or individually clicking pieces while in a specific Forging mode. That would GREATLY help Forgers who make Symmetrical maps. Was this considered and scrapped as an idea, or was this somehow skipped over in the many Speed Forging thoughts? I'd love this as an Update later.
  4. Thanks a bunch! Much appreciated : )
  5. Hello, Forum-goers. My name is Miffed Monkey1 (herp derp) though most people call me just call me Miffed or Monkey alone. Despite my name, I am a very calm person both in real life and online, so no worries. I'm not going to destroy anyone's soul with a mighty blast of rage. As is probably obvious, I'm here because I lurve me some Halo. I own all of the games, and have beaten all of them except for Wars. I've only completed CE and 3 on Legendary, so I'm nothing special as far as the campaign goes, and as for multiplayer, I suppose I'm a pretty good player. I don't have a tough time getting kills, though in return, I do die quite a bit. My KD ratio is normally really close. My specific reason for joining up on this site is because I intend to start seriously getting into Forge. My foray's into Reach's Forge yielded a couple of pretty awesome Competitive maps, so I intend to capitalize on that area of Forging, and hopefully by the end of the year, I may have one or two good maps up for everyone to enjoy. Anyway, that wraps it up! Sorry if my introduction is a little wordy. I know most are probably gonna look at this and think "Aw, Hell. Another Monkey/Newbie." but for those of you who don't, here I am, and hello! I look forward to being a member of this community.
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