Nothing, though I read some other topics about players with the same problem, and know why. This is to warn those who happen across this topic, and to add a stone to the balance. I KNOW THAT THIS ISN'T 343i'S OFFICIAL WEBSITE.
I was playing BTB, and I bump into some people from Chile. (They speak Spanish there.)
They find out I speak Spanish too, because of my GT, and I end up talking to them.
A whole day later, I get the voice chat ban.
I found out you can get voice chat bans if the majority of people "vote" on it, not if you're innocent or guilty.
So, basically, I got a voice chat ban for speaking in Spanish. There are no rules that say "Don't speak in anything but English." that I'm aware of. Halo 4 can be set on Spanish, too. (I have it English because I like the language a lot and because it also helps me to think in it faster.)
I think that's it. For the slower ones...
Person finds people that speak Spanish.
Person speaks Spanish to them.
English-talking players don't like that.
Person gets voice chat ban because English-talking players don't like that.
By the way, I am NOT saying that of all English-talking players.
But most have problems with not understanding whatever someone else says.
Be warned that posting any questions or arguments that the answer/debate to have already been posted in the topic will result in you looking stupid after people read your post and be utterly ridiculed.
Thank you for your attention and reading this far, unless you skipped to this part or were told about this topic and then made a comment on how you smartly "found a loophole" in something as irrelevant as not getting some thanks.