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Everything posted by Kitten

  1. i consider 343iBot a friend :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lilsilmarillion


      Agreed with Azaxx. It's kind of annoying in the shoutbox.

    3. Tommy


      it's a SHE, and she is the best.

    4. TheGodfatherS117
  2. maybe mimic real life officers wich carry side arms, reguardless nice change then always see them with assault and heavy weaponry (and on land grab they did overcharged a few times to disable my wraith)
  3. like others said, new company have taken over, likely gave microsoft a little too much control failing to help, the game is ok overall, my only beef with it is early dlcs and disc locked content (spec armors, seriously just 100kb or so wich oviusly just script runtime to unlock them) hopefully by the next game 343 will listen to the fan base (hopefully the veteran fan base insted of new people) and will impruve on it, as for my personal opinion, weapon drops need to go, maybe take some mechanics from older halos (example from halo 2, 1 power weapon spawn per team, and respawning ammo boxes for the weapon, heavy weapon pickup locked to enemy team to avoid rushing for rocket luncher, etc) anyway point is, if you dont like it, go back to reach, or play a diffrent game, noone stopping you.
  4. meh, i find it rather easy to win majority of the time, however, i do 10 push up and sit up every time i died in a match (unless your a god like player, you will get good fitness over time.)
  5. you should rename your post to "spartan trolls are useless" personal expiriance, i get in a hog on land grab with marines driving it, other player get in gauss hog and have the last marine drive him, guy blow up my hog, i take a wraith and kill covenant, guy blow up my wraith, i stop helping, he run me over 12 times in a row with a ghost, friendly fire need to go badly in order to reduce trolls
  6. can add me to the tiny covenant club, happend 3-4 weeks ago for me (took 10-15 minutes untill we realized why we keep dieing :s)
  7. i say no, unless they can create a net code that wont impact you too much when not hosting (lag only really noticeable when you add AI and scripting into it)
  8. Dont you have better things to do then look at other people profiles?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fishy


      Nope, enjoying the time.

    3. Admiral Ackbar

      Admiral Ackbar

      Not really. I'm just trollin' lol

    4. Leonard L. Church

      Leonard L. Church

      I have nothing better to do...

  9. co-op mainly, although considering the amount of ^@%*$ trolling @^#@*)(%^! might start do more solo, unless paired with a friend or 2....... try really need to put friendly fire on like in single player and have the boot option..... insted friendly fire off and trolls can run you over.
  10. willing to give my 14 days gold code for spec code, pretty please? x.x
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