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Russell Taylor

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Everything posted by Russell Taylor

  1. Matchmaking is a complete disaster!!! I'm getting tired of the unreliable and often glitchy server issues that seem to happen daily. Also, I don't want to be constantly dropped into matches that are already in progress. This is the worst system for competitive gaming. Bungie had it right by always starting people out in dedicated matches. WTF were you thinking 343??? I have been playing this game since the release of the very first Halo. It used to be that you could sit down to play any time of the day or night and always have a solid, reliable multiplayer experience. Sadly, that is no longer the case with Halo. So much of what made Halo great was it's subtle simplicity. 343 has managed to over complicate that formula and has given us what amounts to a Call of Halo game. I played Halo because it's Halo, not because it's just like Call of Duty. Too bad you took an otherwise brilliant game model and squandered it away. Can't wait to see what Destiny has to offer. Whatever it is, I know it will at least come with a reliable multiplayer system. GO BUNGIE!!!
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