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Chrissy V

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. That actually sounds quiete fun, think of it as a team objective game type but with a bit of invasion in it, i think it would work well personally although the driving a scarab thing is a little off the chart.
  2. Hey if you wanna chat or play some halo with me just message me my GT is Chrissy V ( same as my username ) if you wanna check out my stats heres my bungie.net link ( http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Defau ... hrissy%20V )
  3. Hey if you wanna chat or have a couple of games on halo jsut send me a message, my GT is Chrissy V ( like my username )
  4. But eventually everything will be easy to get, 343 want armour to be well grinded and earned, not just "You Tubed". although its a good idear to get people back onto campaigne its just to simple.
  5. A 3rd person option huh? wouldnt that be kinda agains the 1st person shooter gametype? Anyway, games are very biased when it comes to a hand option, they always assume that everybody is right handed! what about us left handers?
  6. Hey guys, I made this topic just to see what you think Halo 4 should/shouldnt include. I'll start off, i think it should most deffinatly add a new ranking system, the credits in reach are to easy to overcome and i think they should become something more like in Halo 3 where you had to get a certian skill level before you could proceed on leveling. Anyway, please comment
  7. I know what you mean but Scarabs may be a tad extream, I will agree to the fact that their should be more flying vehicals such as a Pelican or Phantom, just any form of group vehicals that you can go around cruising with your friends in.
  8. At this point isnt Onyx blown up? or something like that, i think it will be another shield world that the forerunners made to protect themselvs from the flood and the mgiht of hte halo rings? i'm not sure all i know is it will proably be an epic experiance and i cant wait.
  9. I totally agree, they should add some new vehicles that the public have been dieing to get their hands on but i think a scarab might be a bit to extream, for all we know the covenant might not be in this one. ^^
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