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Everything posted by Dragonbloodsoup

  1. They weren't fully up to begin with. I like Halo 4, I really do, I am very impressed with how the game came out w/o Bungie's help or input. I am saddened by how 343i(I am told 'die hard fans' of the series) just seems to have left everything else laying on the proverbial floor.
  2. This isn't Bungie's series anymore this is 343i's so someone has to wake up and smell the plasma burn. Taking over this series came with alot of responsiblity to the fans. You say that you are fan based but I don't see more than half that in what you are doing with things like fileshare, glitches, expanding the forge palets for not just a few maps to be made into whatever a Forger wants but for all maps, Ranked, Social playlists and FFA playlist needs to be more than Flood and Regicide.
  3. As everyone is saying bring back Social, Ranked and lonewolf play lists. You guys had me happy for a week with FFA oddball and KOTH. That was good times! Bring them back and more FFA games. Add more ways to make race game types on other maps. Impact is a nice map why isn't it used for more game types? Call one or more of the guys from bungie to see how to make the multiplayer better or go play 2,3, and Reach and learn. If you want I'm sure alot of us would meet up with any of you on those games to discuss what makes the mp so good.
  4. I agree with some of iTz RusH's complaints. Like a tradiional FFA playlist, Eliminate join in progress after a certain point early in the game, or get rid of it altogether and Implement a ranking system that is visible on the console not just on waypoint, while keeping the progression system in tact for unlocking stuff to keep the people who play the game non stop to feel good about themselves. XP is great but then again this isn't an RPG or are we going to make life altering choices sometime in a DLC? A)kill Grunt B)make love to Grunt C) spend 24 episodes living with a mixed cast of Covy and Promethians while DJ DIDACT tries to makes his dreams come true?
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