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Ian Alan Milatz

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Everything posted by Ian Alan Milatz

  1. Team Rage is back and about 990 players smaller, its that time again were i get on my hands and knees and beg you die hard's out their. check out the newest site for a new division, www.raginglive.webs.com
  2. Team Rage has just opened a new site, the site doesn't even have members that i can think of... SMH but ohh well the clan will all be members on the new site soon, We are a competitive clan in Halo 4, we participate in MLG matches, Clan battles, forge, swat and all other matchmaking game types. When the clan we big in halo 3 we exceeded over 1,000 members and 8 divisions, we would like to reach that again. If you are the kind of competitive player that is fit for this please visit www.raginglive.webs.com. Thanks you,
  3. I have been posting a lot about this clan i planned on starting.... well 3 years ago in halo 3 a clan called team rage was running at about 1000 members. The original creator and I have teamed up and created an alliance , with another new clan to bring back Team Rage. We will be having clan try-outs all week from 6:00 PST to 8:00 PST . Clan try-outs consist of 1 vs 1 in a forge map called the "Rage Cage" wich is pretty cool. Our clan is still in its early rebuild and all advice from new members will be discussed and voted upon. You can PM Me , or contact one of us two via xbox live: dogpunter JakeDc23 xMLGx I look Forward to hearing from you guys.
  4. Hey guys, its me again but this time im back n a different note. I am looking for a partner to get a new clan going with me, as well as members to be in the clan, those who help build the foundation will be immediate high rankings. If you are interested please Pm me , email me , or add dogpunter ( gamertag)
  5. All i do is play CTF as well as my clan i can loan you a few of mine as well , you can add me: dogpunter
  6. UNSP is creating a new clan division, and this one is mine. HA We're looking for some serious players, who can communicate well. We compete in CTF, TDM , TR , BTB . If you are interested or would like further information, You may add the gamertag dogpunter I look forward to hearing from you. You can also PM me.
  7. thanks guys, and i hadnt noticed that i was in the wrong thread until i stumbled upon the clan recruiting one, i will follow up with one their.
  8. I have been playing Halo since the ce release when i was a lot younger, Im here for one and one reason only , HALO 4 . While waiting for my specialization code that was promised a while ago i figured i would work on a clan. Well not exactly a clan, more of a team . I just want some more serious gamers , to "clan up" and join me. IF you know anything about anything you know that you're more successful wilh a communicating cooperating team. That's where i need you guys, and gals. I need recruits. Who's in? Gamertag is Dogpunter if you're interested as well.
  9. im still working on mine, i work for microsoft playtest, and was supposed to have mine a while ago when i played the damn game, i have been with support for about an hour , and 343 released a tweet saying that today was the deadline and december 5th was the public release.
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