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Everything posted by thelegendofJohn117

  1. Sprinting is a good thing because in reach everyone just picked sprint as their ability, and why should Spartans, who are apparently the most in shape people the UNSC has, not be able to sprint? To me it sounds like you play this game way too much and are way to concerned about little things. If you're getting killed by the boltshot so much why don't you use a magum or your primary and kill them before they get in range? And if you're this concerned about the game then just don't play it anymore, nobody's stopping you.
  2. The magnum is my trusty sidekick, I've always found it to be my favorite secondary. It may not be the most practical secondary, but it definitely gets the job done.
  3. I never really noticed the Carbine being that powerful, I think it was like 8 shots to kill. I'll have to start using it again
  4. If you want to straight back to K/D scoring how would assists factor in? Assists are important too...
  5. Are you able to join games in other multiplayer games?
  6. This should be posted in the clan recruitment forum, not general discussion. Good luck recruiting though!
  7. The shotgun in Reach was really OP. I think its pretty good in 4.
  8. Expectations are a little unrealistic, a month in and people are already complaining about playing the same maps? Me thinks you play the same game type too much..
  9. I would recommend using the DMR even though that is more of a long range weapon. If you take a few shots every couple of seconds and draw in a knight you should use the scattershot to take it down
  10. They may have a few people looking at the Waypoint forums and maybe some people looking here, but I think they would need to see a lot of people with the same concerns in order to make really changes based off of a community need
  11. Thank you so much! people just don't seem to understand this. And if i understand correctly a working file share will be coming soon
  12. Yes it should be coming back because it is an option in custom games, once more game types are available it should make its comeback. I can't wait!
  13. The flood were good for the first 3 games but I feel like they are taking the campaign in a new direction, not trying to make it more like the old campaign
  14. The playing field has been made more even and all the OG pro players who only play on 10 sensitivity can't handle not going 15 positive anymore
  15. If they sounded more like alien guns I'm sure that people would complain that they sounded like Star Wars blasters, or that they stole that noise from some sci-fi movie. It's not that big of a deal. I agree with the storm rifle though.
  16. Call back Xbox and talk to them again. Don't let them refer you to this website because its a community forum. Also it may be because you don't have the other specializations unlocked.
  17. Doing spartan ops isn't cheating of course because it's part of the game, but it won't make you any better.. I'm about level 40 and I've played kids that are 130 and killed them multiple times because they aren't used to actually playing multiplayer because they just grind through spartan ops with double xp. So no, its not cheating but rather a quicker way to level up.
  18. You have 3 total posts and all of them are negative. Just sell the game and stop complaining on the internet. OP DMR, get over it. Its 5 shots to the head, that's perfectly reasonable.
  19. This is a fun game, Halo 4 is a beautiful game. Visually beautiful. This is 343's first game, obviously there are some flaws in right now. People need to calm down and remember the point of gaming is to have fun, not complain about every change you don't like
  20. We need to get team swords back as a game type, or at least team snipers. Hopefully they release some new game types with the map pack
  21. Don't get me wrong flood is a fun game type but I feel like we need to get infection back. It was just a lot more creative and had so many more options in the forge.
  22. The animation looks really cool, but I've never found them to be that effective
  23. If they didn't change anything about the game and left it all the same people would complain for those reasons, I feel bad for game developers, they change stuff and people say "OMG they changed everything, its not even the same game anymore!!!" and when they don't people go "OMG this is just the same game with better graphics, waste of $60!"
  24. Mine has always been the Cat with the cowboy hat, I don't know why but I will always find it funny.
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