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Chris Hansen

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Everything posted by Chris Hansen

  1. The scattershot is by far the most inconsistant weapon in halo 4. It's really fun, but as others have brought up, you can sometimes one shot someone at almost maximum range on its projectiles (they disappear after a certain distance) and then again you can fire all 5 shots and not kill them. Sometimes it owns, sometimes it just fails.
  2. Pretty insane weapon. It essentally one shots almost everything directly, perhaps the most hardy of things surviving like a fresh scorpian tank. The projectile moves far faster then a rocket and insanely faster then a fuel rod shot, like others have said the redicule is red across the map for a reason, as you can pretty much snipe with the thing.
  3. Reloading an AR is fast enough with dexterity amonst fighting multiple people perhaps, but anything else and you'll run out of ammo before you can finish the job on two or more guys. Anyway like I said I don't test the guns really in custom games, I just play with them in several similar situations and see how they perform. It could be that I'm fighting bad players when I use the storm rifle, but it seems to do consistantly better when engaging multiple opponents then the suppressor or AR.
  4. Well, thats because the maps have been intergrated into normal playlists so people aren't playing the map pack playlist as much. As for the maps themselves: Wreckage: I would like this map except on slayer everyone just goes to that on spot the man cannon takes you to and proceeds to camp there for the rest of the game. This makes the map quite sexually confused. On gametypes and games where people don't camp out that area (rare) the map is much more fun. with the central stucture providing some good close up fighting. Shatter: The BIG map of the big maps. This map is all about sniping and camping with the DMR. It's actually not too bad on certain gametypes, with a mantis and other toys, but is really, REALLY bad on games like dominion and extraction, which in my opinion is the dumbest gametype of all time. It's like one sided territories from halo 3. Land grab, but far worse. Harvest: Not a small map but the smallest of the 3 released. I really like this map, as it's good for slayer and just about every gametype I've played on it. CTF is fun here too. A medium to larger sized map with ghosts and normal warthogs. So in my opinion, 2 of the maps are trash, and one is good. They are ALL better then meltdown and vortex though LOL.
  5. As someone who has played a great deal of halo 2 online I can tell you that the halo 2 Carbine was perfect in terms of how it performed vs a battle rifle. It had about the same fire rate as the halo 4 variant, but it had more range and damage at the cost of a less accurate shot then the battle rifle. Single shotting with the weapon greatly increased it's accuracy, but repeated sustained fire resulted in less then pinpoint shots. Essentially it was an awesome weapon that killed faster then the battle rifle but had a more random headshot factor. The carbine in halo 3 was more accurate but slightly less powerful but otherwise pretty much the same weapon in application. In halo 2 the battle rifle reigned supreme but the carbine definitly could keep up to people who didn't impliment BXR or similar button combonations.
  6. I don't have this perk so I can't help sorry. I do have stability for rogue and I can tell you makes a huge difference in open gun fights, as your aim is not effected by outside sources.
  7. I wish I could play against these people this guy is playing against....don't get me wrong that guy is really good, but getting a perfection with all the crap that kills you in this game is nothing short of insane in my eyes. I got one and only one with the tank on exile and it was because the entire enemy team was borderline retarded, or trained monkeys with controlers.
  8. Well....the game we are talking about is rated M for mature. I think that in of itself makes it ok to say "no no" words.
  9. Yeah...it sounds like the people you're playing against are total noobs if you can wreck them to those levels in halo 4. Every exile game I play in btb the gauss hog and scorpian tank are destroyed in the first seconds of the round, I make it a personal point to destroy or get the tank.
  10. There used to be 1v1. It was called Head to Head. It was in halo 2 and halo 3, but bungie removed it from halo 3 pretty early on.
  11. Yeah, in the right hands. But with the delay in the shots, it only takes you missing ONCE for me to land plasma shots and plasma grenades (or other anti vehcile measures). In other halos the gunner would truely have to suck to even get close. It might not be totally balanced, but it isn't the beast that it was in other halos, in terms of anti-fantry. Now antivehicle is a totally different story, as the weapon got UPGRADED vs vehicles. 3 shots and a scorpian tank is gone. it took 4 to 5 in halo 3 I think.
  12. As many people have brought up, its not the even really the fact that it can oneshot out of the box, but the range at which it can achive this. As for the stormrifle...if your clip is overheating before you can kill someone at the applicable range, then something is messing up on your end. The strength of the storm rifle is it isn't as accurate as an assault rifle, but can be support much more sustained fire. 1v1 against other assault weapons I it can be a coin flip at times, but when engaging multiple people on smaller maps the advantages are clear. I haven't tested in a custom game but I have tested plenty in practice. I used to think the suppressor was the best weapon when the game first came out but I learned that it only really owned very close up fully automatic, getting out ranged by both the storm rifle and AR. The storm rifle is all about firing in sustained, long bursts.
  13. If halo 2 was still around. You bet your *** I would jump on that **** RIGHT NOW AND START PLAYING. But I can't because the servers for original xbox live got support pulled.
  14. The guass hog is acutally balanced in this game, the delay between shots has been massivly increased. In halo 2 and 3 you could just fire off rounds if you missed, now the gauss cannon still owns, but requires the user to not miss or be punished with waiting to shoot again.
  15. My biased with the boltshot aside I tend to agree with all your points. Unfortuneatly only one of my friends has an xbox 360 and still plays halo games from the halo 2 era....sigh >< Here's things that I LOVE about halo 4: Sprint has been intergrated instead of an armor ability. This is a good change from halo reach. I would perfer NO sprint and faster spartans but this is good. The guns and how they sound, despite my constant bitching about the boltshot I really enjoy the guns in this one. The melee system is how it should be! Gone is the terrible melee system of shield thesholds from reach and bleed through mechanics have been restored. (this got fixed in reach at least). When you're having fun online, it FEELS like a halo title. And I have a million times more fun in this then I did with halo reach. I really didn't like the maps most of all in that game.
  16. This is the part of the agruement where it comes down to personal opinion. I beielve that games should have new features in a series, but it is very important to understand what made your series great and what changes might affect the caviler spirit of halo's multiplayer. Halo Reach upset me and several fans of this "tradition" I speak of.
  17. I use the storm rifle over the Assault rifle and the suppressor, it actually really owns. Well, relative to assault weapon performance.
  18. So...you disagree that the charge shot has too much range, and the single shots are never worth using over a charge shot? I agree with you that the problem with the boltshot stems from other issues with the game that compond the problem of dealing with it. BUT the fact remains that it's the only weapon in halo history that you could spawn with by default, that could one shot a player with no interferance from anything else. THAT is overpowered. It's more reliable to 1 hit kill then a scattershot OR a shotgun. THAT is overpowered. Please, counter point those last two arguements, I'm curious to see what you say.
  19. Ok, its already been established that this weapon is unbalanced. Moving on. I'm not gonna rehash the several, several points I've made on WHY this weapon is unbalanced.Just know that I will continue to abuse it until it gets changed/removed from starting secondaries. Here I went and found one of my MANY posts that decry this weapon as it currently is: Being able to spawn with ANYTHING that can ONESHOT a person without any other interaction besides that weapon hitting a player has no place in halo. Make it a map drop, make it an ordanace drop. Not a spawn drop. Oh and to the OP, the range of the charge shot is FAR outside melee range. If you get lucky sometimes you can oneshot a player up to 15 (estimating) feet away. I'm very tempted to upload a video of a capture the flag game I had on harvest where I butchered an entire team with the boltshot multiple times, at ranges that were unreasonable at best. Until the weapon gets nerfed I will continue abusing the crap out of it because it IS over powered. The skill it takes to abuse and kill with is close to null when you get used to the charge mechanics of the weapon. Think about this, when is the last time you were killed by the single fire function on the boltshot? Never? Yeah thats what I thought. That should throw up a red flag that the weapon design itself is inbalanced. With the charge shot being too good, and the single shots being too crappy. If you think there is nothing wrong with the boltshot, and the fact you can spawn with it, there is something very VERY wrong with you, this isn't an opinion. It's obviously, clearly overpowered. There are good players that come and post saying they KNOW it's op, and they abuse it constantly.
  20. Del Rio had balls, I'll give him that. It's like he didn't exist when chief was SINGLEHANDELY stopping the covenant time and time again 5 years ago. I'm really surprised Del Rio didn't even give chief the benefit of a doubt. The fact of the matter is the infinity might have had enough firepower/resources to destroy/stop the didacts vessel before it could depart to find the composer. I say the deaths of the people of new phoenix and the Installation space station are directly upon his shoulders. It should also say something to how after the chain of command at earth heard what he did they were none too happy how he shafted the savior of earth and humanity and removed him from service. That's just it though, how many times has chief collected critical intel and how many times has it been reliable, the answer is SEVERAL times. Enough times that he shouldn't have just be pushed the wayside.
  21. There should definitely be ranked and social playlist, I don't wanna sound like a broken record here but halo 2 and 3 really got this right. I love competetive 4v4 but I also love the chaos and fun of huge vehicle maps. Most of the gametypes sucked but I admired the spirt of the Team Carnage and Action Sack playlists for a more social experiance.
  22. I think that might be lag or something, it's happened to me with the ghost in previous halos where i barrel into someone at max boost and they just kinda slide away....really retarded.
  23. I agree a thousand percent that there should be ranks. Visible ranks.
  24. Being able to spawn with ANYTHING that can ONESHOT a person without any other interaction besides that weapon hitting a player has no place in halo. Make it a map drop, make it an ordanace drop. Not a spawn drop. Oh and to the OP, the range of the charge shot is FAR outside melee range. If you get lucky sometimes you can oneshot a player up to 15 feet away. I'm very tempted to upload a video of a capture the flag game I had on harvest where I butchered an entire team with the boltshot multiple times, at ranges that were unreasonable at best. Until the weapon gets nerfed I will continue abusing the crap out of it because it IS over powered. The skill it takes to abuse and kill with is close to null when you get used to the charge mechanics of the weapon. Think about this, when is the last time you were killed by the single fire function on the boltshot? Never? Yeah thats what I thought. That should throw up a red flag that the weapon design itself is inbalanced. With the charge shot being too good, and the single shots being too crappy. I totally agree with you about the scattershot man. Sometimes it gets a oneshot kill at midrange, and then sometimes point blank it doesn't? Very odd weapon that's true to its name I guess.
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