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Chris Hansen

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Everything posted by Chris Hansen

  1. What? Where in my post did it imply that I was bad Halo Reach? I did just fine in that game. And I played it far enough (1 year) until me and my friends declared it the worst halo and all stopped playing it. These were the same people I grew up with playing the halo series, you can say whatever you want, and open a counter point with an insult, but I didn't get owned at all. True fans of the series generally agree that Halo reach was indeed the worst title in the series. As far as claiming ODST as the worst halo? It was several map packs combined for halo 3. Unless you're talking about the campaign...which was still pretty good, since they wisely didn't include multiplayer with weak ass marines. The game wasn't bad because I was bad at it, I did fine, and abused the things very wrong with the game along with everyone else. My points on why the multiplayer sucked so hard in reach remain valid. Tell me the Banshee in halo reach wasn't the most manuverable, dangerous and abusable banshee of halo history. Tell me Armor lock was perfectly alright when you stuck someone across the map with a sticky grenade and they shed it by pressing a shoulder button. My opinion might be just that. But when 5 different hardcore halo fans all cry foul and then stop playing a halo something is certainly wrong. But honestly, Im tired of defending myself here, you're entitled to your opinion as I am mine, just don't go assuming people are bad at something because they say it is bad. That's really presumpuous and obnoxious logic. I call out flaws with these games because I love them to death. I love the halo series, and when something is badly implemented or unbalanced in multiplayer I'm going to voice my concern, and hopefully get like minded response from the community.
  2. Yeah the shielding perk has almost no usefulness, if you're in a situation where your shields are able to recharge, the speed increase is negligable. Probobly the worst mod.
  3. I love how people call the DMR op...remember the pistol? The two weapons are very similar, except the DMR is WEAKER then the pistol.
  4. With mythic and Tilt skull on the needler does nothing to a knight, 5 super combines and they would still be standing lol.
  5. I found out that although it isn't as good on vehicles, the beam rifle still hurts them, and you can take a ghost out with it pretty quickly.
  6. Both vehicles have the same niche, but perform them in different ways. The mantis isn't nearly as tough, but it has versitility in it's weapons. The wraith has a powerful single shot, but also has the ability to boost and splater other vehicles and players. The real question is what wins, wraith vs. mantis? I would have to go with the wraith if I had a clear choice, but on Ragnarok the mantis is probobly better as it can hide behind geometry much better. Also, I think a skilled wraith will definitely beat a skilled mantis. That lobbed shot is just murder if you can make it connect directly, I bet it one-shots a mantis.
  7. In halo 2, when a player was boarded in a vehicle that wasn't a tank, he gets booted out of it with no damage or movement penalty. In halo 3, they made it so you take melee damage and are slightly stunned after being boarded. This proceeded in reach. Now in halo 4, if you get boarded the stun is a total death sentence. They might as well make it so you just die when you get boarded. I honestly enjoyed Halo 2's boarding feature the most, it allowed you to have a chance to reboard you're taken vehicle or at least try some type of counter attack.
  8. Elites were the biggest joke ever in halo 2 and 3, they were really easy to headshot from the side, as thier heads hunched over. Not to mention the visors looked all odd when you zoomed in.
  9. BRING BACK THE HALO 2 SERVERS. BRING BACK THE NOLSTALGIA. This, a thousand times this. My spartan hasn't felt right in terms of moving and jumping since halo 3. When it takes longer to kill people going on sprees like previous halos becomes impossible. Seriously. I haven't had a single, epic, oh my god I'm killing everyone multiple times over game once since I got halo 4, and it was the same in reach. Yeah you can get in a scorpian tank or gauss hog and do that but I'm talking about being a badass soldier taking people out with the BR or pistol constantly, or coming out on top when fighting two or more people if you did everything correctly. In these newer games you could be dead on, no mistakes and you'll never take out 3 people on open ground that have a good idea of what thier doing. The reason is like you said, you're slow when fighting, and your weapons aren't as efficent, and then you have instant spawning to deal with. These factors equate to the yesterdays of owning people just with a BR and tactics is done.
  10. Reach will go down as one of the worst halo games of all time. People defending it must be a new generation of kiddies or something. I'm 24 and I hated reach. Loved Halo 1, 2, 3 and odst. And I really like halo 4. One of the biggest problems with halo 4 multiplayer is join in progress. I understand it sucks if 4 of your team leaves you in an objective game or something but why do I have to be the person that gets to handle that **** storm? I DON'T WANT to join into a dominion game where the bases need to tick one more time for the enemy team to win. It's not fun, its statisticly unwinnable, and it shouldn't be in Halo.
  11. Kill cam is broken and not accurate to what actually happened. Moving on.
  12. I like halo 4 way better then reach. Halo 4 has its problems like the playlists being lackluster, no big team objective play like 1 flag CTF. The weapons are all pretty good. I don't like ordanance though. I perfer power weapons to be in specfic areas and fought for. Halo 4 has balanced armor abilities, I perfer NO AA but this is still very welcomed compared to reach. However, halo reach had: Armor lock, and other stupid ass armor abilities. A RETARDEDLY overpowered banshee. In my opinion pretty horrible multiplayer maps and weapons. And a terrible campaign. Reach might have been made by bungie but it was more alien to me then Halo 4 is compared to halo 2 and 3. This game FEELS good when I'm shooting someone. The weapons feel like halo. One of the biggest problems with halo 4 multiplayer is join in progress. I understand it sucks if 4 of your team leaves you in an objective game or something but why do I have to be the person that gets to handle that **** storm? I DON'T WANT to join into a dominion game where the bases need to tick one more time for the enemy team to win. It's not fun, its statisticly unwinnable, and it shouldn't be in Halo.
  13. The flood were always very interesting enemies to fight. It was most fun in halo 1 where it was chief vs the flood vs the covenant. I liked the 3 way battles that ensued, and when theres flood, theres weapon variety, which is always nice.
  14. You're arguement about the bolt shot is invalid. It's a great camping weapon, they get close, bolt shot, run around a corner, enemy follows, bolt shot. Cqc doesn't happen with a bolt shot lol. One shot and the fight is over.
  15. I've noticed the charge shot can actually kill someone if they are low on shields or out of shields.
  16. I really want to know what happened to the Arbiter.
  17. You can also play the missions on NORMAL (no exp difference between difficulties besides easy), and things you do count towards commendations that apply to spartan ops, like destroying vehicles. Do the mission where you get a mantis on vallhalla over and over again, or if you REALLY want to grind fast you can just do the third mission in the first episode of spartan ops. It takes like 5 minutes to complete lol. Granted doing nothing but spartan ops is similar to seeing those inheritors in Reach that only played firefight....what a joke lol.
  18. The fact that it's legendary sort of gets detracted when you can just spawn endlessly to complete the mission. Granted to not get killed endlessly you need to have a good idea what you're doing since some parts are straight up madness on legendary solo lol
  19. With tilt on, the only thing that phases the Knights shields is the supressor. Even 5 scattershots to the face barely take the shields down with tilt. Excessive launcher damage also works, but isn't viable for multiple knights. (the fuelrod gun works wonders on them for the ammo you can usually aquire from nearby grunts)
  20. Consider this, promethian knights are humans converted into data, reconstructed and enslaved by the Didact. They are consided taboo I'm guessing since you only encounter them on the planet where the Didact is being held and after he regains control of them. Couldn't it be possible that since, in essense Cortana is data, and Artificial Intelligence, that when she was composed by the didact, she went through a similar process, gaining a physical form unbeknownst to even her at the time. Or maybe a reverse happened where her data was thrown into an organic shell.
  21. If nothing else, they should incorporate more of the old tracks, the music that plays durring your adventuring in the other halos is unrivaled.
  22. Try clearing the Cashe in your harddrive. I know for games like Skyrim and other large files this seems to reduce choppiness. It seemed to work in halo 4 as well as I got into some multiplayer games that were definitly going slower then 30fps, it just felt off, and then felt faster when I did that.
  23. Halo 2 is the hardest out of them all, but even thats easy with playing it over and over. I used to go around and collect all the fun skulls on ledgendary to spice it up considerably. And these skulls were WAY better then the ones in halo 3 and stupidly in the rest of the games. Sputnik a millions times better then cowbell! The REAL grunt birthday party with a plasma explosion! Envy that gave chief active camo, thunderstorm so that when you played as the arbitor you got ULTRA elites on your side!! The first level can be difficult until you noob combo everything. Then the entire campaign gets allot easier. The hardest part for me was when the chief gets dropped into High Charity and you have to face off against a bunch of brutes with just a needler to start. Brutes were truely difficult in halo 2 ledgendary.
  24. The jackal snipers in halo 2 were tough, but there were a far cry from unbeatable, you needed to memorize where they spawn at, and then you have a split second to scope in a shoot them before the shoot you. on another note, I think halo 1 had the most FUN ledgendary campaign.
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