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Everything posted by Lazrael

  1. So what are everones thoughts on the Crimson Map Pack, now that its out? Personaly I just don't feel like the players should have had to pay for it at all, subsiquent maps, maybe. But I think there are very few maps per game type in the core verision and that being charged to have a few more, which in most games would have been ecpected at launch is a bit ridiculous, even if it is only ten dollars. So I'm just wondering am I alone in thinking this, or do you guys who have payed for the pack think that it was worth it/fair?
  2. It's not that I don't get the reasoning for the cap. That is I get that they are trying to keep people from leveling up through dishonest means. My issue is that I don't think that most players care that these people are trying to rank up dishonestly (cheaters gonna cheat) and what you're doing with this cap system is punishing the entirety of the community based upon the actions of a few. Historically uncool. The cap clearly discourages people from playing more than playing against people with much higher ranks. As its been said, this, in conjuntion with the double xp campeign also sends a mixed message, and can be understanably infuriating. You entered into an agreement with these junk food companys to mutually boost sales and reward players interested with a faster way to rank up then you shoot the idea in the foot. It just doesnt make sense. Even if you didn't people to rank up too fast there are better ways than just stopping them from being able to. I'm not going to get into the issue of loosing fans and players any further than saying, yeah, you might loose a few, nothing thats going to cripple your profit margin, but hopefully its about more than JUST that. In regards to the whole, its good because you might be playing this game to much argument. I don't feel that any entity outside of a persons own disgression has the right to dictate or manipulate the use of a product after the person has payed for it. And if somebody wants to play Halo 24/7 they have that right regardless of whether or not its a healthy choice. Its just seems that you're dangling a lot of shiny toys in front of us players and then slapping us on the wrist if we actually try to play with them. Personally I don't care how quickly the rest of the world ranks up, if they put in the time, they earned it. I just don't want feel like I am being punished for trying do the same thing, and get the most out of what is ultimately a fantastic game and a very strong abliet open for improvement first step by 343.
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