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Everything posted by TheConsumedDarkness

  1. IM BACK! christmas was tough and some stuff went down but i'm all good.

  2. Tommorrow the world will not end i watched a doccummentary on the mayans and basically they ran out of space on the rock they drew there calander. Besides if the worlds gonna end I WILL BE THE ONE TO DESTROY IT! HAHAHAHA

    1. DethNade


      i seen a doccummentary on the history channel, Isaac Newton predict the world my end year 2060

  3. The Gods that were once light are now death,destruction, and murder. I have you all eating out of my hand you are all just pawns that will be used to get to the bigger picture. The Darkness will succeed for once under my rule and the world will once again be consumed by Darkness.

  4. The Consumed that were once light are now death,destruction, and murder. I have you all eating out of my hand you are all just pawns that will be used to get to the bigger picture. The Darkness will succeed for once under my rule and the world will once again be consumed by Darkness.

  5. You all have a Merry Christmas! :L

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheConsumedDarkness



    3. Minuette


      *takes out .50* Say again?


    4. TheConsumedDarkness


      *pulls out a Incinerator Canon and says "i'm already dead but your gonna be in a second" Fires Canon.


  6. You all have a Merry Christmas! :L

  7. Tired of everyone tellin me to do one thing and then getting yelled at for doing that.

    1. Zelda


      I tried to warn you, but you ignored me instead...

    2. TheConsumedDarkness


      how did i ignore u i just changed it and i only put my web on there cause archangel tyrant said to put it on there and update my status daily.

  8. Tired of posting things that can get me banned >:(

    1. TheConsumedDarkness


      i post a link to my site i get yelled at so i stopped then Archangel Tyrant says to put the web on my status then zelda yells at me for doing that what am i suposed to do?

  9. Become a Member on my site and chat live http://bluebrayway.wix.com/consumedwebpage#

    1. Zelda


      I am really trying to warn you not to do this....

      It can and will get you banned. It has happened before...

  10. Classification Signature Format GIF Size [Default: 600x200]* Style Dark scary Primary Colors Black grey blue IMAGE [1] http://wallpaperpassion.com/upload/20220/cards-skulls-wallpaper.jpg IMAGE [2] http://www.win7wallpapers.com/wallpapers/3d_zombie-1920x1080.jpg IMAGE [3] Background The first image as the background Writing Why's it so cold? Font Scary font maybe a kinda of cold looking font Extras Do what you think looks awesome you made my last Sig look AMAZING. Locations any where you think looks best
  11. i'd be cool with that my GT is IceOnMyFingers plus the only piece of the set i want is the orange visor
  12. i agree i dislike the people who wear Master Chief's armor on Halo 4 when they only beat campaign on Co-op
  13. I'm on the Darkside now. It has taken me away from all that was good and light. Remember the Darkness that has consumed me.

  14. I'm on the Darkside now i'm lost to all that was good and light. remember the Darkness that consumed me.

    1. TheConsumedDarkness


      I'm quoting my clan the Darkside on H4


  15. I'm on the Darkside now i'm lost to all thaember the Darkness that consumed met was good and light rem

  16. Destiny will probably be really good from all the comments and opinions ive read about it.
  17. This one was the shots fired from the incineration cannon Round 2 I spy with my little eye the one who started it all.
  18. wait can i do the next riddle? cause i have a really good one.
  19. Hey insignia i was wondering if i could touch up on my signature i want it to be the same but instead of the skull backround i was wondering if you could make the backround this http://www.google.com/imgres?q=scary+Darkness&start=156&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1311&bih=593&tbm=isch&tbnid=p9989dibRVFH4M:&imgrefurl=http://cutetale.tumblr.com/post/21710272441&docid=7bXQj_dkhkpNFM&imgurl=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2zezouRy81qg43u0o1_500.gif&w=470&h=246&ei=azfJUJCALoX69QSVgYFw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=958&vpy=139&dur=1269&hovh=162&hovw=311&tx=206&ty=121&sig=111696428806255715019&page=7&tbnh=134&tbnw=264&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:81,s:100,i:247 and put another zombie of your choice on the other side
  20. I've only beat all the halos on normal none on legendary hoping this is the first 1 i beat
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