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Everything posted by Delpen9

  1. Because Bnus is most likely to die by the mafian's hands, so protecting him was the best decisions; to say that he might be a mafian - protecting him wouldn't reveal you - and the risk of you being killed was outweighed by the possibility of Busn being the detective.
  2. I did what was fun. SD was ignorant for not using his medic powers on you during round 1. You never investigated me, I revealed myself. EK and rrHunt acted before discussing in the PM. BATMAN was too conspicuous, and I guess you got lucky with Grif. Don't tell me what to do or I'll throat punch you.
  3. If you don't reset your alarm clock after a blackout, then who will?

  4. We're going to kill Axilus just for the luls. lul
  5. This is the first game where Executioners/Game mods lost too. Or it could be an honor to them for getting to host the most one-sided mafia game to date. The 9-9-9 has betrayed me.
  6. hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha haha hahahahahahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
  7. lol he's a Bundam. I thought Ledgend was dead already.
  8. Today is the celebration of me being one year closer to death.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. joshyzburton


      Your too negative but happy birthday...

    3. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      Umm, happy birthday?

    4. Yoshi1176


      Happy birthday you old man

  9. Crawl 400 meters (on grass). Would you rather become a zebra or a dolphin?
  10. Forunner. Would you rather be a Flood Grunt or a Moa?
  11. If you need your discs cleaned, I'll lick them for you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      *Dips CD in toilet* Have at it.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      There once was a man named Delpen,

      Who liked to lick people's stuff.

      When he stuck his tongue out,

      With a knife, I cut it off.

    4. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      No disc left unlicked

  12. You should never give in to peer pressure. I demand you to delete your account, or I won't be your friend.
  13. Considering that I've played this 7 full games in a row over a span of 10 months, yeah.
  14. We need an entirely new forum game. I'm bored of this.
  15. ~Oracle Bnus is hoagie, a glorified hot dog bun. He's eaten at Subway, where the Weight Watchers people run. To those who know the recipe, they make it with sesame. He's made soggy with Pepsi. It is the bread I dread... I said. I'd rather starve than with the carb! Let it dry, or I'll cry and make it soggy. Die! Die! Die!
  16. I am unlike most Delpens.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melody


      They are multiplying. o.o

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      It's worse than I anticipated...






























      Penguins... are the new dominant species!!!

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      If Delpens 1-8 sign up I may have to declare the site a quarantine zone. So hop in your Spectre!

  17. Bnus is snot. Confirmed by Twam.
  18. Arachny is mafia. Unconfirmed by detective.
  19. Give Rue a letter of resignation for your Twintanic army.
  20. I dare you to write a review on a video about how to use an Xbox controller and shoutout to the News Group!
  21. I dare you to call yourself Caboose's girlfriend in a status to him.
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