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Everything posted by Delpen9

  1. Do LAN,Xbox live, or split-screen and get someone to strafe in front of you while trying to shoot them. When you get good enough to kill the guy in 5-7 shots then he needs to start shooting. The only problem here is finding someone to shoot and practiced with for extended periods of time. Also, what is you sensitivity and controller layout? Yet again, if you want I will strafe practice with you...
  2. The pp shuts down the tank for like 5 seconds. The bolt-shot downright massacres you. One makes a risk of you dying while the other just kills you.
  3. That's the funny thing. By this time they should have developed a harmless, alternative cigarette or something that implicates the pleasure of a cigarette without any health issues. The fact that Johnson's always smoking a cigar 500 years from the present baffles me; considering that there are already companies making water vapor cigarettes and supposedly risk-free alternatives.
  4. Yes, I have heard about this and I'm not sure if it will actually happen. It would be cool to see it return.
  5. lol, I play like those guys but it is kind of pathetic that you can just let them turn around and let them five shot you. OK, advice, here we go. If their strafe is that outstanding then your only hope is to land body shots and get a final head-shot Before your health is depleted or it is about to go blinking make a jump. This 'jump' will disorient anybody with the amount of time it disorients them ranging among people. Get the grenade on them making them an easy 1 shot or causing them to panic; both ways being an easy kill. Don't let yourself be grenaded and don't walk into areas that can cause you to be grenaded. The BR is better for killing strafers. Your 3 bullet spread will most likely get 2 out of the 3 shots killing them in the same amount of time as if you got all 3! The DMR will purely miss the target and cause you to get out gunned. Don't try to strafe if you are not naturally decent at it, otherwise give it a try, but some of the best players DON'T strafe. Don't panic ever and keep yourself calm. Keep your anger concealed because it will just get you killed more. If you are about to rage or scream just inhale and exhale slowly to get your blood circulating and relax your muscles. It sounds like this guy that went 30-5 plays A LOT and/or is semi-pro to pro. A guy this good has probably played HARD since Hce or H2 or has natural ability. My advice is to play with the absolute best guys you can find. Eventually you will work up to their ability quicker than you would have if you just kept playing matchmaking. Word of advice_matchmaking won't make you much better and you should play customs. Play with me sometime: Delpen9
  6. listed from best to worse: haven, simplex, garrote, harvest, relay, adrift, abandon, complex and solace. larger maps:longbow, wreckage, shatter, vortex, meltdown and exile.
  7. Cortana will come back and be converted into a human. They will both be in in bed with Cortana next to him and master chief in his armor sleeping.
  8. all of that was right except that in halo CE they were on instillation 04. it would be awesome to see the flood return as to say we could have flood infected Spartans, a total raid of the infinity by the flood and the Promethean combined, the Promethean will have to fight what they were designed to fight. The flood could infect the didact but have trouble completely possessing him because his ancilla would constantly be fighting the flood. i want to see a return of the grave-mind before the didact is infected so that the flood that infects him can be controlled by the gravemind and give the didact orders. this would make the Promethean follow the orders of the didact. ---- though this could all be changed because i dont know what will happen with dr.halsey, the librarian, and jul mdama in spartan ops.
  9. yes, read the news article about the new updates to halo 4 coming soon. read all of it and you will be surprised. they will be adding a competitive playlist before the csr update.
  10. Keep up the good work 343. I have faith!
  11. Competitive playlists normally have a player speed of 110% with no jump height change. Damage boost won't be added to competitive play but they will have over-shield as well as the needler to counter-act it.
  12. So I was lied to. Thx for the info. One sad article is going to get a thumbs down. Excuse my retarded brother i already knew all of that but he decided to start posting on my account. a reliable source for all of this is on: http://www.gamespot.com/features/what-xbox-720-and-playstation-4-will-take-from-pcs-6402954/ -- Hope it serves you well fleshback and sorry u had to point that out Kevin.
  13. Competitive... I make everything harder on myself like giving myself loadouts without anything except a br or carbine, magnum, and frags and use the carbine on large maps to impove my shots.
  14. I see that I'm frustrating you here, or atleast provoking you to argue with me in some way so I will stop arguing. The"cannot be removed" is necessary because this thread was geared toward anyone willing to read it, and hopefully those who don't understand aim assist and misconcieve it's importance. This is enlightening those people while giving the already educated halo players a precise reason why aim assist cannot be removed just for the sake of knowing why? To put this in perspective; We all know that humans are sentient beings but we don't know why? So someone tells us why and the role you are playing here is the person who disregards the answer because they feel it is unimportant... Finally, we aren't speaking in code, we are writing in English, which it seems to me that you understand just fine.
  15. Delpen9

    Tips anyone?

    This is out of date and doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I have adapted to arena gameplay and rarely play big team, though when i do play i do very good normally getting around 20-30 kills a game with around 1-15 deaths depending on my team. I have noticed that the ONLY time i ever might play badly in this game is if i have a poor team and i am simply carrying them(though this is normally the case when i am playing any gametype, but this is to an even greater extent). My k/d is rising with each game though it is slacking because i started playing halo 4 with extremely little competitive experiance, and now I'm about at the level of a semi-pro.
  16. All of this sounds like one big conspiracy to me, but, it's so crazy that it's probably true. Seems like something I would dream up or even ponder while mowing the grass. And yes, when people become aware of something that they weren't previously aware of they will uncounsciosuly improve their awareness, primarely visual-spatial but also though their audio. The greatest warriors are aware of their situation and all possible componants of it all the time at any time. This is sort of what matchmaking is trying to develop into your brain; strategy and infantry type tactics accompanied with reaction speed.
  17. Everyone, Microsoft wouldn't allow MLG to have Halo 4 in the pro circuit. MLG truthfully wanted Halo 4 on the circuit but sadly couldn't get it. Besides, MLg's contract conflicted with the virgin gaming contract which may or may not be doing more tournaments for halo 4.
  18. Halo reach only has about 10,000 players on at a time. As far as I can tell, halo 4 is showing the same population pattern as reach did when it came out in 2010. As far as is said, were people saying that halo was dying back in halo reach, because i believe they were?
  19. Every decision that has been made for this game was focused on the costs. For each decision done, the companies primary focus is in which situation will they ultimately make the most money. The decisions they make in this process will decide wether the game is up to standerd or not. But atleast you know that everything that is done in the production of the game eventually dwindles back down to the fact of how much money can be made. Though some developers may seem passionate about this game, at a corporate level, it is just a moneymaker. The marketign is geared towards pleasing the fans, an in doing that they do the bare minimum to please the fans and save money in every other nook and crany of th game. For instance, the kill barriers in forge maps were placed there to cover up incompleted areas of the map or places with lower graphical design. In doing this, they pleased the fans in giving a forgeable enviroment but did the bare minimum to save money in this situation. If any of your proposed ideas or complaints would eventually lower or cause the gaming developers to lose profit then the change wouldn't be done. This means that the best thing to do with the game is something that makes the game better and pleases the people at the corporate level. Maybe the company would be more willing to listen to you if this is the case.
  20. competitive- br, magnum, frag, explosives, grenadier (i shoot better with the br than the dmr) long range- carbine or dmr(dmr if you aren't 90% accurate) , plasma pistol, sticky, mobility, and ammo. close range- dmr or ar, boltshot, frag, regeneration field, shielding, and explosives. (This one is different because you need to put up your regeneration field. ok, when your health goes down you jump inside the regen field to trigger your armors healing process. when your armor starts to heal you walk outside the regen field so that your shielding ability will raise your health TWICE as fast. each of the weapons in the loadout are designed for close range combat. )
  21. Don't make me blush... The system is not failing. It's just that the console is out of date and getting old. People know that the next gen-consoles are coming out soon and other forms of media have ultimately stolen console users such as the pc, texting, a rising social networking community,and the overall economy. The ps3 is falling in population just like the xbox 360 is... The xbox 720(durango) will thrive but not to the extent to which the previous consoles did(but it MIGHT cut it close). with halo 5 being an xbox 720 launch title possibly, idk. Microsoft is an ingenius company that won't fail in any marketing attempt unless something seriously goes wrong.
  22. But halo 2 and 3 have been out for a long time but halo 4 just recently came out. Of course you would have more memories with those 2 games.
  23. The next generation of consoles wont be as revolutionary as they where the previous because of cost expenses. The last generation had such an upgrade compared to pc because cheaper and more adaptable technology was created for the consoles. This gave them the technological boost while remaining cost efficient. The next gen consoles will not have this pleasure because even though the technology has advanced, the expenses of it haven't. The next gen consoles will be a significant upgrade but just not to the extent as the previous generation was.
  24. No dude, he is saying that the features in halo 4 that are relatable to COD feel stressed and forced into the game. He is not saying that halo stole these from COD. He is stating that the features added to halo were done poorly. and yes, there is a chance that these features were directly taken from COD by 343 because the game is insanely popular. They probably would not have taken those features if call of duty had failed. would they? also, he's just giving a description of how halo feels to him, so don't fret about this COD wasn't the first facts that don't really make a difference. The variety of traits brought into halo match what is in call of duty. Yes, COD may have taken those from other games, but COD is the only one which has all the traits put into halo. You are not mentally an adult until you reach the age of 30, which i doubt you are...
  25. Your statements cannot be proven because it is shrouded in nostalgia for the previous installments. Either that or it would be hard to distinguish between what is nostalgia and what is an honest opinion from the eyes of those who are reading this. This where problems arise in anything, where insane long time veterans(those who resist change) must have there environment forcibly changed for them to adapt. Sadly, i don't know if this is your case or you truly BELIEVE what you think about the game...
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