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Everything posted by Delpen9

  1. I spent all that time making the post so I might as well make a thread about it seeing as that I know some people who said the exact same thing about aim assist, yet, they weren't joking about it. I'm just trying to educate everyone about why aim assist shouldn't be removed and my reasoning behind it.
  2. Having more aim assist is just a lower controller sensitivity in a specific area. Saying that aim assist is unskilled is like saying that a person with a controller sensitivity of 1 is not as skilled as a person with a sensitivity of 5 which may or may not be true. As far as I see it, the aim assist and controller sensitivity do not denote skill but more eye-hand coordination.
  3. When I get into those dire situations where I am alone and in a 1v1 confrontation I always find a form of cover to fight from. I supply my grenades for these moments and I rely on my aiming ability to outplay my opponent. Still, I try to preserve my grenades and I will run away if my shields lower too quickly or the team groups on me. When I run away I normally rely on the radar to find the best path to be concealed from the enemies line of site. Checking your radar every 5-7 seconds is a good habit that should save you multiple times in war games. Additionally, I try to predict the opponents spawn based on the position of my teammates and I react accordingly, or mark spots for possible flank positions. I put special emphasis on having the higher ground than my opponent.
  4. Sounds like your nagging about there being more variables to the game then the previous Halo's and somehow your relating this to COD. The only thing that really makes COD so unfair are those helicopters. Other than that the game takes map menuevering and a quick slate of hand. The new halo may have a lot of the basic componants of Call of Duty but each and every part of Halo 4 is harder to do than Call of Duty. Actually, the spawns are very predictable, why don't you give it a try. The opposite team always spawns in a spawn that is farthest from any single member of the opposing team. This is why staying with your team is so important so you won't be caught approaching an enemy spawn.
  5. Over a million players get on Halo 4 matchmaking each day and this doesn't include those just playing customs. Not everyone plays the same game everyday or plays the Xbox at all, which would explain why 4 million don't play matchmaking everyday. A lot of those people bought the game for the campaign or bought it just to play every once in a while. The multiplayer population hasn't undergone much change since the second day after the game's release.
  6. Removing the aim assist wouldn't necessarily imply skill but the players eye-hand ability. If this were to become reality then the game would need lower controller sensitivities to combat the lack of aim assist. Needless to say, lowering the amount of aim assist would be useless because the lowered controller sensitivity would be an equal amount of aim assist all on its own resulting in slow moving gameplay with the same amount of aim as it would be WITH the aim assist. I guess you are trying to say to keep the same controller sensitivities but remove the aim assist? This would cause frustration across the gaming industry, probably eradicating the casual gaming community and severely reducing sales of the game. As a result, the company who decided to create the game without aim assist would go out of business... You may try to comeback saying that you should have an option to remove aim assist or atleast reduce it. Well, this wouldn't necessarily work too well. A change in aim assist would cause the player to ruin their already predetermined shooting style. It is so that aim assist is just a defined area of which the controller sensitivity is lowered, meaning that when you are shooting at your opponant your sensitivity is lowered to a factor of unknown. If the aim assist was changed then you are just changing the controller sensitivity for a defined area. Therefor, the sudden loss of aim assist would be like trying to change your aim assist from 1 to 8 in the defined area. You should be able to adapt to the lack of aim assist but with each interval between no aim assist and having aim assist would result in a temporary adjustment (3 days to 4 weeks adjustment period) period for aiming ability. This would most likely create a fine line between aim assist players and non-aim assist players with aim assist players having the unfair advantage in gameplay. The two groups would have to play with people withing their own aim assist range. Aim assist players would become the norm and the non-aim assist players would become the minority leading to contreversy throughout the gaming community, competitive and casual. This is one of my post from another topic and it was directly intended to one person in general. I would just like it to get out so more people can read it. Feel free to say what you want!
  7. Removing the aim assist wouldn't necessarily imply skill but the players eye-hand ability. If this were to become reality then the game would need lower controller sensitivities to combat the lack of aim assist. Needless to say, lowering the amount of aim assist would be useless because the lowered controller sensitivity would be an equal amount of aim assist all on its own resulting in slow moving gameplay with the same amount of aim as it would be WITH the aim assist. I guess you are trying to say to keep the same controller sensitivities but remove the aim assist? This would cause frustration across the gaming industry, probably eradicating the casual gaming community and severely reducing sales of the game. As a result, the company who decided to create the game without aim assist would go out of business... You may try to comeback saying that you should have an option to remove aim assist or atleast reduce it. Well, this wouldn't necessarily work too well. A change in aim assist would cause the player to ruin their already predetermined shooting style. It is so that aim assist is just a defined area of which the controller sensitivity is lowered, meaning that when you are shooting at your opponant your sensitivity is lowered to a factor of unknown. If the aim assist was changed then you are just changing the controller sensitivity for a defined area. Therefor, the sudden loss of aim assist would be like trying to change your aim assist from 1 to 8 in the defined area. You should be able to adapt to the lack of aim assist but with each interval between no aim assist and having aim assist would result in a temporary adjustment (3 days to 4 weeks adjustment period) period for aiming ability. This would most likely create a fine line between aim assist players and non-aim assist players with aim assist players having the unfair advantage in gameplay. The two groups would have to play with people withing their own aim assist range. Aim assist players would become the norm and the non-aim assist players would become the minority leading to contreversy throughout the gaming community, competitive and casual.
  8. Bottom line is, there is always a way to outsmart someone, so if you can find their flaw, you can punish them for their weakness. This works for everything and anything, in life and in the game. These games use more analytical ability than people commonly think of. To put this in instance, If the man from Limitless were to play this game I have no doubt that he would be the best player in the world in a mere 10 minutes; just to understand the dynamics of the game. He would probably go so far as to memorize an intricate spawn code so he would automatically know your spawn and what spatial menuevers would be most probable to counteract the opponent. At its core, any game can be dominated by the most intelligient with the exception of those who have poor eye-hand coordination, which, as a matter of fact, the guy from Limitless has. This also leads me to believe that whoever has designed the game has the knowledge to potentially be the best halo player. If their internal knowledge of the game were used correctly accompanied with sound playing abilites, they could know all the variables needed to outplay the enemy in any way possible.
  9. The assualt rifle has a longer kill time than the dmr and the br. The only reason the ar gets kills is because at close range the dmr and br users cannot get straight headshots to prevent their death from the ar user. The br has a lower rate of fire, less aim assist, less aim magnetism, and less range that the dmr. The dmr should most definetly be nerfed because of all these benefits you get from using it. The battle rifle kills anyone at or below 20% shields hence the 3 bullet spread. this is an automatic game dynamic, and literally the only thing that is better than the dmr.
  10. I punish boltshoters with my Br. If you play smart like I have said before then the boltshoters won't get you. Be more cautious about your surroundings. Also, I rarely to never see active camo users with boltshots in this game.
  11. Play me sometime, just catch me in the right mood.
  12. As I recall from Ninja's game-play he is able to pull off several kills at a time without dying, mainly due to his POSITIONING and ability to coordinate his kills. If you guys are as great as you MAY slate to be then you would be able to adjust to this new form of game-play. As far as random ordnance goes, if you are as skilled as you say you MAY be then you could work around their power weapons with teamwork and tactics. This game surely is more tactical than the previous Halo's because I will admit that you are easier to kill and you can't rely on your shooting ability the entire game(well you can, but you wouldn't get very far). I will say that it is just as easy to kill in the past halo's as it is in this game. The skill gap is vary much there but a lot of the worst players in the game normally use the AR which is amazing in close range combat(that or stay in groups and spam grenades). Instant spawn is a game dynamic flaw that I can simply say is a screw-up on 343's part. I seriously hope they fix that in the next halo and it would be even better if done in an update. Some people are just butt hurt because they can't walk out into the middle of the map and get two kills before they are team shot, no, you must be sneakier and pick off your kills or work as a team.
  13. That situation is inevitable because you have a way-point on your head. That is the same thing that happens to flag holders in CTF. The waypoint gives out your position so the enemy decides to flank you just in this case your enemies unknowingly flanked you. In those cases it is lucky that you will survive but you will surely die if you panic. In this situation I would try my hardest to think of an escape route. The best single piece of advice that can be given is to take your enemy by surprise and then to carry it threw. Do the most unexpected thing to the enemy and then do it correctly. You will most likely get the kill unless the enemy somehow gets lucky. Try to put yourself in your enemies shoes and figure out how they will act based on what YOU are doing. - lol, never give your enemy the height advantage and never stay in a position for longer than 5 seconds. Look behind you for a possible flank and communicate with your teammates.
  14. It takes skill to actually hit the player with the plasma pistol THEN change your weapons and THEN manage to get a head-shot before you are killed off.
  15. My shoot and run tactic plays a large factor in how I play. If you can't beat them run away and regain your health so you can eventually pick them off from surprise. My largest flaw is my aim with the br because 60% of the time I miss between 1 to 2 shots in 1v1 situations. It gets me killed quite often when I am stuck in those situations. Its probably because I am not accustomed to pushing my target and normally lean toward map domination and team strategy You must be able to avoid and throw GREAT grenades. A well placed grenade will bring an enemy down to 1-2 shots making them an easy kill. Try not to chase enemies unless they are 1 shot. try to jump past corners to avoid grenades or just not walk around corners that you know your enemy is at. . - If you want to get better just join in some customs off of the mlg forums at the mlg website.
  16. I keep track of everything involving MLG and Halo 4 gameplay. For the advice, this post is old and out of date. I am already skyrockets better than I was when I last wrote this. I participate in AGL customs gameplay, normally in teams but occasionally an FFA match is played. Though, if you have any prior advice I would be more than happy to read it!
  17. Exactly, no one can make a difference about what the are doing and if they could this isn't the forum to go to. 343 industreis doesn't check this forum.
  18. The rate of fire is only to make it at the level of the other loadout weapons(primarely the br). the rate of fire,aim magnetism, range,and aim assist of the dmr will totally outplay the br in a 1v1 situation with people at the same skill level. The only thing going for the br is its spread. to tell you the truth, i do that well in matchmaking but in customs not so much. that slight screw-up with 1 shot with the br will get you killed. this in saying_ customs with good people will benefit much more than matchmaking. simple as that.... also, you shouldnt stop reading an article before it is finished because even if you dont like what is being written you might learn something in the process. - skill is much more than getting 5 headshots(or 4 body shots and a head shot), i would say that 75% of competitive play is based on POSITIONING with the rest being communication. focusing on one skillset while neglecting another is a lack of skill all on its own... Like I wrote, matchmaking does require skill but it is harder to develop your skill through matchmaking. Customs is a more efficient way of homing your skills. Bloom wasn't broken. You just couldn't adapt to the style of gameplay that the dmr required. Bloom was an automatic game function that really didn't make a difference because everyone had to deal with it.
  19. The only things preventing halo 4 from requiring skill are the dmr and the boltshot. If the dmr's rate of fire was decreased and the boltshot's range slightly decreased then the game would be perfectly skill based. Though this is true, I play mlg customs and when i go to matchmaking i get about 20 kills to 4 deaths a game. I used to play a lot of matchmaking when the game came out but i quickly realized that it wasnt great for developing individual skill(though i wasnt as good when the game first came out). what im saying is... dont play matchmaking and stick to customs- customs is how you get better and 85% of all players in matchmaking are try hard suck-a-lots that think there good until they get into a real game. this is exactly what happened to me, and since then i started playing customs more often and realized exactly how much better i could become. IN MATCHMAKING during bad games(missing team members, bad team members, or other problems) i USED to get around 5 kills and 10 deaths. now i can pull off 10 kills and 6 deaths on bad games and even better! customs is where you need to go because matchmaking will rip yur shirt off and call yur mother. customs- true skill matchmaking- see how much you got better (a rarely play matchmaking though)
  20. Delpen9

    Strafe 2 Live

    It's an easier way to strafe and takes less focus to perform. If you want to get technical then no, moving around in circles won't be as fast as the side to side. Moving your joystick around in circles constantly would be easier to do because it is more repetitive and harder to mess-up on. Actually, I haven't thought of doing that. I will try it in some customs and see if it benefits my playing style. I will tell you what i think about it later..
  21. Delpen9

    Strafe 2 Live

    i use the vibrating strafe from left to right. the circular motion actually makes you an easier shot.
  22. Halo 4 will probably stay within the 3-6th range for a long time. The updates being added to the game late this month and mid- February will probably won't bring back much of the population but will entertain me for another month and a half. Though the game may not have reached the expectation of some people/ or so i am told doesnt mean it is not better than every game out at the moment. Since call of duty bo2 is #1 on the charts i am compelled to believe that it isnt the quality of the game that makes it better BUT something else because i feel that borderlands 2 and halo 4 are the best game of the year but there positions dont show it..
  23. I'm too late. lol- my gamertag is Delpen9 ---- if yur still interested i will play. play mostly customs and have played several semi-pros. just started playing competitively when halo4 came out...
  24. If it really is a "situation" weapon like you say then it is usable in too many situations. I have purposely gone an entire game on adrift with just using the boltshot, melee, and grenades and made a k/d spread of +9. I can pull a kill with a boltshot in almost all short to mid range situations. As a user of the boltshot from time to time I feel its range should be SLIGHTLY reduced to prevent so many 1 shot kills i get from ranges I don't expect when shooting it and being shot at. The function of the gun is fine_just the range.
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