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Everything posted by Delpen9
There will be an update in january that will slower the dmr's rate of fire.right NOW the dmr kills in 1.68 seconds while the br kills in 1.8. the dmr also has a strong amount of aim assist and more range variation.
Its just a game. the only thing that made me mad about it is that it ruined infection. i still need to ponder your stated points but i doubt i will agree. i dont know what 343 is doing and you dont either so stop judging them and saying they are taking to much time to change mistakes. they could be sticking a thumb up their a'' or working their a''es off right now. WHO KNOWS! i agree that spartan ops doesnt compare to firefight but hey! its their new frontier NOT bungie's.the reason why sparten ops uses multiplayer maps is to give depth to the map itself.
The didact cant be composed because he has made himself immune to the composer. he went threw a slip space rupture when he fell threw the composer in the last mission. yes, the didact can survive a pulse grenade to the chest because he survived a binary rifle shot from the librarian in the terminals. the didact doesnt look the way he should because his experiment to make him immune to the flood failed and permanently scarred him. there is a possibility that the didact will be infected by the flood in the later halo's.
i noticed that the massive aim assist on the dmr makes it literally a god gun and it can out shoot the sniper at long range if used right. the boltshot should definitely be nerfed no doubt.
i want it to be much bigger than the mantis. i do want the locust to be a mech in halo 5. (covenant locust form halo wars)
intelligent comment but i have to say that the dmr kills in 1.68 seconds and the br in 1.8. other than that this comment was very helpful and amusing
The last part seems too typical of a plot ending and i agree that chief mendez should appear as a reinforcer to mc's mental stability. i think there is a past untold about them during the time when mendez started training spartan III's
If you hate Bambi so much then read this.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bambi_Meets_Godzilla -----the article is about the #38 best cartoon of all time called Bambi meets Godzilla. Bambi is grazing in the field. he looks up as godzillas foot falls on him. after the credits run for 2 seconds the godzillas foot twitches. lolololololol i based this entire article on what i did in forge. at close range my br shots killed in 4 but killed in 5 at longer range. i knew that it didnt seem right but when i kept doing it at close range the shots still killed in 4.
If the DMR deserves to be better... then why doesn't the Light Rifle?
Delpen9 replied to Kiing 0f Coffe's topic in Halo 4
I'm sorry, but what you wanted it to be is simply overpowered. :3 -
He's saying that everyone who hates halo 4 are hypothetically allergic to nuts because they've all been given the same guns and an even slate. There's is going to be a title update that will decrease the fire rate of the dmr in january. when this happens, all the dmr users will be lost and the br players will rule the game. They will also add in more arena style maps which will favor the br and carbine in january. cheers!
I said i would make her an important character but not in the main sequence of battle. she would be left on the infinity because her human form can be killed.
The boltshot should be made into a personal ordnance in infinity slayer that occurs twice as often as the other ordnance choices. This would mean that people would get there beloved boltshot if they can actually get enough kills. This would pretty much even out the weapon completely and there shouldn't be any more problems with the boltshot.
I actually would prefer the unknown instillation i talked about before to be the greater ark. it would be a better plot twist. mendicant bias went missing so its possible that he went to the greater ark. there might also be flood on the greater ark and it is still operational. we just need to wait for the release of halo:selentium to know more about this forunner stuff!
Would master chief put the physical manifestation of cortana in danger. just look what happened in forward unto dawn! he couldnt save 2 people in the effort to getting to the warthog.yes i do agree that the greater ark is a loophole in the entire halo universe that needs to be brought up.
What i want to happen in the halo 5 campaign. The infinity uses the forunner artifact found in spartan ops to learn that the didact has deadly war sphinx on earth. They anticipate it will be used to destroy man kind. The didact wants to preserve the war sphinx because they contain the remnants of his 12 dead sons. The didact tries desperately to stop master chief from destroying them. Master chief destroys 8 of the war sphinx on earth at once. The didact is enraged and sends a prototype seeker to destroy earth. You watch the seekers destroy earth and your not strong enough to stop it. You see the sanghelli (thel mdama) troops drop 3 scarabs to destroy one of the seekers but it takes them both out. You have to leave earth. You get a cutscene where you see earth in flames and ashes. The group on the infinity learn that the didact is near a different forunner shield worlds on an unknown instillation. We learn the arbiters past with jul mdama and that he wants to kill the arbiter and protect the didact. the arbiter tells us what he knows about jul mdamas story. Master chief wants to go kill the didact who is responsible for the loss of cortana and the destruction of earth. They get to the instillation and have to defeat hordes of the prometheans and the storm. You get to the didact and learn that he is reviving mendicant bias (a corrupt forunner ai who obeys gravemind) The didact tells master chief,"what we are both doing is for a noble cause but a different intent. Man must not ascend to the mantle of responsibility for they will never be worthy." Master chief replies,"What you are doing isn't noble" mendicant bias turns on the didact and lasers him down. didact escapes from them weakened. mendicant bias says to hurry and get off the instillation.(voice is similar to 2401 penitent tangent) they hurry to escape from the instillation but they are chased down by another seeker. before they get to the infinity the seeker destroys the entire instillation by self explosion. (infering that maybe the didact was waiting to explode it after he escaped the instillation first) this knocks large chunks of the instillation out of orbit while the three of them fall through the shield world including mendicant bias who is following them. they land on the shield world and you notice that flood spores are falling from the sky. mendicant bias chuckles- his voice glitches in odd ways master chief doesnt waste any time and points his assualt rifle at mendicant bias. "no, you're not suprised" mc-"why" "mendicant bias moves away from master chief, "I have simply developed my ancestors legacy, the precursors. They will forge the universe into a paradise where all is perfect. This is what the forunners didn't realize nor did the humans realize either. They tried to prevent their destiny with foolishness and leave their rightful ancestors in the past. To them time is nearly a punishment they have long outlasted. I am here to set my ancestors free." the arbiter takes out an energy sword in his left hand. mendicant bias rises and sais "i must be going. i have some business to attend to." master chief shoots at mendicant bias while he flies away into the abyss. The arbiter's ships comes to pick you up. Cut scene- Arbiter tells master chief that he must go to resolve the war on sanghelios. They unlock the librarians chamber and she tells master chief that she can revive cortana if I also want to include Dr.Halsey in this where she is stolen in spartan ops by the storm. The infinity needs her for studying the prometheans and master chief needs her so he can learn how to bring back cortana. Master chief gets her near the middle of the campaign while he is on earth. this is the mission after he destroys the war sphinx(though the intent was to destroy the war sphinx and get dr.halsey). master chief thinks he destroyed all of them. the mission is dedicated to getting dr.halsey. this will probably be mission three.mission 2 will probably be the longest mission in the campaign.
I like your veteran style of thinking and I completely agree except for the armor only being master chief armor. Multiplayer is still the most important but i enjoy the story line inside the campaign as well. All my friends agree that halo:ce had the best maps and we have made multiple remakes just to relive the glory days. I don't particularly care for the new generation of maps especially the map Complex. The new maps could have better layouts but i guess we have to just take what we get. i dont know what think besides that it seems like halo has been quietly going down hill since halo 3. if 343 can pull it together even more than they have and actually listen to the right people then it can make a come-back. seriously though, all the new games coming out, consoles, and a rising population of child gamers will eventually wash out halo, battlefield, and cod.
my comment was also sarcasm its not new
lol, are you serious. The thruster pack is better than the jet pack in this regard but i still get killed from time to time using this method. my sticking abilites are near godly so that tactic is not much a problem for me. boltshot feels a little op but its meant to be played that way and i dont have any problems with the weapon. also, there isnt a skill ranking system so whoever i get paired up with is completely random. aside from that my clan doesnt use the boltshot during practice too often but when they do i normally out play everyone using it unless my proximity is too close. i have not met anyone better than me with the boltshot but i dont like using it too often unless its imparitive to my survival. There's no skill ranking system making this comment invalid.
They shouldn't bring back the flood until later maybe mid-halo 6. we need a break from the flood so we can become refreshed. i want the flood to be revamped in a way and maybe stronger. i'm not going to put down my idea of war sphinx. i honestly think that the didact will bring out the less powerful war sphinx instead of the new seeker to destroy the infinity in halo 5. since master chief defeats the didact in halo 4 and the war sohinx in halo 5 the didact classifies him as a worthy adversary. since the loss of cortana master chief knows he still has the power to defeat the covenant and the prometheans. what he cant handle would be a new challenge thaat he hasnt experianced before. with that said, lasky will be the driving factor to help master chief in halo 5 when he defeats the war sphinx. but! in halo 6 when the didact releases the seeker on master chief when he is all alone on the unkown instillation all he can do is run. he doesnt have the strength to challenge such a new and mighty beast. the seeker brings down the instillation and the debris falls onto the shield world they were orbiting around with traces of the flood. master chief will have to handle a new and revamped flood and defeat the prototype seeker in halo 6. i want the return of a new "guilty spark" lets say mendicant bias which master chief discovers inside the instillation that was brought down.
I was thinking this too like the didact is trying to get the war sphinx in order to destroy the infinity. he feels like it would be undignified if he uses the prototype seeker on such vermans. he gets it near the end of the campaign and goes after the infinity. master chief somehow takes it down near the end of the campaign. Later in mid. halo 6 the didacts seeker hunts down master chief in an unknown installation. the seeker brings down the installation unknowingly releasing the flood into a forunner shield world.
The boltshot has a range equal to that of a shotgun or scattershot. The only time someone can get a kill past that distance is if it was aimed perfectly AND the enemy has a low shield. The boltshot can be counteracted by a good thruster pack or jet pack user. You can get them at the last second with a plasma grenade in dire situations. It takes 1.68 seconds worth of straight headshots with the dmr which is more than a second faster than it takes to charge the boltshot. . The boltshot is destroyed by both shotguns. The boltshot is only effective at short range. Mid-short range fire only takes out 1/3 of someones shields. the person will get killed in the process of charging the boltshot. also, it takes skill to dodge the boltshot and kill the user which apparently you cant do. This can possibly be fixed by reducing its range to 3/4 of what it is or making the charge time to 4 seconds.
If the DMR deserves to be better... then why doesn't the Light Rifle?
Delpen9 replied to Kiing 0f Coffe's topic in Halo 4
im sorry to burst your bubble but i have had very little to no problem with the light rifle aiming. it is exactly 4 shots to the head when scoped. if you hit the neck or body once then it would be brought up to 5 shots to kill. the lack of aiming help is meant so that the dmr player wont get completely massacred by the light rifle with a 1 shot advantage when scoped. with the br though, non-scoped battles give the br a 1 shot advantage but the light rifle still has the same strength as a dmr. the light rifle shines the most at long range but is efficient at short range as well. something i forgot to mention though- the light rifle has a slightly faster shooting speed than the br making them even in close range battles. in close range fights using the light rifle against a br getting perfect shots with the light rifle are more vital to success or failure. the shooting speed of the dmr is the same as the light rifle. -
If the DMR deserves to be better... then why doesn't the Light Rifle?
Delpen9 replied to Kiing 0f Coffe's topic in Halo 4
I can outplay a BR with a non-scoped lightrifle. When the light rifle isn't scoped- 5 head shots kill a person and 6 body shots kill a person. When the light rifle is scoped it takes 4 shots to the head to get a kill and 5 in the body. Killing doesnt matter all that much between the head or the body. The body just takes a half second more to get a kill. The scoped light rifle is just as strong as a scoped and non scoped BR but little stronger than a non scoped light rifle.This is fair because the light rifle has more range than the br. The dmr has the strength of a non scoped light rifle, so to make that fair they made the aim assist weaker for the light rifle. There is actually no problem with the light rifle because it is almost like a combination of a br and a dmr. If you learn how to use it right the light rifle can dominate an entire game. -
DMR- People say this gun is OP but it can easily be out played at long range by a sniper and light rifle. It can also be outplayed at close range with a bolt shot, newb combo, BR, AR magnum,carbine, and suppressor. Surprisingly the best practice for the dmr is to use the light rifle. The light rifle has similar aim control to the dmr from halo reach which is harder to use. The DMR in halo 4 simply has too much aim support and will majorly screw you once you decide to stop using the dmr. Try rogue to take out the "bounce" effect with the dmr when being shot. Practice doing 4 body shots and 1 head shot. This shooting combo will kill the enemy at the same rate as 5 headshots and is easier to perform. The dmr is best not scoped but once the enemy is past mid-range fire you need to scope. BR- This weapon is slightly different from the previous halo's but not by much. This gun will out play the dmr at close range. try not to scope with this weapon AT ALL unless you have to. Leave that job up to the dmr. The BR will kill with 4 headshots making it a relatively quicker kill than the dmr. Carbine- This is sometimes considered a pro weapon. The carbine will get a kill .2 seconds faster than the dmr with only headshots. Aim is more vital with this weapon. If all you can get are body shots then you will be wasted using this weapon. This weapon is used to develop headshot skills which will make you an exceptional dmr and br user. The light rifle can still outplay the carbine. When you come up against a light rifle user strafing and grenades are your only hope. Once you get to mid range with the carbine it become literally useless. I advise for you to work the carbine into a boltshot/carbine loadout in short range maps or a carbine/light rifle loadout in short to mid-ranged maps like abandon. Boltshot: The boltshot is a handy weapon and i will admit that it seems a little op. This pistol has the range and strength of a shotgun and it is only a loadout weapon. I have survived countless flanks and rough situations with this weapon. I will go so far as to say that i have taken out a team of 4 people in 15 seconds on adrift in matchmaking using THIS weapon. If it is used cleverly and effectively this weapon can dominate any close range map. A good way to balance the over powered boltshot would be to reduce it's range to about 3/4 of what it was originally. I know most people would say 1/2 the range but tht is going overboard and would leave the boltshot useless. Plasma Pistol:I feel like this weapon is more generous this time around. The newb combo is much more effective at what it does. It makes sharp turns that it never used to do before. This is my side of choice in big team slayer. Suppressor: I feel like this is the best automatic weapon in the game. It's stronger than the AR at the cost of some range and accuracy. It takes out enemies quicker and easier than the AR and almost useless storm rifle. Sniper:The sniper is not the same as it used to be. Now it is simple to get a headshot with this weapon or a double snap shot. I feel like this weapon was dumbed down for halo 4 and combined with how easy it is to get one that's not much better. It's still a sniper you know. Light Rifle:When the light rifle isn't scoped- 5 head shots kill a person and 6 body shots kill a person. When the light rifle is scoped it takes 4 shots to the head to get a kill and 5 in the body. Killing doesnt matter all that much between the head or the body. The body just takes a half second more to get a kill. The scoped light rifle is just as strong as a scoped and non scoped BR but little stronger than a non scoped light rifle.This is fair because the light rifle has more range than the br. The dmr has the strength of a non scoped light rifle, so to make that fair they made the aim assist weaker for the light rifle. There is actually no problem with the light rifle because it is almost like a combination of a br and a dmr. If you learn how to use it right the light rifle can dominate an entire game.the lack of aiming with the light rifle is meant to be there so that the dmr player wont get completely massacred by the light rifle with a 1 shot advantage when scoped. with the br though, non-scoped battles give the br a 1 shot advantage but the light rifle still has the same strength as a dmr. the light rifle shines the most at long range but is efficient at short range as well. something i forgot to mention though- the light rifle has a slightly faster shooting speed than the br making them even in close range battles. in close range fights using the light rifle against a br getting perfect shots with the light rifle are more vital to success or failure. the shooting speed of the dmr is the same as the light rifle. Hope you like the overview of the weapons that caught my eye. Post more additional information about what you think about these weapons and others i didnt mention. Quote MultiQuote Edit
this has been updated at: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/21582-working-with-the-weapons-of-halo-4/ DMR- People say this gun is OP but it can easily be out played at long range by a sniper and light rifle. It can also be outplayed at close range with a bolt shot, newb combo, BR, AR magnum,carbine, and suppressor. Surprisingly the best practice for the dmr is to use the light rifle. The light rifle has similar aim control to the dmr from halo reach which is harder to use. The DMR in halo 4 simply has too much aim support and will majorly screw you once you decide to stop using the dmr. Try rogue to take out the "bounce" effect with the dmr when being shot. Practice doing 4 body shots and 1 head shot. This shooting combo will kill the enemy at the same rate as 5 headshots and is easier to perform. The dmr is best not scoped but once the enemy is past mid-range fire you need to scope. BR- This weapon is slightly different from the previous halo's but not by much. This gun will out play the dmr at close range. try not to scope with this weapon AT ALL unless you have to. Leave that job up to the dmr. The BR will kill with 4 headshots making it a relatively quicker kill than the dmr. Carbine- This is sometimes considered a pro weapon. The carbine will get a kill .2 seconds faster than the dmr with only headshots. Aim is more vital with this weapon. If all you can get are body shots then you will be wasted using this weapon. This weapon is used to develop headshot skills which will make you an exceptional dmr and br user. The light rifle can still outplay the carbine. When you come up against a light rifle user strafing and grenades are your only hope. Once you get to mid range with the carbine it become literally useless. I advise for you to work the carbine into a boltshot/carbine loadout in short range maps or a carbine/light rifle loadout in short to mid-ranged maps like abandon. Boltshot: The boltshot is a handy weapon and i will admit that it seems a little op. This pistol has the range and strength of a shotgun and it is only a loadout weapon. I have survived countless flanks and rough situations with this weapon. I will go so far as to say that i have taken out a team of 4 people in 15 seconds on adrift in matchmaking using THIS weapon. If it is used cleverly and effectively this weapon can dominate any close range map. Plasma Pistol:I feel like this weapon is more generous this time around. The newb combo is much more effective at what it does. It makes sharp turns that it never used to do before. This is my side of choice in big team slayer. Suppressor: I feel like this is the best automatic weapon in the game. It's stronger than the AR at the cost of some range and accuracy. It takes out enemies quicker and easier than the AR and almost useless storm rifle. Sniper:The sniper is not the same as it used to be. Now it is simple to get a headshot with this weapon or a double snap shot. I feel like this weapon was dumbed down for halo 4 and combined with how easy it is to get one that's not much better. It's still a sniper you know. Hope you like the overview of the weapons that caught my eye. Post more additional information about what you think about these weapons and others i didnt mention.