King PWNinater
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Jackal (2/19)
Just like regular invasion, it is still UNSC vs Covenant. 28 players and 14 people on each team. The map takes place in a Space sandbox with 1 UNSC ship and 1 Covenant ship. What makes this special is that both teams are the attackers and deffenders and their are more than 3 phases... And that's not all that makes this special. Phase 1 The objective of this phase is to escort your pelican/phantom to the other ship's landing bay. Light intercepters are banshees and their UNSC counterpart and same thing for Heavy intercepters. 1 person on each team get in their ship's turret the helps guard the landing bay. 10 people spawn in light intercepters, 2 people get in heavy intercepters, and 1 person get in the pelican/phantom. As an intercepter it is your job to escort your pelican/phantom and destroy any other enemy ships. Once a team gets their pelican/phantom into the landing bay, the phase will end. If your intercepter is damaged you can go to your landing bay and your ship will be repaired. Whoever get's their pelican/phantom there first will get 1 point. Phase 2 The objective in this phase is the attackers have to hack multiple door in 1 phase. Each door they hack will give them more time and unlock new routes. The pilot of the pelican/phantom and 6 others will be the attackers while the other 7 will defend their ship. The team who got their pelican/phantom into the bay first can deploy what I call an outpost. Your team can spawn there and their are ammo refills.(Ammo crates and plasma batteries) Only 1 outpost can be deployed at a time. The attackers can spawn on their teamates, pelican/phantom, and outpost. If you spawn in your pelican/phantom their are power weapons on the ship(Including the plasma turrets and machine gun turret). The pelican/phantom is hovering so you can't get in again. If the attackers don't hack fast enough, they go to the next phase, but they don't get any points. If your team finishes the objective, your team gets one point. Phase 3 In this phase the objective is to capture the data core. At the last door you hack an outpost will appear there. If you get the core to that outpost, the outpost will disappear. Every time the defenders return the core, the core will go there. The phase will end once they run out of time or capture the core. If the attackers capture the core, their team get's 2 points. Phase 4 In the final phase the attackers have to bomb the the reacter. They have to hack 2 doors and destroy the reacter. You can bomb it or do damage with your guns. The more damage you do, the less time it takes to arm the bomb. Whoever destroyes the reacter first will get 2 points and the game will end. It is possible for 1 ship to be on phase 2 while the other ship is on phase 4. Please leave feedback to what did you like, what did you not like, and what would make this better.
Human weapon ideas.(Please leave feedback)
King PWNinater replied to King PWNinater's topic in Halo 4
Anyone?Anyone? HELLO! -
I mean think about. Halo 2: 6 UNSC weapons. Halo 3: 9 UNSC weapons. Halo: Reach: 9 UNSC weapons. The Humans should have a little more of a variety of weapon. So I am going to compare UNSC weapons to modern or past military weapons. UNSC VS. Modern/past Miliitary Halo 3: Odst and Halo CEMagnum vs. Auto Pistol Almost all of us love the Halo: ODST Mag and CE Mag. An semi-automatic Magnum the can pack a small punch and a Mag that can pack a medium to strong punch. An awesome veriaty. The Auto. pistol vs. The 2 Mags from Halo would result in victory for The Halo Mags. Personally I would love to have 2 different Mags <strong>just like</strong> this combo instead of one same pistol. Plus not just the 2 Mag alone but wouldn't it be fun to customize the 2? For ex: Scopes, explosive rounds, EMPs, extended clips, ect... SMG vs. SMG Modern SMG would easily beat Halo SMG mostly because it can be easily customizable. With different silencers you can change the firing burst to Auto, Semi-auto, and 3 round burst. With the Halo SMG their are only 2 different versions. I would love to have what a modern SMG can provide than the Halo SMG. Like a Halo SMG that can provide what the modern SMG can provide. AR vs. M16 The AR has 32 round clip while the M16 has a 30 round clip. The M16 can mount a Grenade Launcher under the barrel and add many different attachments. The AR can't do that. The M16 wins this one. Again I would like an AR that can provide what the M16 can provide. Shotgun vs. Combat Shotgun C. Shoty is semi-auto while the Halo Shoty is pump action. Halo shoty has a short range, but deadly. The C. Shoty can be useful at a further range than the Halo Shoty . I would also love the have 2 Shotguns<strong> just like</strong> these 2 shotguns in Halo 4 to add a little variety. Grenade Launcher vs. Grenade Launcher It would be awesome to have to different grenade luanchers <strong>like these</strong> in the game. Halo GL would be single shot and could customize it to let out an EMP, fire, or the round can stick on to someone. The Modern Multi-shot GL could shoot out regular grenades. WIN! Falcon vs. Sea Knight The Falcon can only have a max of 6 people and the Sea Knight can only have about 20 people. I don't want either of these, just a mix between them. DMR and BR. I don't want either of these in Halo 4, just something like a gun that can change from singel shot to 3 shot burst if you change barrels/silencers. Spartan laser, Rockets, and Sniper are ok. This is just my opinion so please don't flame also please leave feedback!
1. Terrain editor 2. Weather control (Hurrricane, mist/fog, rain,ect...) 3. Anything from Halo: Reach forge. Please post your Ideas and I will add them to OP!
Calm down, dude. No need to be like that. What you could have said was "In my opinion, I like the Halo 3 equipment best".
Please reply. I need feedback.
How 'bout we do a mix between the two. JETPACK Instead of it being rechargable, give it a lot more fuel then it originaly had make it unrecharable. So you don't spawn with the jetpack, you have to pick it up. Also give it a new sleek design. DROPSHIELD Same thing with the jetpack, it doesent recharge and you don't spawn with it. When you deploy, you can deactivate it and pick to be used when you want. You have an indacator in your HUD of how much energy you have left in it. The shield can be destoyed and also heals people. SPRINT You auto maticly spawn with it, but it is not an AA or equipment. ACTIVE CAMO Same as Drpo shield, but when it runs out of energy you start losing for suit's functions. For EX: Loss of shields, static in HUD, loss of radar, you move slower, and etc... OVERSHIELDS Same as Halo 3, but not in magical orb form. RADARJAMMER Same as Dropshield.
CAMPAIGN 1. Legendary ending, Mythic ending, Secret ending, and Alternate ending. 2. Epic huge scale battles 3. Funny and Bad a-word lines 4. Wild life(Alot) 5. Civilions MATCHMAKING/GAMEPLAY 1. PLEASE ADD THE FOLLOWING WEAPONS 1. AR (New version) 2. BR 3. Halo: Reach Magnum and Halo 3 ODST magnum(Duel wield able) 4. Sniper rifle 5. Rocket Laucher (That locks on to air veihicles) 6. Spartan Laser 7. SMG (Duel wield able) 8. Silenced SMG (Not duel wield able 9. Shotgun(Halo 3 vesion) 10. Grenade Launcher (PLEASE) 11. All of the Covenant weapons in Halo reach exept Concusion rifle 12. Carbine 13. Beam rifle 2. A playlist that players can only win if they use REAL teamwork. 3. A Space combat Playlist. 4. 32 or more player Inavsion 5. Armor abilities (NO ARMOR LOCK!) DOn't just copy and paste what Bungie did. Please make AAs that people would like. 6. Custom game playlist 7. A ranking system where you can look at someones rank and tell if they are good or not. 8. Maybe bring back Halo 3 Magnum, that thing took skill. 9. A playlist that let's you be an ODST + every time you spawn you fall from orbit in a Drop Pod. 10. Faster combat than Halo: Reach 11. No Bloom. 12. Weapon and Vehicle customazation 13. Halo Music to be played during the game to increase moral. 14. Lots of new weapons and vehicles. Fire Fight 1. Remake some firefight maps 2. You can be the covenant and fight Humans 3. You can fight Flood and Humans 4. Forge maps 5. Firefight versus CUSTOM GAMES 1. 36 people or more. 2. Weapon Customazation 3. Zombie assasinations. 4. FORGE 1. Scarabs, Phantoms, Pelicans, Spirites, all warthogs, Mongoose, Scorpian, Falcon, Hornet, Elaphant (With more armor), Wraith, Spectre, Banshee, Shadow, Chopper, Prowler, Ghost, Shade turret( regular and the Fuel rod one), and Acutual Drop pods. All as drivable and forge able objects.(Plus civilian vehicles) 2. Forge world remake and Sandtap remake 3. A map in space with a Firgate, Destroyer, or Cruiser with a Covenant cruiser or carrier on the other side(Both killable). With Sabers, Pelicans, Phantoms, and seraphs(Plus Banshee intercepters). 4. Real race track parts for race and a working loop. 5. A.I.s that you can control like animals. Feel free to post some ideas.
CAMPAIGN 1. Legendary ending, Mythic ending, Secret ending, and Alternate ending. 2. Epic huge scale battles 3. Funny and Bad a-word lines 4. Wild life(Alot) 5. Civilions MATCHMAKING/GAMEPLAY 1. PLEASE ADD THE FOLLOWING WEAPONS 1. AR (New version) 2. BR 3. Halo: Reach Magnum and Halo 3 ODST magnum(Duel wield able) 4. Sniper rifle 5. Rocket Laucher (That locks on to air veihicles) 6. Spartan Laser 7. SMG (Duel wield able) 8. Silenced SMG (Not duel wield able 9. Shotgun(Halo 3 vesion) 10. Grenade Launcher (PLEASE) 11. All of the Covenant weapons in Halo reach exept Concusion rifle 12. Carbine 13. Beam rifle 2. A playlist that players can only win if they use REAL teamwork. 3. A Space combat Playlist. 4. 32 or more player Inavsion 5. Armor abilities (NO ARMOR LOCK!) DOn't just copy and paste what Bungie did. Please make AAs that people would like. 6. Custom game playlist 7. A ranking system where you can look at someones rank and tell if they are good or not. 8. Maybe bring back Halo 3 Magnum, that thing took skill. 9. A playlist that let's you be an ODST + every time you spawn you fall from orbit in a Drop Pod. 10. Faster combat than Halo: Reach 11. No Bloom. CUSTOM GAMES 1. 36 people or more. 2. 3. 4. FORGE 1. Scarabs, Phantoms, Pelicans, Spirites, all warthogs, Mongoose, Scorpian, Falcon, Hornet, Elaphant (With more armor), Wraith, Spectre, Banshee, Shadow, Chopper, Prowler, Ghost, Shade turret( regular and the Fuel rod one), and Acutual Drop pods. All as drivable and forge able objects.(Plus civilian vehicles) 2. Forge world remake and Sandtap remake 3. A map in space with a Firgate, Destroyer, or Cruiser with a Covenant cruiser or carrier on the other side(Both killable). With Sabers, Pelicans, Phantoms, and seraphs(Plus Banshee intercepters). 4. Real race track parts for race and a working loop. 5. A.I.s that you can control like animals.