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Posts posted by smartalec98

  1. i know halo 4 couldnt have been to long after halo 3 because cortana was still there and wasnt to insane or corrupt to have to destroy herself. also john couldnt have been frozen for too long because of how quick he was moving. anyway, my prediction is that john is inside of the micro dyson sphere or whatever the hell its called (its been awhile since i read onyx) or the blue thing he is going towards is a portal to go to the shield world that halsey and the spartans are stranded on, which is a better explanation on whats happening.

  2. forge shouldnt just be about map editing,it should have creation to it. it should

    have the ability to weld or fuse together building blocks or objects to make your own shapes and building components. if you are familiar to gmod then you will know where im going. also add better physics so you can make buildings and rooms move around at timed intervals or points in the game. there should also be destroyable objects like in BFBC2 to make forge and gameplay more exciting.

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