Im sick and tired of this OP gun completely destroying every other gun in the game at close/medium/long range. It simply outclasses every other gun, why do you think so many people use it? No its not because its a reliable weapon its because its OVERPOWERED!
Countless DMR users will flame this thread claiming "its balanced fine" you're obviously very incompetent if you actually believe this. Obviously you dont want your favourite OP gun to be balanced why do you think you do so well with it?
Why is it OP?
-Massive aim assist
-Rate of fire is too much considering the damage it deals
-damage is too great
-beats every other gun (yes including BR)
-No bloom so its very noob friendly just spam trigger and let aim assist do the rest!
-Range (which its supposed to have) however with its high RoF and no bloom combined with auto assist makes this gun outclass the sniper. Why even have a sniper in the game?
Why do you think you see no people who use carbine, AR, Storm, Suppressor? They all stand NO chance against the fist of God...I mean DMR.
This gun has ruined the matchmaking of the game and it doesnt promote map movement if some asshat is off in the corner on the other side of the map doing a little strafe and staying put for the rest of the game *cough* ragnarok *cough* in fact BTB is ruined because of the DMR and so are the other playists (which are lacking)
the its not buff the BR or carbine as that already adds to the unbalance of this game. The solution are:
1. Nerf the DMRs rate of fire AND add bloom, sorry to say people but bloom like in Reach is the only way this gun can be balanced. For the power this gun has, it needs bloom but don't nerf range. Sorry about your favourite toy being nerfed
2. remove the DMR from the game (very very unlikely)
It will be interesting to see how many people would suddenly have to use skill and would suck if the DMR was nerved haha. And the DMR isnt the only thing ruining this game but its one of the main issues.
Apparently theres a "massive update" in January and if the issues of this game aren't fixed (including weapon balance) I think most people will be getting rid of this game
Dont believe me? The population speaks for itself