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Jackal (2/19)



  1. ^^^^^ So playing SO with friends is not fun?
  2. Nothing wrong with the xp. Leave it as is.
  3. Without double xp I can get up to 7700xp. No tactics really. Just kill as many enemys as possible.
  4. I`m downloading it right now and it seems to be free. And I just bought a MSP card. Oh well I will use it for something else.
  5. The most xp you get playing solo is 2966. Four player coop you get 5950xp.
  6. I`m at SR43. I only play maybe an hour a day and I don`t play everyday. I only play spartan ops cause I suck at multiplayer and I get bored playing halo by myself.
  7. I would like to see the chapters longer and more difficult. Also add more challenges or at least make them harder to complete. Killing 10 hunters or 50 crawlers is to easy. I completed this weeks challenges on the first chapter playing solo. Aside from that I love playing Spartan Ops.
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