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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Thanks man. I was just providing a different point of view on the situation- there was no trolling at all. I think 343 just tried a little too hard to put in what they thought would be good additions to the MP.
  2. What, nobody likes the Auto Sentry?
  3. I heard a while ago that Halo 4 was the most balanced game out there. 343 did this by adding loadouts, changing how power weapons are acquired, changing vehicle durability, adding sprint to every Spartan, and slightly changing armor abilities so that each has a noticable downside (ex. how Active Camo now appears on motion sensor). I think the orginal idea was indeed "balance" but maybe they got a little bit more than they first intended. Example One- Say you have a team mate that keeps getting assists. Well that's all fine and good for the team, but where is the personal satisfaction for that player? Well, assists now count towards getting an Ordanace Drop, so even though he's playing mainly a support role in the beginning, he can rack up those assists and get a BA power weapon. Example Two- A couple guys are trolling around in (insert vehicle here) and completely destroying your team. Well now you have the option to spawn with the vehicle destoryer combo- the plasma pistol and plasma grenades! Now their killing spree is over, and you can go back to to getting shot from afar with a DMR. Point being, every player has an equal chance of doing something to help out the whole team. Now, I will admit, I have raged more than a few times because it seems like I can only get a small killing spree while in a vehicle, most of the time. But I can't help to think what it feels like if you're on the receiving end of a Gauss Cannon or Tank shell for most of the match.
  4. Flood is waste of time and it destroys your KD, and patience for that matter. Stick to something that isn't complete bogus
  5. I agree with what you said. I'll take your analogy a step further, if you don't mind. The AR is, like you said, duct tape. The carbine is like duct tape that doesn't stick most of the time. I can count on the AR to get the job done in CQ, however, I can't count on the carbine in any situation. I'm sorry, I didn't clarify. Let me start out with this- the DMR is an all-purpose weapon, the BR is useful at mid range, the LR is useful at mid-long range, but the carbine's use is limited to close range, in most cases. Therefore, the carbine would be the only weapon that would be able to compete with short-range BS weapons such as the boltshot, but because the carbine is so underpowered, it simply fails. Giving the Carbine a buff would be a very simple fix, but I doubt that there will be a fix unless the majority of the community feels it needs it.
  6. Here's how my experience with them went- when I first started playing them, I was thinking "Yeah! This is going to be great to have some new maps!" Then half an hour later, my excitement plummeted because I realized they were all vehicle maps, and there is almost no CQ at all. Now, I barely even play them. I think they need to add more fast-paced maps, such as Haven and Abandon. Not this long-range, camp/ vehicle fest maps.
  7. I'm only using it because I have mastered all of the UNSC Loadout weapons. And honestly, 75% of the time, it gets destroyed by almost every other starter weapon. That's a red flag right there. I disagree. I believe that it needs some sort of buff for it to even compete with the other starter weapons. I think they should try it out in the next update, and if too many bad things come out of it, then they can change it back, or tweak something else. I do not believe, however, that having a game where everyone is practically forced to use the DMR/ Boltshot or BR/ Boltshot combo is the way to go. Buffing the carbine might make people think twice about charging with a boltshot.
  8. You realize that it takes twice as many bullets to kill versus a DMR, right? So when you take into account lag, strafing, and the innaccuracy of the shots fired by the carbine, the DMR is simply better in every way. I'm suggesting that they buff the carbine so it can level the playing field.
  9. I think it is simply ridiculous how underpowered the Carbine is. It simply cannot compete with any precision weapon in a head-on fight. To fix this, they simply need to put an increase the damage, or possibly raise the fire cap a little. I find it frustrating when I shoot somebody five times, thinking "Hey, I got this." then they shoot me 4 times, and I die.
  10. I'll sell it after I reach SR 130. It's really not that bad of a game, idk why you and so many people are bashing it tbh.
  11. How exactly does a new company establish itself without being different? Or should I just go ahead and assume you have a business degree and/or have understanding of what 343 is all about?
  12. Has anyone acheieved any of those commendations? I am literally 22 AR kills away from getting UNSC Loadout Mastery.
  13. Mastered: All of the campaign DMR BR Pistol Frag Spartan Slayer Bullet in the Brain Assistant Hail of Death Exterminator Multikill Slayer Highscore Kingslayer Top of the Hill Hill Defense I'm close to: Assault Rifle (184/1000) Scattershot (239/250) Shotgun (130/250) Energy Sword (110/250) SAW (55/250) Needler (17/250) Mounted Turret (11/250) Avenger (299/360) Protector (101/250 Payback (194/500) First Strike (8/50) Crawler Prime Slayer (107/500) Elite Officer Slayer (8/180)
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