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  1. Let's ask a question then. What of those who did not purchase the Limited Edition and were unable to XBL before Nov 20th? (I was overseas) When will the remaining Specializations be released to the rank and file?
  2. I third the motion. Because of my choice in profession, I'm a team player by heart but I don't have the time or patience for Clans and online matchmaking is not suited for Team Games because...face it....we're Americans and no one is more important than thy self. Seriously, I get tired of it so I freelance and enjoy traditional Rumble Pit Slayer. It is very annoying when you end a game with 27 kills yet lose the game of Regicide by 10 points to someone with 19 kills. That really grinds my gears. 343!!! Why can't we have both?
  3. Do you have faith in their map design skills? If yes then buy it. Crimson is pretty bad but the Map Pass will get you all 3 at a discount. If no then don't. Crimson is pretty bad but.......well....that's it.
  4. They are a disappointment Sure they are detailed but they're not fun. My old boss used to say to me, "Don't get cute. Just get the job done." To me it seems like 343 tried to get cute with the map design but never bothered to ask if they were fun. These maps are just overly confusing.
  5. yeah man. I remember some pretty awesome dual wielding Elite vs Spartan matches on Halo 2. I also fondly remember how Halo PC had the perfect online execution of any Halo multiplayer. People were able to create their own rooms and decide: how long the match would last, what map you played, how much sheilds or no sheilds and the game let you, a single player search those matches and jump in the one you wanted. its similar to Custon Game except you didn't need to friend a million people to setup or join a game.
  6. Its not a bad game and there is a lot to like about it but Halo 4 multi player is not without its flaws. Lag is one but I really dislike how options are chosen solely by 353 on what kinds of game types we can play via matchmaking and how the maps don't not compare to those on Reach. I've only had the game for less than a month and I'm already getting bored. I'll likely be headed back to Reach.
  7. don't get me wrong, I'm totally diggin Regicide but why completely remove Slayer? why can't you have both? Regicide adds a twist but how is someone with 27 kills less of a player than someone with 19? I'm an American. we love freedom but we also love options. gives us back the option to choose.
  8. LAG! That's the biggest issue. My other issues are: 1. Why can't I search for my own games? Create a server list similar to how Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Allow me to create a custom game where everyone on XBL can jump in and vise versa. 2. Don't limit smaller maps to only 4x4. On Regicide, a small map with 8x8 would be INSANE and soo much fun! 3. Speaking of maps, the voting system sucks. Everyone keeps voting for the same maps. More variety! 4. Where's Grifball? 5. Bring back Reach maps.
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