if yo look back to halo 3 you will see that every map is absolutley amazing. halo 3 was my favortite and the maps and forging was outstanding but all of that was ruined by halo reach and sadly halo 4 as continued the crappy game streak. halo 3 maps are amazing because they capture the natural beauty of the world without going overboard on the natural stuff. also halo 3 maps were perfectly sized and halo reach forge world was wayyyyyyy too big and al of the items on forge for halo 4 and halo reach are the same daft boring color. halo, 3,s forge offered much more freedom than halo reach and halo 4. also halo 3 maps dosent have too much static objects and evertthinh was open and colorful. so what truly makes a great map for halo is...
it has to be oben and reasonably sized
has to be very colorful, (look at pictures on google images of maps like high ground or last resort)
halo maps should also capture the look of diffrent enviorments if you look at high ground it has a small beach, a military base and rocky cliffs and the rock in halo 3, is a light brown/tan color wich was ideal for the realistic look of the map. i hope this answers your question and i wish you a merry christmas. oh and santa isnt real
and what is your gamertag i want to friend you on xbl. mine is string6wicked
i also need halp. i have undertaken a project to re-create a halo 3 map like high ground or last resort and was wondering if you could help me my gamertag is string6wicked.