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Posts posted by TheCobaltOcean

  1. Isn't there a halo orbiting Sanghelios?

    And yet there is no mention of a ring orbiting Sanghelios in Halo:CE, Halo 2, 3 or 4, Halo: Glasslands, Thursday war etc. etc.


    Trust me when I say Halo: Legends was as Un-canon as one can get.

  2. I wouldn't understand why its Mendicant Bias due to the fact he/it was on one of the Ark's.Also something I discovered while reading the Forerunner novels is that War Sphinx's were 10 meters High and I confirmed this by checking Halo Nations data but there was something else I discovered , this could in fact be a Seeker which is a more updated , 'Taller' , better weaponized version of the War Sphinx.

    He was on the Arc, which was promptly destroyed by Chief and the Arbiter.


    I believe it is a Sphinx, and not a Seeker, simply because I think I remember that there was a description difference between the two. (If we saw/see a tail at the back of the Sphinx, that will confirm it.) Something else is Sphinx's used Forerunner consciousness' as Ancillas.  If what I've read else where about this is right, then using the Data chip of Cortana which holds an echo or a mould, the Sphinx might be able to reconstruct her consciousness (As she is based on Halsey's mind), and we know it can be done via Cryptum and Primordium (Chakas and Riser). So maybe we'll see the return of Cortana.


    Also, it's pretty clear that Chief has left (Or was abandoned maybe? I don't know) the UNSC (Survivors guilt maybe after killing/watching people be killed so many times), and decided that for once, he wanted to save a life. As for the planet? It'd have to be an old forerunner one to have War Sphinx's so... Faun Chakor? Charum Hakor? Maybe the sand is neutralised Flood dust and had been consuming the Forerunner planet at the time of cleansing?


    We shall see!

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  3. We've seen a few returning helmets and the new skins available from pre-order, other than that, not much news in the armor perm department.

    We'll have to keep an eye out then

  4. I do not know. But welcome back to the site. Judging by your sig you must be a really back in the day member. :D

    Thanks, and yeah, way back :D I remember ranting for these things: Paint on damage for your Spartan, Elite Characters, SPI armour Perm, Spartan Gray Team, Dual Weilding, No Armour Abilities, no breaks in Canon, MA5K, SMG's back... and more I can't think of :D



    Ever seen the book Halo:Ghosts of Onyx? This armour http://www.halopedian.com/images/thumb/9/9f/Ghosts_of_Onyx_Cover.jpg/310px-Ghosts_of_Onyx_Cover.jpg


    You should read the books, they're better than the games IMO :D

  5. Hey, some of you may remember me back from when we only knew Requiem as the Legendary Planet, when we was saying that Armour Abilities shouldn't be in it etc.


    Some of you may also remember me ranting that there needs to be an SPI armour permutation. Not in full functionality, but just in looks, right down to the soles of the Spartans boots.


    Any news on armour perms?

  6. Blog harder bro


    OP: Honestly, you need to stop complaining- what they gave us in the concept art was more than enough to base theories and stuff on. Also, they referenced the books to being key to Halo 4 so stop complaining...

  7. My wants:


    Halo CE shotgun

    Halo CE MA5B AR (60)

    Halo Ghosts of Onyx: MA5K

    Halo 3: MA5C AR

    Halo ODST: M7S

    Halo 2: M7 and Battle rifle

    Halo Reach: DMR (If possible(chronologically unsafe))


    Dual Wield must return too...

  8. In all honesty, I think your title is a tad bit misleading but I get where you are coming from. Also with their reference to Greg Bears' Forerunner series, they do lean heavily towards a Forerunner presence in the game. However, Going by book knowledge of said series- John fighting Forerunners would be an impossibility as their most basic weapons can still devastate planets.


    I still hold hope for an appearance by Spartan Gray team, they could provide so much to the game from Co-op avatars to weapons, vehicles and ammunition.

  9. NO!


    Spartan III's are my favourite characters of the Halo universe- all 343 will do is kill them- every single damn one of them!


    The closest I want 343 to go to them is a multiplayer SPI armour perm and THAT IS IT!

  10. true but how many FPS genra's get big enough to have a RTS? Halo is like one of the first if not the only. and I know for a fact it's the only FPS to do this in the modern age of gaming

    Halo Wars was good- I agree. only, it was massivly limited by pop cap, building construction, rock,paper,scissors gameplay etc. If it takes free base building, large caps, and a better unit system as seen in Command and Conquer games (Everything before C&C4 TT and RA3) and Dawn of War(1)- then it has potential to become one of the greatest RTS' of all time

  11. I like most of your ideas. I also think they should make games based of the books. Like: Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, or Fall of reach, ect...

    Please God- NO!!!


    There is no space in Halo: Ghosts Of Onyx (My Favourite Book of all time) to make a game out of as all the characters are used. Unless they use the Gamma Company Spartans which I hope they don't because they will kill off another company of Fantastic characters...


    Also, The Fall of Reach- there is only as much there to be done as there was in Halo Reach- More un-canon Spartan II's (Their active number was limited due to Augmentation effects etc.) that would have to destroy un-heard of targets etc. (Though the death of the Reach Timed Arbiter (Preceding Thel Vadam)needs to be clarified). It would also mean more bending of Canon. e.g The Pillar Of Autumn was already leaving the system when the covenant fleet appeared over Reach- not being launched from Azod.


    Halo Wars 2 and ODST 2 are the best bets because they were awesome (halo wars needs a huge over haul to be far better though- Reference Command and Conquer and Dawn of War.)

  12. How about they don't put in AA's at all- because they sucked IMO. If anything- sprint is not an armour ability and any Spartan should be able to do it. If you wanted Stealth, then the Spartan III headhunter SPI armour should be included- as they had shields too,though to use invisibility it would drain their shields. Also using that would allow you to have VISR (As seen on ODST) and would give an aim assist (Similar to the needler one when playing as elites on Reach).

  13. Mabe, this is my opinion and what I think is a better idea, equipment, like a limited jet pack, only makes you jump higher if you time it, a rage ability, slower than sprint, jump higher, and melee damage increases, invisibility, halo 3, what do you think

    Invisibility only for elites or SPI armour- Not anything else- also Stealth that actually works would be good too...

  14. As much as I'd like to see a Halo2, 343 would better off working with another company to make it as they would have little experiences with an RTS- e.g Blizzard, THQ, EA(?) etc.

  15. not neccesarily. all the forerunners were destroyed, remember? they built and activated the halo rings to destroy the flood, and knew that by doing that they would kill themselves but did it anyway in an attempt to save the rest of the galaxay or whatever. to save the rest of EVERYTHING. so onyx would be a giant empty shell. with some cool forerunner stuff laying around. filled with hobos. because hobos are everywhere.

    I'm saying Onyx is hostile to the Spartans including master chief so he would have been killed. It could be a shield world (Which I believe it may be)


    OT: Possibility of Gray Team Appearance?

  16. Definately agree all previous dual wieldable weapons should be back. Like the idea of the smg from odst as a single wield weapon, although maybe it would just be a weak assault rifle? of course i am all up for multiple weapons in a range bracket. Bungies idea that things like the beam rifle shouldnt return in reach was stupid, i feel it was one of the more missed weapons in reach, as it meant the covenant had a limited armoury for the campaign.


    I disagree with making the M7S a weak assault rifle variant as ODST still had the MA5C in. Together with M7 SMG from Halo 2 though, It should definitely make a return. Though, I still strongly feel the MA5K Carbine, which is described in Halo: Ghosts of Onyx as been a cut down version of the MA5B (Halo: CE), should be in it with it's 60 round magazine :D-Failing the MA5B returning... I'm also glad they can't change the look of any of the Assault Rifles in Halo 4 because the Assault Rifle from Reach was an earlier predecessor and would not be included in the inventory of the Forward Unto Dawn.


    I also miss the Covenant Carbine as well as the Beam Rifle- They were fantastic weapons to use (Pictures the beautiful scene from Halo 2: Over the rock, Through the bush, nothing but Jackal- Jackal at the top of a waterfall which you kill, take it's beam rifle and marvel in the surroundings as you kill other snipers and elites :D ) As Good as the Needle Rifle was- they now can't keep it because of the Time difference... Besides- it claimed the life of One Spartan before they will be removed any way... (R.I.P Kat)

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