To whom it may concern,
I purchased Halo 4 Limited at my local Gamestop on midnight launch. A few days ago I received the free gift email on my Edu mail and logged onto it and verified my account as well. After a few steps, I realized the email is attached to a secondary account I created on xbox live about 2 years ago for a friend of mine and deleted shortly thereafter. I contacted xbox live and found out the problem. My gamertag is Ace747high and the primary email address attached is to I removed the hotmail secondary email address to it back in November and added an Edu email address to it. Which I didn't know is that the secondary account I created for my friend was given the primary email address of the Edu email address. So when the codes went out the email was my secondary for my main account but was main for my secondary account, but anything pulled up shows attached to the secondary account. I didn't redeem any codes since none was provided because I stopped the process when I noticed the gamertags were wrong. I was wondering if there is anything I can do to have these codes sent to the proper gamertag of Ace747high via xbox live or at the main email address for this account. Thank you for your assistance. I continued playing after SR50 and switched to specialization of WetNetwork and once completed that specialization I switched to Rogue. I'm currently 64 (Rogue) talent specialization tree.