My wish is that is brings back the competitiveness in halo. Halo Reach ruined halo in the sense that it went the call of duty route. Im sorry but if anyone in this forum played halo 1,2, and 3 then you know what im saying. Reach tried to copy call of duty by adding sprint and a ranking system that everyone can achieve based on how much they play. Halo's level ranking system is what made it fun because you were always trying to get that highest rank, it was the addicting factor to the game, but in Reach the got rid of it and made it so even if you arent good you know we feel bad for you so all the kids who actaully liked halo the way it was too bad. Sprint and all the armor abilities made the game not like halo, it changed the game pace, the ability to hide when you know the kid is gonna out dmr you and also gave kids who normally in any other halo could barely shoot the ability to run from kids who are better. Halo 4 needs to be more like Halo 2 and 3 online where the weapons and the skill do the talking not oh let me run away. Let call of duty be call of duty and let halo be halo. Im sorry but any true original fan of the game will tell you this. All they want is new weapons and maps not abilities make the game rely on skill, make it competitive like H3 and you will have a game on your hands worth peoples time.