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TheGodfatherS117 last won the day on April 3 2013

TheGodfatherS117 had the most liked content!

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    Mangas :)

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TheGodfatherS117's Achievements

343 Guilty Spark

343 Guilty Spark (19/19)



  1. I had 1 month of xbox live gold for free on April... I still have it in July :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adam91


      You sure there aren't any credit cards on your account that is set to "auto renewal"?

    3. TheGodfatherS117


      Yes, because I never used credit cards to get xbox live gold subscription or other things in relative with the xbox . I got it for free lol :P

    4. Adam91


      Haha lucky you then :)

  2. We call it...Godzilla!

    1. Gemini Dragons

      Gemini Dragons

      Call what Godzilla?

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom
    3. Delpen9


      There weren't any lame Gojira lines.

  3. It's a difficult choice lol. But I would choose One Piece or Naruto. I would like to be Shanks from One Piece or Itachi from Naruto.
  4. Maybe I'll join but I will see if I can. GT: GodfatherS117
  5. Halo Wars without a doubt. This game is the best RTS for the xbox 360. The story was awesome, the matchmaking was addictive... I still play it today lol. Spartan Assault is a good game but I prefer a lot more Halo wars just because I had more fun with this game.
  6. Welcome to the community! This forum is awesome and I'm sure you will like it
  7. Yay finally got 1 month xbox live gold! Now I'll play Halo Reach!

  8. My first xbox 360 game was Halo 3. For the first xbox, I don't really remember if it was Halo 2 or Fusion Frenzy. But I think it was Halo 2 and I consider this game as the best Halo of all.
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