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Everything posted by TheGodfatherS117

  1. I agree, it would be really nice if 343 do this. You could go on the official website of 343. Here is the link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/
  2. Thank you so much for your comment! I like to Tnt pig
  3. Hi guys, Here is an explosion of 32001 TNT with 68 pigs in Minecraft. Enjoy!
  4. The one I hate the must is the Knight battlewagon. In the last mission on legendary, it took me 20 minutes to kill the last enemies. There was like two battlewagon, two knights and three commanders. The battlewagons were always killing me with there promethean rockets. I hate them.
  5. Welcome to the community. Hope you will enjoy this forum.
  6. I was really disappointed when I knew that the Hornet and the Falcon were not in Halo 4. I wish they will be in the new Halo.
  7. Because if we give the Br and Carabine a range boost, there will be people who will start complaining. Everytime 343i do something new in the game, there are always complaints.
  8. Don't forget that she sacrificed her life to save chief and she was dying when she was with chief. So I am sure that she will not be back in the other Halo.
  9. Mongoose is a really fast vehicule that is effective when the driver know how to drive and the passenger got a powerful gun. The problem of this vehicule is that it receive on bullet and it flies 100 meters away.
  10. She died. At the end of Halo 4, She sacrificed her life to save chief from the explosion.
  11. We don't know if it will come out in the new xbox. Maybe 343 will do it, maybe not...
  12. Honestly, each console have some qualities and defaults. So we can't say that one is better than the other. The xbox have Halo serie, but ps3 got God of war. For the online, we have to pay for xbox, but the quality is better. For ps3, it is free but the quality is not as good as the one for the xbox... There are a lot of things I could say, but in my opinion, the two consoles are good.
  13. Like it is said on top, maybe you don't have enough space in your hard drive.
  14. N64 (before it broke ) .Mario Kart .Mario Party .Super smash .Wargod .Perfect Dark .James Bond Xbox 360 .Skyrim .Far Cry 3 .Minecraft .Black ops 2 .Battlefield 3 .Red Dead redemption .Ghost Recon .GTA 4 .Happy wars .Assassin Creed (all of them) PC .Star Craft 2 .Portal 1 .Prototype 2 .Need for Speed .Age of empire Wii .Mario Party .Mario Kart .Donkey Kong adventure .Super smash Bros .Super Mario .Paper Mario
  15. It is interesting! Like Drizzy_Dan say, can you please put some screenshots or a video of it here? It would be really nice!
  16. One time I was playing big team battle. It was the most strange match I played. 5 people in my team were inside a house doing T-bag the whole match...lol. The 2 others were destroying the vehicules instead of using them. I was the only one playing seriously 0_o
  17. Yes I like the brutes because they give some challenge in the game.
  18. Even if I stop playing Halo 4 for a long time, I will never break it because I bought the legendary edition. I don't want to lose 100$.
  19. Halo 4 is a good game, but I think Halo Reach is better. In custom game, we can change the weaponry and other things with the zombie, so we can play nice gametypes like fat kid. Also, the matchmaking in Reach was spectacular! I never get bored on the game after I did like 20 matchs. There was also invasion, living dead and action sack in Reach that aren't in Halo 4. The living dead in Reach is a lot better than the one in Halo 4. Also, 343 did a big fault for not putting firefight in Halo 4. It was really nice... The only thing that is better in Halo 4 in my opinion, it's the campaign. I was really sad when I saw that 343 put the autosentry, the promethean vision and the Hardlight shield. In my opinion, those abilities are for noobs. Also, the guns are too much overpowered. However, the other things are still nice.
  20. Halo Reach was the best Halo I played (after halo 2 and halo 3). The matchmaking was awesome (mostly Living dead). I played 100 matchs and I never get bored. The custom game...IS EXTRAORDINARY!!!!!!!! It was so nice when I was in a lobby with 16 people playing Fat kid, castle wars and other things.Also, I miss the falcon and the revenant...The only thing I didn't like from Reach was the armor lock. Halo 4 is a good game, but I get bored after some matchs in matchmaking and spartan ops. Custom game is cool, but I was very sad when I saw that you can't customize the zombies. So we can't play Fat kid's gametypes... Halo Reach is better tha Halo 4.
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