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  1. I don't see the point in remaking a game that's already a remake... If there was one in the future though, I'd still buy it.
  2. May I request that this gets deleted? Screwed up and didn't see that this was mainly for XBOX only.
  3. Obviously Halo 4. I've played BO2 for about 6 hours total... worst game I've played this year, and I'm not overexaggerating or anything, it is my honest opinion. I don't see why it is so popular still, it's still boring, and full of cheap deaths online. Glad I didn't buy it, feel sorry for my two friends that did.
  4. The Legend of Dragoon for PS1... Best game Sony's ever made IMO, dunno why it is so underrated.
  5. Everytime I try starting up a War Game, I am constantly getting booted to the lobby or the Main Menu screen every single time before a match is about to start. Can I get some help???
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