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Everything posted by Craigory02

  1. I couldn't find too many topics on team regicide (I didn't try too hard and I'm a new user) so i decided to create one. Post what your thoughts are of this new variant, good or bad. It wouldn't be much of a forum without my thoughts so here they are: My overall impression is that I really like it. I don't have too many XBL friends that play halo so most of the time I'm on playing by myself or teaming up with past performers, so team regicide is a variant I switch back and forth on. It isn't a very team based playlist, it can be played with a team and is just like any other playlist (besides FFA) that team play helps out a lot. But since I do not have a specific "team" to play with I enjoy jumping in and playing team regicide solo when I am sick of infinity slayer, slayer pro, SWAT, and the objective type variants. Team regicide gets pretty intense and there isn't too much sitting back and DMR'ing from distance. Team regicide on haven especially gets very intense, and I for one would like to see this playlist stay. Call me a noob or whatever, I think they should keep this playlist (unlike team snipers) and I would love to see more playlists arise like team doubles, MLG, etc..
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