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Hyun Seok Choi

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Hello, im finding the concept arts/skecthes of halo armor I bought the halo4 art book 'Awakening' I found that there was only a bit of halo4 armor Then I found some of armor concept art by 'robogabo' on internet (soldier, war master, gungnir, infiltrator, locus, scanner, rouge, orbital and eva) Does anyone know where other concept arts/sketches are? PS: really want to find the recruit armor
  2. how do I redownload? where actually is download history? (sorry, not know much about xbox...I'm a NOOB!!!!!!!!!)
  3. Hey guys! Im trying to play halo4 forge mode But i cant actually find the forge map on map editor Where can i find the forge map? Do i have to buy map packs to get forge? Do i have to download it? Is it on the custom game mode? I might look like a noob but please answer me!!
  4. Hey guys i got a problem so i have some questions about it.. I used the code that unlocks the all 10 specializations which is included in the halo 4 collector's edition(i actually didnt bought the collectors edition.. someone gived the code to me.. i just bought the standard halo 4) But after the last halo 4 update, the specializations just disappered..(so now i have only wetwork and operator) just disappered.. how is this suppose to be happened?! Did this happened to anyone else? Does anyone knows how to solve this problem? Please tell me!!!
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