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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Maestro. Trigun for everyone.
  2. How dare you.
  3. Hello JXZAW. This obviously is not Boss writing this, he was silly and put a post here with only an image to congratulate you. Silly boss. So I'm here to congratulate you on his behalf. Silly boss.
  4. You watched glory, My friends. You watched, What COULD be. Vote Boss, and all this, will be yours.
  5. Let's be honest. You're all voting for me. Oh, you're not? Well, take a gander at this and try to tell me I'm not the man for the job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vry92JmVBg4
  6. Ha. You guys are dumb. Bert. I CAN'T LOSE!
  7. Name: Da Baws Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle Secondary Weapon: Magnum (Affectionately referred to as "Mr. Pistol") Grenade: Frag Armor Ability: Jetpack Tactical Package: Mobility Support Upgrade: Dexterity Recommended Gametypes: Any Conditions: Sprint constantly, and take any available opportunity to assassinate people.
  8. YEAH! In the running! Time to bust out the ol' election video! And of course... my old supporter. "Vote Boss, and blessings be upon you from the holy lord Bert."
  9. I was randomly listing things only Gamers would get. and I figured it'd be fun to have everyone list theirs. Now, it terms of things gamers "get" I'm talking unspoken knowledge of gaming. Things no gamer had to be taught. I'll start off with five examples. 1: Every person who has ever played a racing game, has tilted the controller on a sharp turn. We all know it helps, we just don't know why. 2: Ever gamer knows, the harder you push the gas button in a racing game, the faster you go. At least we like to think so. 3: No one was ever taught the rule of "Screen-Looking" This is ingrained in the mind of gamers from the first time they pick up a controller. 4: Everyone who has had a group of friends over to game knows the: "Winner plays on" rule. Loser's out, winner keeps playing. 5: Almost every gamer has settled a bet on a game. Whether it's Street Fighter 2 for the right to ride shotgun, or Halo 2 for the last slice of Pizza, nearly ever gamer knows to the victor, go the spoils. Das it, Mane.
  10. Welcome to the Community. Now be good, or we'll.... do.... things....
  11. I nominate Drizzy_ Dance. Not Drizzy_Dan, Drizzy_Dance.
  12. Y'all come back now, ya hear? Like... fo' realz. Get back here. ASAP. Y'all come back now, ya hear? Like... fo' realz. Get back here. ASAP.
  13. Less than an hour to the GTAV event. Hang on to yo' butts.

  14. Eh, it's been roughly a year. Time for a new pic.
  15. WHAT!? NO FICUS!? 0/10 Would not wood not. FICUS 4 LYFE.
  16. A French convoy came under attack this morning, and we need to find out what happened. All reports indicate the attack was a separate M.O. Then that of the aliens. Operation Vengeful Skull Paris, France Squad: Sq. Hart (JXZAW) Sq. Zeewun (BZ1) Sq. Patrick (Zaguroth) Rk. Buneuro (Bnus) Sq. Fish (Fishy.... duh.) 9:44 A.M. Big Sky arrived on Target, a warehouse district in Paris. Strike-1 deployed. Broken into buddy teams: Zeewun and Patrick Buneuro and Hart Fish on overwatch. 9:50 Man... Zeewun has some good eyesight. He spotted a thin man from across the street, through a wall. How's that even work? 9:54 Well, this doesn't look good... the thin man spat some kinda... gas at Hart and Buneuro, and now they're choking and crying. It's kinda pathetic really. 9:58 Proving that sometimes the cool guys kinda suck, Fishy and Zeewun totally missed their shots. Patrick laughed, because he was the only one not pooping his pants when it happened. Also, he's a robot and stuff. Take that for what you will. 10:00 Zeewun came under fire, and was hit. He shrugged it off though. Man, he's cool. 10:02 Patrick wasted more ammo then he should have to kill a thin man, but Buneuro was crying about it, so... Meh. 10:04 What the crap Buneuro!? He cough a little from the gas stuff, then freaked out and tried to shoot Fish! Someone needs a stern talking to when they get back. 10:06 Zeewun got sick of the thin man, and fragged him It was awesome. 10:09 Patrick came under fire. Nice job alien, you kinda scratched his paint... Oh yeah, and we found some dead bodies. But aliens didn't kill them. Guns did. Which means people did. Wait... that's not good, is it? 10:14 Zeewun Ran like the hero he is, and shotgunned the thin man in the face. Good. 10:17 Hey! That's a person! Like, a normal person! Oh wait, they're probably like, scared to hell of the aliens, huh? So... we probably shouldn't have sent the big robot to say hello... 10:20 Well... The guy wasn't scared of Patrick. He was actually kinda rude. Patrick started dragging him back to the Skyranger. 10:23 Another thin man shot Patrick. It wasn't very nice. Then a bunch of other thin men dropped out of no where. Fish totally no-scoped one. 10:25 In a fit of rage, Patrick burned the crap out of a thin man. I wanna be a flamethrower robot now... 10:26 Hart shotgunned one of the thin men, but it wasn't as cool as when Zeewun does it. 10:28 One of those little guys, Sectioids, tried to shoot Fish. Bnus tried to shoot him, but he kinda sucks at it. But Zeewun totally smoked him! Hey, do you think I could get Zeewun's autograph? 10:30 A thin man was hiding like a baby, and tried to shoot Fish. But he missed. He mished. Mish Fish. Fish Mish. Sorry... 10:32 Oh man... Patrick is starting to take some damage... We'd better get him out of there. But only after he totally blew that thin man to pieces with his gatling gun. 10:34 Oh jeez! Who'd have though the aliens would focus on the big, loud, flamethrower weilding, robot!? We need to get Patrick out of there, now! 10:36 Hey, Buneuro did something right for once! He fragged a thin man who shot at Patrick! WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THAT BEFORE HE SHOT HIM, HUH? God, idiot! 10:38 We got the survivor onto the Skyranger. Mission Complete. Kills: Zeewun:3 Patrick: 3 Fish:1 Hart:1 Buneuro:1
  17. I think I've been doing pretty good on that front.
  18. What the crap am I gonna do with a team of robots? jeez... Operation Brutal Hymn Berlin, Germany Squad: Sq. Patrick (Zaguroth) Sq. Zeewun (BZ1) Sq. Gervasi (Boss) Rk. Buneuro (Bnus) Sq. Xiaolong (Yang Xiao Long) 4:54 A.M. Big Sky arrived at Target sight, a convenience store in Berlin. Strike-1 Deployed. 5:00 A.M. Rk. Buneuro, in a horrific call back to his former self's death, spotted two of the Tentacled monsters. The entire squad tightened their belts, and made sure their backs were covered. 5:02 A.M. Sq. Patrick confirmed a sighting on two floaters. Wait, seriously? We're ACTUALLY calling them floaters? Like, officially? I hate my job. Oh yeah, he shot at them and stuff too. Missed, though. But somehow, Buneuro was able to hit them through two windows, and a mailbox. I guess a blind squirrel.... you know... 5:03 The new guy, Bee Zeewun, totally shotgunned the crap out of one of the floaters. He then proceeded to make the greatest one-liner in history, but unfortunately, I forgot what it was, and so it will be forgotten by history. 5:04 In a sudden reversal of fates, Xiaolong was attacked by one of the tentacle thingies, but Buneuro saved the day! Kinda. He shot it, and it let go, but it didn't die. Leave it to Buneuro to leave a job half done, eh? Then Xaiolong, with the enemy RIGHT NEXT TO HIM, missed completely, totally justifying the fact that Buneuro didn't kill it. At least he can hit things, eh? 5:08 Patrick spotted a secondary group of floaters, Hilariously enough, hanging around a septic truck. Kinda poetic if you think about it. 5:10 Sq. Beewun downright owned one of the flying squid things. How is he hitting things with his shotgun better then the rest of the team with regular guns? Who knows, but he's doin' his job. 5:11 Xiaolong recovered a container of Meld. Radio transmission: X: “I found some orange stuff! Anyone want it?” Bnus: “Can I drink it?” Multiple: “No!” 5:13 Xiaolong blew the crap out of a wall trying to shoot a floater. If he was aiming at the wall, he'd have had a 100% accuracy rating. But he wasn't. So he doesn't. Loser. Also, Gervasi's just kinda been... sitting on top of a truck this whole time. Just... watching the action. Lazy jerk. 5:15 Patrick made one of the floaters into swiss cheese with his minigun. It's about time too. He missed a lot. How much does the ammo for that thing cost, anyway? He's probably wasting a lot of money right now... 5:17 Xiao, there's not gonna be much of that wall left when you're done. Oh crap! Where'd that tentacle thing come from!? It totally snuck up on Gervasi! Well, serves him right for hiding like a little girl. A little halokittygirl... 5:20 Sick of wasting his LMG ammo, Xiao used a rocket to blow the crap out of two Floaters. Heh heh... Crap.... Floaters.... poo joke. 5:21 Oh yeah... that thing is still choking the life out of Gervasi.... Patrick saved him with his minigun, yet somehow didn't hit Gervasi at all. Oh well, I'm sure he'll be dead soon... I MEAN, UH... Great! Nice work Patrick! You saved the day and stuff! Mission complete. Kills: Xaiolong: 2 Patrick: 2 Zeewun: 2
  19. You'll lose the rocket if you do. I don't remember if the M.E.C. unlocks a rocket launcher later.... O_o But anyway, if you make yourself an M.E.C., you lose most of what your character had.
  20. EVERYONE WHO HAS A CHARACTER IN MY XCOM GAME: YOUR ATTENTION IS REQUESTED ASAP: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/34094-xcom-the-343-files/?p=311158

  21. Gentlemen. We have done it. The power of Meld is ours to... COMPLETELY SCREW AROUND WITH! So, as I'm sure you've noticed, Meld is a collectible resource in XCOM: Enemy Within. Using it, you can turn your soldiers, into things like Zag: Big robots. On the alternative, you can use it to make your regular soldiers into super soldiers through Augmentation. So here's the plan. I'm going to allow two more M.E.C.s (Robots) And 3 Super Soldiers. First come first serve. Get it while it's hot!
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