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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Really Drizzy? Nice. Don't think this is done, EK. I'm not through with you just yet.

  2. Really? Where? I didn't see it...
  3. Boii, 'nuff said. YEEEEEAAAaAH BOII!!!!! Sorry.
  4. These are Declassified files of the XCOM project. (Actually just a doctored up play by play of me playing XCOM Enemy Within with the character's based after members.)
  5. Mission 2 We were gonna send Sq. Patrick along for this one, but he has no arms or legs. Dunno why, Ask Dr. Chen. (Zag, I think you know why ) Squad: Sq. Hart (JXZAW) Sq. Gervasi (Boss) Sq. Fish (Guess) Sq. Buneuro (Bnus) Rk. Xiaolong (Yang) Dunno where this Fish guy came from. But reports say he was the only survivor of a mission to the U.K. with Strike-4. He's got a cool Sniper Rifle though. So we're sending him to deal with the latest UFO we shot down. Operation Driving Calm Whyarewebackin, Nigeria 4:30 A.M. Sq. Fish had eyes on a strange floating monster with tentacles. We were gonna laugh at him, but the video surveillance confirmed it. 4:32 A.M. Sq. Buneuro was engaged by the tentacle monster, but not before Rk. Xiaolong was able to damage it. It then began to -Redacted- Sq. Buneuro Radio Log: B: “OH GOD GET IT OFF!” X: “I've seen enough Japanese cartoons to know where this is going...” 4:33 A.M. Rk. Xiaolong managed to free Buneuro from the alien's grasp, but only after lasting psychological damage was inflicted. Radio Log: B: “Eww.... it's all slimy...” X: -Snickers- 4:35 A.M. Seeming like the world was out to get him, yet another Tentacled beast had it's eyes on Buneuro, but quick thinking, (And a quick trigger finger) from Sq. Fish saved him from an X-rated fate. 4:38 A.M. Sq. Fish climbed atop a truck, and confirmed eyes on what he said was a “Floater” after we determined that he wasn't looking into a toilet, we saw a floating ugly thing that might as well have been made of poo. 4:40 A.M. Sq.'s Gervasi and Fish tag teamed a floater, Fish blowing up it's cover via a well placed frag, and Gervasi, stealing the kill like a jerk. Rk. Xiaolong, just kinda... killed the other one. Y'know. Nothing special, but it did the trick. Radio Log 4:45 A.M. Buneuro: “Hey! I see the UFO!” Gervasi: “Oh wow! How? Was it the Glowing parts? Or the fire? Or the FACT THAT IT'S BIGGER THAN A HOUSE!?” Buneuro: “Well, yeah... all three of those.” Gervasi: “Bnus, I want you to know that this clapping is entirely sarcastic.” Buneuro: “Sarcasm is a kind of juice... right?” 4:50 A.M. Rk. Xiaolong put Flappybird down long enough to spot the “Glowy Guy” Now dubbed, the “Outsider” 4:52 A.M. In a twist of fate, and in no way funny, Sq. Buneuro came under fire from the outsider. Unable to to react, he was quickly killed. He will be missed, unfortunately, not by the enemy who shot at him. 4:53 A.M. In a fit of unbridled fury, Rk. Xiaolong Unloaded his entire magazine into the “Outsider” ending the mission. Central Officer Bradley's Notes. Damn it Bnus! I said “DON'T let them kill you” The troops aren't gonna be happy about this, unless SOME LOOPHOLE ALLOWS Bnus TO COME BACK TO LIFE. You know, something. Xaiolong has been promoted to Squaddie, and he has decided he likes it when things explode. so we gave him a rocket launcher. What? We trust him. Apparently Sq. Patrick has his arms and legs now. Well, they're not HIS, but he has arms and legs...
  6. Need a First and Last buddy, unless you wanna end up Fishy the Fishy Fish. ------- Mission 1 (Not really, but I wanted to get your characters set up... Yang, you're in the MedBay... Sorry.) After several scattered invasions and abductions, Raven-1 managed to shoot down one of the Alien ships. Strike-1 sent in to attack. Operation Burning Breath Somewhere, Nigeria March 13th ,2015, 2:03 A.M. Squad: Sqaddie Micheal Patrick (Zag) Squaddie Anthony Buneuro (Bnus) Squaddie Jack Hart (JXZAW) Rookie Colin Gervasi (Boss) Rookie Faraji Kuumba (Not a person) Brief: Strike-1 deployed North of CS-01, in a farm near the Nigerian border. 2:05 A.M. : Sq. Patrick had eyes on a container of “Meld” 2:06 A.M. : Sq. Patrick confirmed contact with Invaders; 2 “Sectoids” inside a barn. Radio Message: “Look, there's a couple of those gray things... I wanna shoot 'em.” 2:09 A.M. : Sq. Hart scored the first kill of the night, using his Shotgun to eliminate one of the Sectoids. Radio Message: “Pop goes the Sectiod!” 2:10 A.M. : Sq. Hart confirmed sighting a second container of “Meld” 2:11 A.M. : Rk. Kuumba Sighted a secondary group of “Sectoids” 2:12 A.M. : Rk.'s Gervasi and Kuumba Engaged the second group, in addition to the remainder of group 1. 2:15 A.M. : Rk. Kuumba, like the idiot he is, took two hits from a “Sectoid”, due to not being in cover. Rk. Gervasi came under fire, but was unharmed. 2:20 A.M. : Sq. Patrick confirmed eyes on what he called a “Glowy Guy.” Video analysis confirmed he wasn't hallucinating, a first for everything. 2:21 A.M. : Sq. Buneuro recovered a container of “Meld” Radio transmission: Buneuro: “Hey! I found some Orange Juice!” Patrick: “No! Don't drink it, stupid!” 2:23 A.M. : Sq. Buneuro, fighting through his sudden thirst, confirmed a kill on the afformentioned “Glowy Guy”. 2:24 A.M. : Rk. Gervasi, in a rare show of coolness, eliminated one “Sectoid”, whose mind-link then killed a second. He then went on to gloat for hours. 2:26 A.M. : Rk. Kuumba, once again, and for the last time, showed his idiocy by running next to a burning truck mere seconds before it exploded, killing him. 2:29 A.M. : Sq. Patrick recovered the final container of “Meld” Quote: “So Bnus wouldn't drink it” 2:35 A.M. : Rk. Gervasi, still riding high on his mediocre accomplishment, managed to eliminate the final “Sectoid”. Central Officer Bradley's Notes Well, Kuumba was an idiot. As a side note, shortly after Gervasi's promotion to Squaddie, one of the sniper rifles from the armory went missing. The quarter master says he saw Gervasi creeping around, humming the Mission Impossible theme. I say leave him be. It makes him happy. Research into the “Meld” has begun. We should have something in... eight days, give or take.
  7. I'll try to get as close as possible with the colors,but they use presets. Also, Yang, Your name will read as Yang Xiaolong, that cool? AND ALSO; I might have an HDPVR running for this, so you might see a few of the bigger operations with VIDEO Zag, you'll be our first M.E.C. Here's a little Intro. Commander's Log Initializing Project Date: February 28th, 2015 So, after a good year of warnings, reports, and sightings that were turned aside, dismissed as insane, the governments of the world came together to authorize The XCOM project. And all it took was a -Expletive- alien attack to do it. I've got an HQ dug into a random mountainside in Africa, and a handful of soldiers to work with. I had asked for an army, not a task force. Most of them are recruits too. Fresh out of basic. Hell, I think a few of them have to remember which end the bullets come out of! Either way, they're all we've got, and I intend to make them the fighting force I need to fight off these... whatever the hell they are. They've taken to calling themselves the 343rd. who knows why. Besides the ground troops, I've been given an entire support staff of engineers and scientists, as well as some central command operators. What was the guy's name? Bradshaw? Yeah... that was it. He's my second in command, in charge of keeping his eyes and ears on the operations in the field. Seems like a good guy, but he's too damn tight spun. He needs to loosen up a bit or we're gonna have a few problems. Dr. Shen is in charge of Engineering. He's friendly enough, and extremely Technical. I'll have to remember not to talk shop with him, otherwise I'll have my ear gnawed off. Dr. Vahlen is the real winner of the three. In charge of R'n'D, she's one of the smartest people I've met, and she knows it. It was her findings that sparked the beginnings of the XCOM project. I know she's looking forward to seeing aliens, and then immediately cutting them open to see what makes them tick. The more I think about it, the more terrifying she is. Should think about sending her in the field a few times... might scare the -Expletive- right back to whatever black hole they crawled out of. Jesus... aliens invading Earth... Humans always did wonder if there was intelligent life out there. Turns out there was. It just hates us. This is the Commander, Signing off. Gameplay info: Difficulty: Medium DLC: All Second wave: Hidden Potential, Not created equal, Aiming Angles I think it is important to state, I am not writing The Commander from my own viewpoint, more of a... Fictional Twam, the Twammander if you will. :3 First mission should be up soon. SOMEONE POST SO IT MAKES A NEW ONE.
  8. So, here's the deal. Recently, I've had the hankering to start a new run-through of XCOM: Enemy Within. BUT! I want to go about it differently. Previously I have Written what was refered to as XCOM: Declassified Debriefs; a story told through Files I wrote based on the events which occur in the game. Now, here's the situation: I need YOU guys to cast yourself as the characters for this playthrough; BEARING IN MIND, that some of your characters may die. But, I'll make one, AND ONLY ONE! Clone. Let's call this, the Bnus rule. But, rest assured I am trying my hardest to keep your little soldiers alive. Anyway, here's a little format for you: Name: (First and last. give your real name, a fake one, or call yourself Harry Balzanya. IDC.) Codename: (When you reach Sergeant, you get one of these. by default, it will be your account name, unless you tell me otherwise) Hair: Skin: Armor color: Later on, when Research gets done, and things get unlocked, I'll ask some people about more things, but for now, this should do. Come on people! Those Sectoids won't blow themselves up! (Also, later on you will have the option to become M.E.C.'s and Bio-soldiers, but not yet. ) Space available: Regular troops: Infinite M.E.C.s: 2 Bio-Soldiers: 3 Current Roster: Bnus: Anthony Buneuro - Heavy Zaguroth: Michael Patrick - M.E.C. Yang Xiao Long: Yang Xiaolong - Heavy JXZAW: Jack Hart - Assault Fishy: Fishy Fish - Sniper BeckoningZebra1: Bee "BZ1" Zeewun - Assault D-38 Boss: Colin Gervasi - Sniper
  9. Da size... The biggest story I've written is 137 pages, of mostly nonsense and multiple sub-plots.
  10. Somebody Gon' Get shot. An it ain't gon' be me. Not yet, anyway.
  11. Oh wow, Drizzy actually did another one. I THOUGHT YOU WERE TOO GOOD FOR THEM DRIZZY? JK, Good one, Buddy.
  12. Dang. I want to play this, I was even willing to buy civ... But 1 P.M. is EXACTLY when I need to be at work.
  13. Well, hope everyone had a Happy, Safe, (Sober??? Nah.) St. Patrick's day!

  14. BAGELS! SO TASTEY! Eww, they're sweaty... (Welcome Back!)
  15. Unfortunately, I don't think it's really anyone's business why another member has been banned. Funny or not. That having been said, I'll just leave these letters here: HKG.
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