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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Thanks to everyone who showed up in GTAV today! The turnout was enough to make it worth trying again another time. Keep your eyes peeled, something tells me there's another event just around the corner!

  2. People make mistakes. Good people acknowledge them. Good on ya, HG.
  3. Let's get to work Partner! *70's buddy-cop theme plays*
  4. D-38 Boss


    Welcome to the Forums!
  5. I'd love to see a Republic Commando 2 (If my name didn't give that away) What i'd like to see? 1. X-Com Style Squad Building 2. More weapon options 3. THE GAME TO ACTUALLY FRIGGIN' COME OUT. I think that about covers it.
  6. Name: Tyler MacMillan Sex: Male Age: 23 Faction: U.S. Branch: Delta (Former U.S. Army Rangers) Rank: Master Sergeant Callsign: Replay Squad: Foxtrot 1-1 "Vulcan" Forward Recon Team Appearance: Short, Messy, Black hair. Green Eyes. 5"8', 165 Pounds. Armour appearance: Wears a normal Plate Carrier vest, various pouches for magazines and supplies. Regularly wears a plain black baseball cap, and a black bandanna around his neck Equipment: Main rifle: Custom Smithed M4E6 Chambered for 7.62mm rounds. Keeps an M93fs on standby (Updated M92, chambered for .45 rounds) Radio, Small Medkit, and Spotting scope are kept on his person at all times. Language(s): English Role: Force Recon Brief History: After 5 years with the Rangers, Sgt. MacMillan was recruited to Delta for his quick thinking, and methodical planning of small force operations. His skills as a team leader saw him assigned a small recon team, but without any actual experience in field, his squad-mates don't believe he's ready to lead at his age.
  7. Have NATO collapse. That's the main reason we use the M9 now. (THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR A FUTURE U.S. CHARACTER)
  8. I don't wanna be that guy, but I'm going to be anyway. The US military (Which includes the marines, obviously.) hasn't used the M1911 in almost 20 years. They use the M92fs now.
  9. Have all of them. Play all of them. Still bust out Yellow version every now and then. I actually like the Mystery Dungeon games more though.
  10. What about a PMC, That has been hired for the duration by that flag? :3 I still fight solely for that side, but It'll give me a little more room for writing if they have us doing things I don't agree with.
  11. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. NONE. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. There is no conspiracy. None. You are imagining things. You are content with your forum lives. NONE. NONE. NONE. NONE. NONE. NONE. NONE. NONE. NONE. NONE. ​NO. ​NO. ​NO. ​NO. ​NO.
  12. Everything is fine. nothing is amiss. you are content with your forum-lives, and see nothing out of the ordinary. we are very well, thank you. Everything is fine. nothing is amiss. you are content with your forum-lives, and see nothing out of the ordinary. we are very well, thank you. Everything is fine. nothing is amiss. you are content with your forum-lives, and see nothing out of the ordinary. we are very well, thank you. Everything is fine. nothing is amiss. you are content with your forum-lives, and see nothing out of the ordinary. we are very well, thank you. Everything is fine. nothing is amiss. you are content with your forum-lives, and see nothing out of the ordinary. we are very well, thank you. Everything is fine. nothing is amiss. you are content with your forum-lives, and see nothing out of the ordinary. we are very well, thank you. Everything is fine. nothing is amiss. you are content with your forum-lives, and see nothing out of the ordinary. we are very well, thank you. Everything is fine. nothing is amiss. you are content with your forum-lives, and see nothing out of the ordinary. we are very well, thank you.
  13. Hey, This looks like something I can get behind! Is it possible for me to run a PMC? I like being able to play neutrally when it comes to multiple factions. If not, I'll suck it up and pick one.
  14. Hey guys! Wanna play in an Event? OF COURSE YOU DO. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/33188-boss-inaugural-gta-v-event/

    1. Vaulting♥Frog


      If I could spit acid I would be spitting it at GTA... but have fun kids.

  15. Welcome back! So, you should know, while you were gone, I took all of your stuff, so... if your wondering why it smells like pee, its because I had to claim it. Apologies in advance.
  16. I believe I have no nominations... Traitors... Maybe if I post something... random... That will spark interest...
  17. Keep it up Drizzy. No seriously. Don't let these fall off again. I got sad last time. I don't wanna be sad...
  18. Well, IV... not so much. But V? Keep your eyes out. Something's coming.
  19. LEDGEND! I haven't RPed in a while. I'm game. Most likely US.
  20. I'm 90% sure my first 360 game was Chromehounds... I'm still angry they took the servers down...
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