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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Call of Duty, Flipping the bird and holding a copy of Battlefield. When you play a game, what do you judge first? The graphics, the music, the gameplay, or the story?
  2. I would like to remind people of my qualification for presidency that got me so far in the last campaign: The endorsement of one man.
  3. Uh.... Oh.... I'd have to go with the original clone wars, solely because that's when SW: Republic Commando begins. If you could put any gun from Halo in another game, what gun, and what game would it be, and why?
  4. No one likes Marmite. Although... I've never had either.... so.... IDK... WHEN!?!?!?
  5. Dat staff color... On a side note, if anyone has any ideas for community events, feel free to PM me. I'm open to suggestions.
  6. 01001111 01101111 01101111 01101111 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101001 01110100 00101110 00100000 00111010 01000100
  7. Not to be "That guy", but most of you probably had the Jet Set Radio Future / Sega GT 2002 combo disk. Either that, or the Topspin / NCAA 2004 one. But, If you're going by the first game we bought? Crimson Skies.
  8. I think this is funny, because originally, they had planned to include it in State of Decay, then Undead Labs said they were going to Update it with a co-op mode, then they said they weren't going to, because the cost would outweigh the profit, now... Make up your mind, Undead Labs. Some of us have zombies to kill, and supplies to gather.
  9. I'm terrified. AND DELIGHTED. But mostly terrified.
  10. Welcome to the forums! I'll take you up on that dance!
  11. So... Work was crap today. How's everyone else's day going?

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      Good, it'll be even better if the Pats get a W tonight

  12. State of Decay: Only lost two survivors. Guess I'm just a little better at micromanaging that kinda game. Outlast: I pooped a little at that part. Freaky, and really... really.... Cringe inducing. Like... I was clutching my fingers, happy they were still there. Dragons Dogma: Ran into Death. Died. End of Story. And the Boys of Silence weren't that scary in my opinion, and they aren't in the game very long.
  13. Sims 4 was announced recently, and I FFFFFFFFFFFFlove The Sims. I couldn't really put into words why, though.
  14. No, I find it rather repulsive. Whiskey. 'nuff said. What features do you look for in a new console?
  15. Nope. Where do you do most of your gaming?
  16. Ah... The taste of victory. Refreshing.
  17. GTAV playdate... and no one shows up. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BeckoningZebra1


      No, they're just running late...

    3. Zelda


      I think Vitamin was gonna play with you in it.

    4. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i woke up like 30 mins ago lol, if your still on i'll join after i eat.


  18. Problem solved? Problem Solved.
  19. Alright, so here's a little more solid Time-frame: I'll probably be on early, around 8 A.M. EST, so feel free to jump on then if you want. From there, We'll be running it until everyone decides we're tired of it. BUT! I have to leave at 5 P.M. EST, so... at that point, it's up to JL or someone else to take over hosting. Also, Add me on XBL if you haven't: xXRC BossXx And, send me a message letting me know if you want an Invite to the Crew.
  20. I've got all day Saturday, so it'll run until we decide we're sick of it.
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