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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. I feel it needs to be toned down. There's a site to share anything, pictures, videos, little generic sayings you thought were clever but really make you sound idiotic... Do you think the Xbox One will have an issue comparable to the Red Ring of Death?
  2. I still don't know what Bnus is doing, but I get home at 7 P.M. EST on Saturday. If I can run it, you'll see me in the SB, if not... well... We'll see what happens.
  3. Not too bad. Personally, I'd post them in longer Chapters, and there's a few scattered cases of Grammar issues. Storywise, it's pretty interesting. Just keep it up, I'll keep reading.
  4. 'Scuze me while I attempt to stop foaming at the mouth...
  5. The Active camouflage ones. It's like.... seriously. "Hey, Johnson!" "Hi Jim!" "You know how Zombies are terrifying, right?" "Yeah?" "What if they were invisible?" Johnson has never recovered from the trauma, and is now a long term patient at Arkham Insane Asylum. Jim goes on trial in front of the U.N. next week for crimes against Humanity.
  6. A constant year?!?!? AWESOME!! Congratz buddy!
  7. Alright, here's the deal. I have to work until 8 P.M. EST today. Now, I don't know about Bnus, but I'd still like to do this today. If you guys are willing to wait, I'm willing to run this around 9 P.M. EST at Vangelis' house. (He'll probably be making an appearance too.) Sound good? Also, if you haven't yet, add xXRC BossXx on Xbox live, and send me a message letting me know you're attending. Thanks!
  8. I'd make a Jet usable for Multiplayer, something to give the Banshee a run for it's money. If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  9. So... Um... the playdate on saturday is gonna have to be without me. I'm scheduled to work when it will be on. <_< Dang it.

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      *Darth Vader voice*


  10. OH..... Crap.... Honestly, I liked pretty much all of them, So I don't have a favorite. However, the one I spent the most time with was my Original Xbox, but that was only because my brother kept an iron grip on the 360 for a long time. If you were going to make a game, what would it be called?
  11. You had me at Ace Combat... Welcome to the Forums!
  12. Cool! Can't wait to see some new people hanging around!
  13. The Beatles Yellow Submarine. What's your favorite Game mode of all time?
  14. Meep. How's the actual gameplay coming? I'm excited to see how it works.
  15. Hmmm.... Good question! I personally have always liked Andrew Ryan from Bioshock. What's your battlecry?
  16. Welcome to the community! Hope to see you stick around. We need more active members!
  17. I think Halo 4 is great. I honestly like that they're moving away from the dependency on Melee. If there's a go to method to kill someone every time in a game, it gets stale. you need to have a variety, and a challenge. The old "Shoot, grenade" and "Shoot, Punch" was one of the reasons I hated 3, because the AR was nothing more than a Jab to set up a hook for the kill, if you'll excuse the metaphor. In 4, I can actually lay someone out with the AR. It's satisfying to use. And I don't think the AI is too bad. CoD has bad AI. 4's AI is nothing more than a bit... Basic if anything. Not broken.
  18. Here's my two cents, I'll be making a video about it in the near future. Campaign: Nonsensical Set pieces strung together with Ham-fisted exposition, driven by faceless character's with no memorable qualities. Online: S.S.D.D., but worse. WAAAAAY WORSE. I can't believe someone topped MW2 for worst Online ever. Squads: I actually love squads. I like the customization, but I don't like having to play online to unlock them. Extinction: WAAAAY more fun than zombies has been in a while. Definitely a high point of the game.
  19. Forget what I said, I'm stupid. Playdate's next week.

    1. Vangelis


      God you need to be put down.


  20. Upon further review, I'm a moron. It's next week. SORRY, I FORGOT HOW TO TIME.
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