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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Time to do some cleaning on my Hard drive... Fun...

  2. Time to do some cleaning on my Hard drive... Fun...

  3. A: This isn't 343's official site. If you want to be heard, and maybe make a difference, try Waypoint. B: How are you going to play Battlefield 4 if its not out yet? Are you a wizard?
  4. I have three: Main: Starter: Non-Pika/Starter: That's pretty much it.
  5. O_o I need to go weep for a few minutes. Excellent work.
  6. Grand Theft Auto + Shaq Fu = Grand Theft Shaq
  7. I got a new laptop screen! I can see the whole screen! Was the site always this blue?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. D-38 Boss
    3. Axilus Prime
    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Bot, if you take that as a cue to turn the site pink, I am not to be held responsible for it.

  8. That's not his house though. Same spot, different house.
  9. EEEEEE! I'm also assuming that's supposed to say 12/10/13?
  10. So... I'm just kinda checking in. GTAV has absorbed a good portion of my soul. which is funny, because I already sold it for half a sandwich in 2005... so, Rockstar's gonna have to track down that sandwich guy if they want it..... That sandwich wasn't even good...

  11. Hey! Teh Direectoor! Don't let it go to your head. Too late...
  12. Just got back from the GTAV midnight release. Be warned, there's about an 8000 MB install before you can play.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Christian.


      I'll need to clear up some space.

    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      I got 6 . 7 memory on my hard drive

    4. skummgummigubbe


      it sdoesent take long about 10 min

  13. Rockstar generally releases extremely polished games, so I bet they've done extensive server tests. After all, this games been in production for a few years.
  14. Don't forget, signing up here isn't doing much, to make it official, you gotta go here: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/the_343i_crew If you don't already have an account, Make one. That way we can put our crew on the map.
  15. I'd say that's horrible and I feel bad for you... but I don't. so... yeah...
  16. For those of you who haven't already, ΩMΣGΛ has started a 343i Community crew on the Rockstar Social Club for once the online portion is up and running, that way you can connect with other community members who have GTAV for the Xbox. Sign up, team up, and we can make some real (Virtual) Money. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/31175-gta-v-the-343i-community-crew/
  17. In my opinion, Completion-ism is no way to enjoy games. If you focus on just making sure you've done everything in a game, you're not focusing on what can make a game great. Skyrim is not sold on the gameplay, but the Expansiveness of the map, and the Immersion of the lore. With GTAV, it's a similar concept. Rockstar has always been good at making memorable characters, and believable worlds. That's just my opinion though. far be it from me to tell you how to enjoy games.
  18. That's just what I could tell from the article. It could be more, but truth be told, it would end up like GTA IV online. You couldn't walk more than 6 inches without getting gunned down. Add in the fact that you need to be able to get your loot from heists back to a hideout of some kind, there are plenty of players who would love to ruin your day by plugging you before you can get away. Limiting the number of players in the free roam makes sense.
  19. http://gamerant.com/grand-theft-auto-online-details/ Information has been released regarding GTAV's online mode. TL:DR version as follows: Character customization is apparently taking a cue from The Sims, making you choose your character's parents to make a base appearance, and tweaking it from there. There are even choices to make for your personality that affect your character's in-game performance (I.E. Smoker - lower stamina, as of yet, there is no known boost, and others have yet to be named.) 500+ online missions. Yeah. 500. Online missions support a simple speech recognition mechanic. what this means, is if you're waiting for a teller to fill your bag with money from a safe, you can yell something akin to "Hurry the up!" and they will work quicker. The online is a maximum 16 players, starting with your crew, then filling in with players close to your level. Your character is a new arrival in the city, similar to CJ in GTA:SA. The story of Online takes place after the events of the single player mode, meaning several character's with be making Cameos, however it is unclear whether any of the Protagonists will. The online mode will make use of GTAV's 49 square-mile map. That's pretty dang big... DISCUSS!
  20. NHL doesn't make me a Hockey player, Rock Band doesn't make me a famous rock star, and the Sims doesn't make me god. Following this line of logic, GTA doesn't make me a criminal, Hitman doesn't make me a contract killer, and Manhunt doesn't make me a sociopathic serial killer. Maybe it's time to loo at the environment of those who commit violence (I.E. home and school life, friends, parents.) rather than a single object. If you want to go by that logic, why isn't it possible Tooth paste is responsible fro violence? I'm pretty sure Timothy McVeigh and Ted Bundy had Toothpaste.
  21. Granted, but at the speed they're falling, they puncture your skull and kill you. I wish Echoes by Pink Floyd would play anytime I did something epic.
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