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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. I wasn't aware they had an actual System for that.... OMEGA! GET ON IT! MAKE DA CREW!
  2. GT: xXRC BossXx Role: Pilot (Both Choppers and Planes) Scout (Bikes, Basically I ride ahead and find a clear route.) I'm good at both of those.
  3. Boredom is an inherently interesting thing. It's the state of suddenly forgetting that you are, in fact, a Giant bag of meat, that somehow can speak in what is considered a coherent language, that survives by eating other bags of meat that don't speak in what is considered a coherent manner, and forgetting the fact that right now, you could be breathing in a fart from a dinosaur, that has just reached your airspace. So what do you do when you forget all that? LOLcats. Ain't human...

  4. Good, Active! We need more of that around here! See you 'round the Forums!
  5. Well, in SWC, there hasn't been combat yet, as far as I know. I'm just wondering what the conflict of your game is going to be. Is it PVP? PVE? Roleplay?
  6. The way it sounds, it seems like a similar concept to Star Wars Combine, Which was fun, but there was no Combat system. it got stale after a while. I'm assuming there will be some form of combat for this?
  7. Hate to say it, but this RP fell apart rather quickly...
  8. FINALLY! Shouldn't this be in Member created works though? Moved. -The Mods
  9. Hello! Welcome to the Community! I don't mean to self-promote, wait... That's exactly what I'm doing... If you like reading FF, lookie lookie over here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28622-ground-zero-halo-3-odst-alternate-storyline/?do=findComment&comment=261109
  10. So, Is this gonna be playable soon? Because I am so excited. Also, I noticed you're looking for content creators. I offer my services, if you should need them.
  11. Granted, you are now able to be Super Normal. I wish I could count to Potato.
  12. Well, I'm now an admin of a page on Facebook, dedicated to Pokemon and gaming in general... Fun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BeckoningZebra1


      Congrats, Good luck with the

      responsibility :)

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL



      They digivolve.

    4. Azaxx
  13. Great Update Drizzy. If you need me to, I can host playdates if you can't make it. Let me know.
  14. Considering it's $40 cheaper, and most people I know don't use the 3d feature, this is a smart idea, not to mention with the new Pokemon around the corner, this is a smart move by Nintendo. All it really boils down to is are you willing to pay a bit extra to be able to close your DS?
  15. Shaq Fu + Final Fantasy = Shaq Fantasy OR Final Fu. OR Final Shaq.
  16. (You need to slow down a bit. that's way too much in one post when you're working with another RPer.) Mac was almost on auto-pilot for a few minutes, standing nearly motionless as Garreck tangled with an angry Krogan. (Wonder why? ) When Garreck counted to five, Mac had already burst through the door. He had to consciously remember not to shout that they were under arrest. There were three Krogan strewn about the room, all turning to see the new arrival, and looking none too happy about who it was. Leveling his Pistol, he fired a barrage of shots before ducking to his left to get into cover as they returned fire.
  17. Mac had already changed into a plain black casual suit, his M3 Predator tucked inside the jacket. "Sweet..." He said with a smirk, hopping into the sleek craft. Once they were in the air, Mac started thinking over this case. "So... what's the plan? I mean, they won't just tell us who did it and why... things could get pretty hairy." Peeking out over the various wards of the Citadel, he found himself un-nerved about how easily someone could get lost, whether they wanted to or not. "For all we know, our guy could be half-way to Omega right now, laughing all the friggin' way."
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