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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Mac looked down at himself. "I should probably ditch the uniform too, huh? Good thing I've got a change of clothes in the trunk..." Pulling the shuttle out of traffic, and setting down outside Garreck's apartment, he turned to the Investigator. "We're keeping this off the record, right? I could get into a lot of trouble with the Higher-ups. Like, losing my job trouble."
  2. (Moving a tad quickly, but what ever, that works.) "Wait, What?" Mac said, as he lifted the shuttle away from Chora's Den, and out toward C-Sec HQ. "What's a Geth?" He set the shuttle to auto-pilot, and leaned over to see the Omni-tool.
  3. D-38 Boss


    Welcome to the Community!
  4. "Seems you and them are pretty chummy, nowadays." Mac said, taking a seat on Fist's desk. Fist leaned back and scoffed. "I ain't got nothin' to say. You need a warrant, and you sure as hell can't get one." Mac sighed. He knew what Fist meant. Everyone knew he was an agent for the Shadow Broker, and he paid in his dues to C-Sec's "Charity Fund" making him practically untouchable. "I guess that's it then." Mac said, hopping off of the desk. "Just remember, once one of the Grove hoods gives you up, that little security net is going to collapse. Corrupt or not, you can't bribe your way out of Murder, buddy."
  5. "Ease up." Mac said, holding out his hand. "You do realize I have to do the paperwork for everybody you put in the hospital, right?" Mac turned and held up his omni-tool, showing his badge. "Need to talk to the Boss-man, boys." He said. "He's not here." One of them snarled. Mac chuckled. "Oh really? Cause I can see him in that little window there." He said as he pushed his way past. "Obstruction of Justice isn't a good idea, buddy. keep that in mind." Fist was sitting at his desk, talking to his omni-tool. "Yeah..... A Little Quarian Chick, said she knew something about some Spectre or something. Yeah, I'll handle it." He said, before closing it and turning to them. "Officer Mackeris..." "Fisty!" Mac said, with a smirk. "How you doin'? Murder doesn't seem to slow down your business at all, eh?" Mac Turned to Garreck. "I mean, that house was packed, right?"
  6. (Do I see a GTA San Andreas reference!?) Mac rushed over as Garreck started to rough up the human, but arrived in time to hear his confession. "You work quickly, don't you?" He chuckled. "Of course... any lawyer could get that confession tossed out of evidence... you need to watch your temper..." Mac placed a finger on his headset. "This is Sergeant Mackeris. I need an APB on any member of the Grove Ward Gang. We've got a confession that links them to the murder." He turned to Garreck. "GWG's are known enforcers for Fist. So this sure as hell doesn't rule him out. for now, I'd say we go talk to the man himself, see if we can't squeeze a few names out of him."
  7. "Not exactly the reply I was expecting." Mac chuckled. Looking over the crowded bar, his eyes locked onto a few suspicious patrons for a few seconds each, before moving on. "The crime scene's over this way." Mac said, leading them through the crowd and out the side door. The scene was blocked off, with several officers working crowd control. The Coroner was busy snapping pictures with his omni-tool. The Salarian's Corpse was laying in a messy pile of entrails, spilling from the gaping wound in his stomach. Green-ish blood covered the wall directly opposite him, and the several marks in the wall told it all; Shotgun, Pointblank. this wasn't a random murder, it was a message. "Victim's name is Torlin Hoven." Mac said, lighting another Cigarette. "Balistics said it was an Ariake Shotgun, most likely an M-23 Katana. He's been dead 4 hours or so. That Human over there found him." Mac said, pointing to a pale looking man, sitting on a stack of crates. "Do your thing, buddy. I'll be here."
  8. Mac was reluctantly waved through after Garreck. He was known around Chora's Den, and not in a good way either. He was the Senior Officer for this ward, and he refused to be bought. It made the local Crime bosses more than a bit uneasy. "You owed Fist money? What for?"
  9. "You really get a kick out of the old Human games, eh?" Mac said, driving normally as his challenge had been so humorously rejected. "I'm partial to chess myself." Weaving through the wards on his way to Chora's den, he passed Jehuty Ward, where he'd grown up. Casting a quick glance, it was as disgusting and corrupting as when he'd left 3 years prior. It was still a haven for fugitives, and a general vacuum of common decency. "I joined C-Sec to try and fix that mess. If anything, it's gotten worse." He groaned. "But at least I make sure the idiotic, rich masses can drink in peace."
  10. "Oh please. I know this damn station better than my- well, let's just say I know it pretty damn well." Mac chuckled. Easing the shuttle up and away from the apartment complex, he looked around. Traffic was surprisingly light today. "Ok..." He said with a smile. "Let's make this fun. I get there in under 3 minutes, drinks are on you tonight, over 3 minutes, and I'll buy. Sound good?"
  11. "That was the plan, yeah." Mac nodded, Tossing his half smoked Cigarette into a small steels case, saving it for later. "Come on." Leading Garreck outside, Mac walked briskly over to his Patrol car, and climbed in. "They actually let me use it today, so I figure I'm gonna run up some mileage on this baby. Feel like taking the scenic route?"
  12. Mac opened his Omni-tool and transferred a few files to Garreck. "From his I.D. we know he's small time, definitely one of Fist's thugs, but the Shadow Broker sent one of his agents to let us know he didn't condone the killing. Seems to me like Fist is trying to move up the ladder, and he wants to show he won't tolerate anyone who slows his climb." It was his observational skills that got Mac to Sergeant so quickly, but it was the same that kept him from moving past it. The Higher ups wanted the opinions of their Highly paid Detectives, not a lowly Beat-walker like Mac, and they made sure to keep him locked in the Bureaucracy of Paper work and menial assignments. Of course, Mac also wondered if there was something else at work keeping him there. He'd dealt with more than a few armed suspects within the past few days, all on his usual beat. "I know you didn't ask for my opinion, but this feels like a setup. Fist knows you've been snooping around, and I've been turning up the pressure on my end. It only seems normal he'd want us out of the picture."
  13. "Wish I could. But the L.T. needs you over at Chora's Den. Some poor shmuck of a Salarian wound up with his Guts plastered all over the outside wall. All the Homicide guys are still busy jerking each other off about their last collar." Mac lit up a Cigarette. It was the source of a lot of Jokes at C-Sec, but it was a behavior he picked up from the humans in the Lower wards, despite the difficulty of holding one in his hand. "They think this guy was skimming from the daily take. Fist had to make an example of him. but they want a Pro to take a look."
  14. C-Sec Errand boy... That's what Mannus "Mac" Mackeris thought his job title should be. His badge said he was a Sergeant, but he didn't feel like he even had a rank. Marching up to the apartment door, Mac checked his Omni-tool to make sure he had the right address. not that he didn't know it, but he was on hour 20 of a non-stop shift, so his sense of direction was a bit lacking. Knocking on the door, Mac cleared his throat and called out. "Garreck! Up and at 'em."
  15. But..... ok... Full Name: Mannus "Mac" Mackeris Race: Turian Gender: Male Class: Soldier Occupation: C-Sec Aesthetics or Clothing: Standard C-Sec Uniform, Full Visor w/ Radio attachments Facial Appearance: Steel gray eyes 3 Powers and Weapon of choice: M3 Predator, M-98 Widow, Hack, Concussive shot, Frag Grenade. Backstory: Born in the Lower wards of the Citadel, Mannus grew up hating the poverty he was surrounded by. After completing school, he joined C-Sec as a way to get a chance to see the upper wards, and improve the conditions of the lower wards. However, he quickly found himself playing peacekeeper at one of Zakera ward's Bars, almost indefinitely, making him extremely bored of life in C-Sec. However, lacking another option he stays put. Due to his upbringing, he has no Preference when it comes to Race, and tends to speak in a Human manner, as he spent most of his youth around them.
  16. Full Name: Mannus "Mac" Mackeris Race: Turian Gender: Male Class: Soldier Occupation: C-Sec Aesthetics or Clothing: Standard C-Sec Uniform, Full Visor w/ Radio attachments Facial Appearance: Steel gray eyes 3 Powers and Weapon of choice: M3 Predator, M-98 Widow, N7 Hurricane Backstory: Born in the Lower wards of the Citadel, Mannus grew up hating the poverty he was surrounded by. After completing school, he joined C-Sec as a way to get a chance to see the upper wards, and improve the conditions of the lower wards. However, he quickly found himself playing peacekeeper at one of Zakera ward's Bars, almost indefinitely, making him extremely bored of life in C-Sec. However, lacking another option he stays put.
  17. Granted. The intensity of the game melts your face. You now have no face. Also, you're Kanye West now. Don't ask why. I wish I could make mindbogglingly amazing sandwiches.
  18. Making his way through the Gate, Ty looked around. "Where the hell is everybody?" He said, his hands tucked into his armpits for warmth. "HELLO!?"
  19. FINISH THE VIDEO DANGIT! I wanna see it, and listen to myself and others... Mostly others.... Totally not just myself.
  20. Goin' to New Hampshire this week end, with Vangelis... this will be nothing if not interesting.

  21. "Just keep walking..." Ty said, his teeth chattering. "You'll find something... Something...." Ty had been walking for a few hours, alone after the Infinity had fallen. He managed to drop in time to save himself, but now he was wandering through a tundra, Lost and freezing. "Want... wanna lay down..... can't... can't lay down.... laying down.... bad...." He muttered to himself. Knee deep in snow, his fatigues were thoroughly soaked, and Hypothermia was starting to look like a real problem, not to mention, exhaustion was affecting his mental state. "I can't feel my f----in' Legs!!!" He yelled out, randomly. "Or my fingers.... or my balls...." He said, quietly this time. Stumbling again, he found himself face first in the snow. "Ow...." He hoisted himself up, and trudged on. "Come on Ty.... Think warm thoughts... Hot Chocolate.... Heaters.... Blankets.... bed..." He felt his eyes begin to close, and his shook his head violently to stay awake. "No! no warm thoughts... warm thoughts bad....." Looking past the falling snow, he could see a silhouette in the distance. "Is that...." He increased his pace, using what energy he had left. "Oh please.... Please at least be a place to rest...." He stumbled as he jogged through the snow, the building slowly entering his view. "F--- Yes! A UNSC Base!" I said, jumping with joy. "F--- you snow! you can't stop me!" He picked up his pace as the depth of the snow decreased. He flipped on his radio, set to all frequencies. "UNSC base. This is Staff Sergeant MacMillan, 3rd ODSTs, UNSC Infinity. Anyone home? I could use a nice cup of cocoa, over."
  22. "Vasili, make your way to my office immediately." The intercomm roared, snapping Jozef out of his drunken nap. "Ugh.... Wha?" He said, lifting his head off of his desk. "Musta blacked out..." He rubbed his eyes and shoved against the desk to boost himself to his feet. He made his way out the door of his office, and down the hall to Central Ops, drawing salutes, and looks of both admiration and jealousy from his lesser comrades. It was something he'd grown used to. Most of the old hands new he'd earned his place long ago, but the newbies saw him as nothing more than a drunk. He barged into the Ops center, then into the Commander's office. "Scotch, two Ice cubes." He said, flopping down in one of the leather arm chairs. "Well, nice to see you too..." Commander Haskell said, reaching under his desk to retrieve the drink. "Pleasantries are don't survive the Hangovers. I need some hair of the dog, ya'know?" "Not drinking works too." Lieutenant MacMillan chuckled. "Not nearly as fun, Kiddo." Jozef said, snatching the glass from Haskell. Three of the Five founders now sat in this office. Commander Scott Haskell, the C.E.O., and Head Honcho. Lieutenant Tyler "Ty" MacMillan, Leader of Bladerunner Brigade, and of course, Vasili, who brought most of the veteran Pilots with him from the UNSC. The other two; Jones and Cantonelli, weren't on base currently. "So what's up Big Boss? You usually don't call me and Stick Stickly over here in at the same time unless it's something big." Jozef said, once again teasing MacMillan. "Maria's meeting with a few of the Stockholders on Earth." Haskell said, noting the look of disgust on both his Compatriot's faces. "They want to see their investments pay off. That means big picture. We need a big one, and soon. I'm calling Derek back from his current contract, and we're going to nail us a nice fat payday." "Money grubbing ********...." Jozef snarled, taking a long sip of Scotch. "They've got plenty of cash to spare..." "Rich people like to be richer than other rich people..." Ty shrugged. "But we have to play along. they pull their funding, we can't pay our troops. and it's back to the small time for us." "And none of us want that." Haskell concluded. "Get your teams ready for work, soon. Dismissed." Jozef and Ty hopped up and left, Jozef taking his Scotch with him. "Well, go tell your sociopaths they get to kill more people, Twiggy. I'll make sure my fine warriors are there to do all the real work." Jozef said, stumbling down the hall. "****...." Ty muttered, marching off in the other direction. Back in his office, Haskell was readying his radio. "This is Commander Scott Haskell, broadcasting on all Deep-space frequencies. I represent The Haskell Private Contractor's Bureau. We've recently become available for Hire. Contact me on Frequency 141.38 to inquire about our services. Out." He sat back at his desk, and looked up at the ceiling. "Time like this, I wish I'da stuck with the UNSC.... Less people tryin' to shake your hand and pick your pocket at the same time..."
  23. Well Vangelis, I don't think you need to know which I play, The amount of times we've almost killed each other over them attests to that. But: KOF Tekken Street Fighter Soul Caliber Pretty much anything. I like fighting games...
  24. I like them all, except three was pretty weak in my opinion. If you asked me why, I couldn't really tell you. I just don't like it as much as the others.
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