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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. You insist on using Vultures, but you don't support them with Anti-air units.
  2. D.J. started to trail off. Most of the footage was the same. a lot of yelling, and shooting. He started to think about his family back in Aszod. His mother was a drug addict, barely conscious enough to realize she had children, and three out of his five brothers were in prison for lengthy sentences. His brother Jason had been murdered in Aszod,and his brother Kyle had left Reach and disappeared, supposedly to join the UNSC. Yup, pretty much nothing to fight for back home...
  3. "No one was joking, genius. It's a figure of speech." D.J. said. Keep your head D.J., he thought, They ain't worth the fallout.
  4. I see the UNSC similarly to the SCP foundation; Cold, not cruel. They may do somethings that can be seen in a negative light, but it is all in the best interests of humanity.
  5. Granted, they're only 1% more intelligent, however. I wish I had a super toilet.
  6. Another option would be to post it on Fanfiction.net, just to get a general opinion on it. 900 pages though... I can barely get past 20 with my writing...
  7. "This is Mild? This makes Crush day back home look like a friggin' joke!" D.J. Suddenly realized not everyone here would know what Crush day was. It was big news in the Aszod, a major turf war that broke out between the gangs of the city. It lasted two days. Most people thought it was a riot rather than a planned, or at least quasi-planned battle for land that none of the combatants had a right to. He didn't remember who had named it Crush day, or why, but it didn't matter. He had spent the night in jail before they let him go, saying they had nothing to charge him with. He knew he lucked out though. He could have caught a slew of assault charges. By the end of the second day, the total Body count was 30 dead gang members on various sides, and hundreds of uncounted injuries. But this, this was a whole new type of F---ed up. Every second, it seemed he found new perspective on the war.
  8. And... I can't play the playdate tonight or tomorrow... Dang it.

    1. Kiing 0f Coffe

      Kiing 0f Coffe

      neither can I, I have a chess tournament in the morning :(

  9. I did not see this. I offer my voice acting services of course. I'd like to try for the Spartan III. Just need a moment when I'm alone to record the sample. Prolly in a day or two.
  10. From what D.J. could piece together, the basic energy weapons didn't do more than cause mild burns. It was the weird spiky weapon, and the sword you needed to watch out for. Some of the higher caliber weapons could drop the biggest covies in one shot, provided you put it in the right spot. Other than that, it was a case of unloading until they died. Not D.J.'s kind of fight, he was a heavy hitter. Even in Boxing, he had his quick combos, but he preferred precise, heavy shots to put someone out. The combat footage looked hectic, but almost hypnotic with various bright streaks flying past the camera. "Sarge? Where's this footage from?"
  11. Granted, you just kinda die. I wish for sound to be less, sound...ey....
  12. Granted, you now have an overly attached fan who takes pictures of you, and writes disturbing stories involving you. I wish I had infinite money.
  13. Granted, they were shoved in a large microwave, and heated for thirty seconds. (Get it? GET IT!?!?!?) Also you die... don't ask why. I wish I was a better yodeler.
  14. Already pre-ordered. I vote for a 343i GTA V Freeroam playdate when it comes out. All I wanna do is run some of you over. Drizzy and JL know what that's like.
  15. "S--t..." D.J. muttered. He didn't understand most of it, but one thing was clear, if you weren't smart about it, these things could make you twice as dead in half the time. It suddenly dawned on him, if he didn't straighten out soon, he'd be one of those "twice as dead." D.J. returned to the lecture with renewed interest.
  16. Granted, Unfortunately I cut off your hands, so you can no longer touch games. I wish I had a Bag filled with other Bags.
  17. "I was talking about that Alien's gun... What is it?" D.J. glanced over to see Kyrong miming suicide, and shook his head, the international symbol of : "It's your own fault, Moron."
  18. Granted, but it's me, therefore the quality drops tremendously. I wish I had some Sausage.
  19. So far, I like how the Exo's look. If I don't do that, I'll go Human. And Titan, Bottom line.
  20. D.J. looked at the image on the screen. "Damn... you should need a license for that much Ugly..." He muttered. The strange object in his hand looked foreign, but it was unmistakably a weapon of some sort. D.J. raised his hand. "What kind of weapon is that? I ain't seen anything like it..."
  21. Yay! More staff 'n' stuff! Good for you guys!
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