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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. New Mombassa, October 21st, 2552, 1:30 AM Sector 2-A: Central Park. Tracking ODST: PFC Logan Alexander Scott Logan finally reached the top floor of the building. The resulting force of the Carrier's jump had weakened the tower's structure, and several rooms had caved in, including some of the stair wells. The surrounding city didn't look much better. Many of the older buildings had collapsed, and large chunks of others had broken away. The entire city was dark, save for emergency lighting around the main roads and hospitals. Through his scope, Logan could make out the odd plasma bolt lighting up a small part of the city. He tried his radio, but received nothing but static. The radiation leftover from the Carrier was interfering with their radio signals. Logan paused and thought. “Alright... standard procedure... there is no standard procedure for this.... Damn it...” He was separated from his squad, with no radio, and little ammo and supplies left. The situation seemed bleak at best. “Ok... I should try to gather anyone I can. Some of the ODSTs must've reached the ground...”Logan thought. Lost in his planning, Logan failed to notice he wasn't alone. The two Brutes from earlier hadn't given up on finding him, and now, he was cornered, 70 stories up and alone. Logan turned as the first Brute, a minor rank, began to charge, roaring as it did. Thinking quickly, he leveled his rifle and fired. The 12.7 millimeter round crashed through the Brute's headgear, into his skull. The body's inertia caused it to topple into Logan, however, and he lost his grip on his rifle, sending it clattering along the ground under an Air conditioning unit nearby. Scrambling to his feet, Logan came face to face with the second Brute, a Chieftain in full battle dress; Ornate armor, and a heavy staff. Ducking back, Logan dodged the Brute's first swing, and circled around his right, trying to move over to his weapon. The Brute seemed to know his intentions, swinging down to block him off. Logan dashed left and rolled as the Brute swung in a wide circle, missing Logan by inches. Rising to a crouch, Logan lurched forward, launching a heavy punch to the Brute's jaw, knocking off his Head dress. The Brute paused for a second, before flying into a rage, tossing it's staff aside and charging at Logan. With a heavy swing he sent Logan flying backward, toward the edge of the building. He managed to roll to his feet, and skidded to a stop a few inches from the ledge. As the Brute charged wildly, Logan saw his chance to end it. Waiting until the last second, he ducked down and to his left, sweeping the Brute's legs out, and sending him toppling over the side of the building; 70 stories to the ground. Logan took a minute to catch his breath, and retrieved his rifle. Walking to the edge of the building and looking through his scope, He saw signs of fighting across the park. “I gotta get down there...” Logan muttered, before rushing off to make his way to ground level.
  2. D.J. raised his hand. "Are we gonna be tested on this? Other than in a real fight, I mean."
  3. Hello! Welcome to the Community. We have quite a few active RP's going right now if you feel like taking a look. You can find them in the Halo Books/Music/Member created works forum. See ya round!
  4. You know you love Halo.... when you know what Halo Zero is.
  5. Congratz! you have gained enough life experience to reach level 16!

  6. Gahd I wish Vangelis' copy worked...
  7. Implying I know how to imply.
  8. So, here are the games that have me the most excited right now: 1. Watch_Dogs 2. GTA V 3. Saints Row IV

    1. Vangelis


      Zone of the Enders 3....... nothing else really

    2. Donut


      1. Watch Dogs, 2. GTA V, 3. Destiny, 4. Battlefront 3, 5. BF4.

    3. EliteSniper


      1. Destiny

      2. Battlefield 4

      Eh, actually these two :P

  9. Congratz Spades! Hopefully I'll be able to make as many Custom Games nights as I do Playdates.
  10. I love it about as much as getting shot in the face.
  11. Ceamdrast. You're welcome.
  12. The main thing I think, is Bungie is trying to win points with the hardcore Sony fans who didn't play Oni. So maybe they think dissing Microsoft is a good way to do that? Either way, it's not a smart thing to do.
  13. I'd be willing to do Wallace and Lloyd. I'll send you an audition for each when I'm not over my friends house, I just need a line or two for each one.
  14. Skyfury 1-1 was waiting in the Desert sector, circling his refurbished Falcon over the rendezvous point. His instructions were to wait an hour, and then return to base, with or without the Commander. Ty trekked through the desert as fast as his legs and the loose sand would let him. He had 15 minutes to spare to get to the RP. plenty of time as he approached, seeing Skyfury 1-1 circling above. "Skyfury 1-1, I am approaching the RP, bring 'er down."
  15. Halo 4 playdate is underway! Mesage xXRC BossXx

  16. D.J. had already showered, and was sitting in the back of the room waiting for the lecture to start. He was surprised to be doing something other than P.T. and drills, but of all things, it had to be a lecture. D.J. wasn't too bright, and he knew it. The last thing he wanted was to be back in school.
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