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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. "Damn it.... nothing." Scott said dejectedly. he'd been trying to raise someone on the comms for the last hour, with no response. "Ok... come on Scott, you know how to handle this... you were trained for this... now let's see.... the first step after an emergency ejection is... leave the crash site.... ok... done... second is.... Contact allies.... great..." Scott kicked the ground beneath him. "I'm screwed..."
  2. D.J. used his bandana to dry his face. It wasn't his first time being maced, but you never really got used to the sensation. With his eyesight more or less intact, he wandered back over to the ready line, prepared for the next exercise.
  3. Stop changing your name JL... <_<

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL






  4. D.J. choked through the mace, and squinted enough for his eyes to water, clearing his vision just enough for a tiny slit of vision. D.J. made his way over the wall, and dropped down on the other side. The awkward landing in the sand caused him to stumble forward, but he rolled and kept on his feet. He rushed into the next area, only to bump into one of the punching bags. "Damn it!" D.J. launch a quick jab, hitting the bag. He heard a whistle, and turned toward it. The bag hit him in the chest, but he managed to keep his grip on it. Rushing down the path, his eyesight finally started to clear to the point where he could hold his eyes open for a few seconds before he had to blink. D.J. lifted the BR in his hands, and dropped to a knee in the shooter's box. He fumbled a bit to slide a mag into the mag well, and slammed the bolt closed. He leveled the rifle and aimed down the sight. Blinking through the mace, he could make out the red dot on the head of the paper target. D.J. exhaled, squeezed the trigger, and the rifle kicked in his hands. His first shot was dead on target, but the other two in the burst missed completely. He fired another burst, aiming for center mass this time. the first shot hit the targets center of mass, and the second hit it's throat, with the third sailing over completely. He emptied the mag, stopping once to clear a jam, with much the same result, accurate first shot, and trailing off with the rest.
  5. Yay other people! Welcome Back!
  6. Get on it son! You gotta go be a glove 'n' stuff...
  7. "Man, I thought I was done bein' maced..." D.J. shrugged. Every single woman back home seemed to have one, and apparently had a quick draw when you tugged on their purses. D.J. took a deep breath. "Alright... hit me."
  8. Yeah, you're one of those... PURIST collectors...
  9. True. SO..... Powerstone.... other Dreamcast things...
  10. Banned for having a copy of War and Peace which could fracture a skull.
  11. "Point taken." D.J. said, with a glare in his eye. Apparently this particular Militia didn't like thinkers, only cannon fodder. D.J. marched silently, wishing he could have stayed home, but circumstances didn't allow it.
  12. Personally, Out of the whole series, 3 is my least favorite. While I agree with the Elites and Spartans, I don't think removing AA's and the DMR is necessary. Symmetrical map design is nice, but there are Asymmetrical maps that people love. (E.G. Blood Gulch, Sidewinder. and they are Asymmetrical, both sides don't match 100%) I'm all for more weapons, but only if they fit. While I love the S.M.G., it was only added because of the dual wielding system (Which I enjoyed, but I don't think it was necessary.) And unlocking Armor through Campaign skulls was pointless, it did nothing to make the game better or worse. Just have unlockable armor.
  13. Scott climbed the last flight of stairs up to the roof. The office building he had chosen to climb was dilapidated, and most of the staircases had almost collapsed under his weight. On top Scott looked down at the city, at least the parts he could see through the smoke. On all accounts, The U.N.S.C. had failed. most of the city was in ruins, and the parts that weren't were being patrolled by Covenant. New Mombassa was officially lost. Scott flipped on his radio. "This is Senior Airman Scott Haskell. My fighter was downed by some sort of E.M.P., and I'm currently moving on foot. Is there anyone else on this frequency?"
  14. "Riiiight." D.J. rolled his eyes, and marched off. "Totally explains Harvest doesn't it? If they wanted to fight that way, we'd be in a lot worse situation. The kinda S--- they pack could take out any of our ships, but we keep getting into these long ground wars. You can't honestly tell me you don't wonder about that."
  15. Yeah, that happens sometimes. If it does that, just do it yourself before you post it, that's what I do when this happens.
  16. CoD: Ok, Infinity Ward, we get it. CoD 4 revolutionized shooters on a fluke because it sold well. I admit, I Liked 4, you broke the mold. here's the problem: Now you're trying to make games with the broken mold. you make broken games. Final Fantasy: I enjoy seeing others play them, but myself, I don't like to play them. Except Crystal Chronicals... Legend of Zelda: I only played Wind Waker, and it's just not my kind of game. I think we should do a reverse on this, Games you like that no one else does. it'd be fun...
  18. NOOOO!!! THE SANCTITY OF OUR THREAD HAD BEEN DEFILED! It had to happen eventually...
  19. "Don't feel too dead..." D.J. Chuckled. "Although, I hardly think the Covies will line us up and yell at our corpses." D.J. felt like showing off, making sure they'd see he wasn't just muscle. "Besides, why would the Covies attack a mess hall? Seems like they's hit the armory, make sure we couldn't arm up, then just cut us all down... More fun for the Elites." In the back of his mind, D.J. was laughing. Gettin' some push ups for that one, if they don't beat my A-- first, he thought.
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