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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Oh....oh.... OH..... Oh... Gloves...
  2. Pretty good! Once again, it's a little hard to read because of the layout. Just make sure to make a space between paragraphs.
  3. "Well, that's good and bad..." Ty muttered at the continuing sounds of combat. He kept moving toward the building, staying close to the walls of the buildings he passed. He reached the rear entrance of the building and drew his M6C from his holster, gripping it firmly in his hands. "Ok..." He sighed. "Just like a normal job..." He reached down for the door handle, opening it slowly. "Helloooo? Anyone here? Anyone who doesn't want to kill me?"
  4. Hey look, I wroted some mores... it's a short one, but I'll make up for it with the next few chapters. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28622-ground-zero-halo-3-odst-alternate-storyline/page-2?do=findComment&comment=269631

  5. This one's a short one, but it's setting up for the major Climax. So yeah, bear with me. New Mombassa, October 20th, 2552, 7:00 PM Sector 2-A: Central Park. Lugo and Mathison raced to reach Central Park. The sound of distant combat was drowned out by the Warthog's engine. “What do you mean they're not responding?” Lugo shouted over the Engine noise. “I mean, I can't get through! I'm getting nothing but static on all channels!” “Keep trying!” “No s---...” Lugo turned hard onto 5th street, leading to Central Park. “Buck's guys are supposed to drop soon, right?” “Yeah, they're probably in the tubes now.” Mathison nodded. “Looks like there's fighting up ahead!” Lugo shouted. Plasma blasts streaked across the street in the distance. The covenant were attacking a storefront, but it seemed like a stalemate. “Drop me off there, and go for Logan!” Mathison ordered. “Got it! Get ready!” Lugo slammed on the handbrake, sliding the rear of the Warthog into a drift. The massive steel machine bounced as it slid into the group of Brutes on the street, and Lugo brought the careening vehicle to a stop. “Oh man, I don't have insurance!” Lugo cackled. “This is your stop, Sarge!” Mathison leaped out, his shotgun at the ready, but most of the covenant were falling back. Lugo sped off down the street, turning the corner to search for Logan. “Kid! You in there!?” Ty leaned out from behind the store counter. “Sarge?” “Christ kid, we've been trying to contact you for an hour!” Mathison said as he rushed over next to him. “Radio's are down! I lost contact with Logan a while ago.” Ty said reluctantly. “He'll be fine. Let's han-” A deafening roar drowned him out. A blinding light engulfed the store. The last thing Ty saw was the roof of the store caving in, before he was knocked out.
  6. "Agh...... damn it...." Scott shook his head, and his vision cleared. His parachute was caught on a street light, and his flight seat was dangling in the breeze. "Crap.... What was that?" He unhooked his harness, plucked his M6C from it's Holder on the seat, and dropped down. Looking around, the city was still standing, but only barely. Everything was burned, and the power was out. there wasn't a single sign of life around, but Scott wasn't sure if that was a good thing, or not. He plucked off his flight helmet, and detached the earpiece. "This is Senior Airman Haskell. My fighter was downed in the city by some kind of EMP. Can anyone hear me on this frequency?" The deafening white noise told him no, he was alone for now. "Hmm... Maybe if I can get some Elevation... might get a better signal..."
  7. An explosion. Ty'd heard a lot of them in the past week, but now, with the majority of Reach engulfed in flames, or turned to glass, any sign of life was welcome. He came from a small town to the south, and would work in the city. now, it was the only thing left standing in the area, possibly the whole damn planet! Moving in the shadows of the buildings, he crept toward the building where the noise had originated. "I hope it's humans.... Oh please be humans for F---'s sake..." He muttered as he ducked down behind a mailbox as yet another Banshee passed overhead.
  8. Welcome to the Community!
  9. Banned because I made a face at the sun and it exploded which caused an inter-dimensional rift, causing the dead people from history to pour out and begin fighting while Be true to your school by the beach boys plays in stereo on repeat while Captain America eats Chimichangas while spouting Patriotic one-liners about freedom democracy and duty, but i'm too busy throwing banana's and yelling about how I am in fact the backwards man, and you're trying to comprehend just exactly what I'm going on about but I don't know either so good luck with that and I enjoy a good sandwich on the off duty hours when I'm not too busy throwing kittens at children with a rapid fire "Kitten Kannon 3000" with a laser sight and an extended clip, and white phosphorus kittens that burst into flames on impact, that cause 5000th degree burns, but its so cute you don't care, and you die saying patronizing statements about how the cat is the smartest little thing you've ever seen, and Peter Parker cries about his uncle Ben, but he wrestled Macho Man Randy Savage, so that may be related, and suddenly the Illuminati are bursting out of the cookie jar, and tossing snickdoodles at you with dynamite stuff in them, but you eat them because they're so tasty, and you exploded. So yeah... Banned.
  10. Can we at least attempt to keep this on topic?
  11. Let me toss you a curveball. (which is also one to myself as well, as It's a character I haven't played before. At least the type is, the actual character itself is one I play all the time ) Name: Tyler "Ty" MacMillan Occupation: Civilian (Private Investigator) Clothing (Instead of armor... I guess.): Black T-shirt with a long, heavy overcoat. Khaki Cargo pants. Thick Soled Boots. Usually has a shoulder holster under his Coat. Facial Appearance: Black short hair, sharp green eyes, full beard. Weapon of choice: Always has an M6C magnum. if he can find one, he prefers to have a shotgun, of any kind. History: Born in a town in the U.S. back on Earth, and moved to Reach to find more work, as his particular field was over crowded. He did rather well for himself on reach, but none of it matters now. He is particularly talented at remaining undetected, which is good, as his marksmanship skills are less than adequate for fighting the covenant.
  12. D.J. wasn't the first on the Line, but he was close. He felt a slight trickle of blood from his ear, and a pain in his head. "F---..." He muttered. "Well, this should be good."
  13. Cutter Build Marine squads ASAP, and cap at least 2 bases. Build up 4 reactors. build all possible upgrades to ODSTs Stack Warthogs. Max MACs. DEFENSE DEFENSE DEFENSE. Vultures to wipe out forces, ODST drops to keep the pressure on, MACs on hard targets, while you keep them busy with ODSTs, build more Vultures. VULTURES. I believe BaconShelf can confirm this, and knows it has about.... a 40% success rate.
  14. I also just realized, Drizzy can now threaten to Ban me.... Now I can't make fun of him in the Play dates.... There goes the fun....
  15. So.... Crazy Taxi.... Yeah....
  16. Banned for being a dirty liar. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID! O_O
  17. It's just you and me, that's why. SOMEONE ELSE COME IN HERE AND WITNESS OUR GREATNESS!
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