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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Commander's Log: March 5th 2015 We got some new blood in today, 5 new recruits. I don't know how the XCOM Council thinks I'll fight off an invasion with anything less than a full army, but I suppose it'll have to do. They're all wet behind the ears, I think some of 'em have never seen a gun up close before. Either way, they're eager to fight, and they're willing to die if necessary, so I'll take 'em. The operation in Lille went smoothly, but what the troops don't know is Buenos Aires was attacked as well. I had to make a choice between the two, and France's offer of 4 top engineers was better. It's a dirty thing, choosing who to save based on what they'll pay, But XCOM doesn't have the funding it should. These people think that XCOM is a joke, and they're dumping most of their money into their own Armed Forces. I hope to prove them wrong, but in the meantime, making sure I get all my people back alive is the top priority. Bradford's yapping about some project I need to look at. This is the Commander, Signing off.
  2. MISSION 2 Operation Twisted Fear Lille, France March 3rd, 2015 Squad: Squaddie Saida Isra (Team Lead) Rookie Hideo Kojima Rookie Logan Scott Rookie Eduardo Martinez Mission Briefing: Abductions in Lille, France. Secure the drop zone, eliminate all hostile forces on sight. Mission Details: Big Sky touched down at 12:03 A.M inside a construction sight in Lille. Strike 1 was green lit for operations to begin. Squaddie Isra made contact with alien force at 12:15 A.M. (Aliens shown to have an ability to mind-link, recommend performing an autopsy on any reclaimed corpses.) At 12:30, a secondary squad of Aliens appeared, having encircled Strike 1. (This may suggest a tactic of Ambush, but more information is needed.) Rookie Kojima returned fire on alien forces, and succeeded in attaining his first kill. In a brazen move, Rookie Martinez took up a forward position but was badly wounded when his cover was destroyed. Fighting through his injuries, he eliminated an E.T. Surprisingly, this triggered a chain-reaction of sorts, killing a second Alien. (This may be related to the Mind-linking ability. Strongly Recommend research as soon as possible, as this may be an extremele effective tactic.) Rookie Scott demonstrated excellent strategic ability, moving to higher ground to get a clear shot at the enemy, resulting in his first kill, and a mission accomplished. Big Sky returned, Strike 1 was evaced at 2:08 A.M. No Casualties, but Rookie Martinez was wounded, suffering from minor Plasma burns. He'll be treated in sick-bay, estimate 5 days to recover. Kill Totals: Kojima: 1 Martinez: 2 Scott: 1 Central Officer Bradford's notes: Another successful mission, but Martinez is gonna feel it in the morning. Isra didn't do much this time around, but I'll chalk it up to a fluke. I recommend promotions for Kojima, Martinez, and Scott, as well as specialized training. Kojima – Assault Scott – Heavy Martinez – Marksman Non-Combat Information: Construction started on two new satellites. Research of Alien Biology commencing.
  3. Possibly because most people here haven't played Dreamcast? Also, not Xbox, not Halo.
  4. New Mombassa, October 20th, 2552, 6:00 PM Tracking ODSTs: Private First Class Logan Alexander Scott and Private Tyler Mitchell MacMillan Sector 2-A: Central Park “Logan, you got me?” Ty said into his radio. The central park appeared peaceful from a distance, but through the scope of Logan's rifle, the number of Covenant troops was clear as day. This was a dangerous place to be. Unfortunately, the Anti-air Shade Turrets the Covenant had set up made it impossible for the incoming ODST reaction force to land. The task of clearing it fell to Logan and Ty. Logan trained his scope over Ty, who was hiding behind a low wall at the far edge of the Park. “I see you. Move up.” Ty mantled over the wall and rushed through the overgrown grass, diving behind a hedgerow. “You're clear.” Logan said, scanning the Covenant encampment. “They didn't see you.” “You sure? I think that brute looked over here...” Ty said, keeping as low behind the hedges as possible, crawling along the ground. “I'm sure. Stop worrying.” Logan lowered his rifle and wiped his brow. The custom scope he had mounted on his rifle gave him amazing range. He had set up in a sniper's perch, 45 stories above the Park. To the Covenant in the park, his shots would blend in with the sounds of distant combat. “Sorry... First time doing this for real, ya know?” Ty peeked around the hedgerow. A squad of brutes were standing around, speaking a language Ty couldn't recognize. “Hasn't anyone ever tried to make a translator or something? I mean, it seems like it'd help to understand what they're saying.” Ty wondered aloud. “Now's not the time. Move up.” Logan ordered. “Oh, right... sorry.” Ty pushed himself off the ground and ran in a crouch across the park path. Although he was practically silent, every single step sounded like an explosion to Ty, Half-expecting the Brutes to turn and spot him at any moment. He mantled over a low wall, and crouched down behind it. “Am I clear?” He asked. “Yes...” Logan said, his frustration growing. “If they spotted you, you'd know.” “Uh... right... sorry...” Ty inched along the wall, moving closer to his objective. At the edge of the wall, Ty was a few feet from the first Shade turret. “Alright... watch my back, I'm gonna set the charges.” Ty said, pulling the small blocks of plastic explosive from a pouch on his vest. He peered out quickly to make sure no one was looking his way, and rushed over to the Shade. He was using what ODSTs referred to as “Idiot Bombs” No wires, no complicated detonator, just a big red button, and 60 seconds to get clear. He stuck the charge on the Turret's plasma tanks, and punched the button before sneaking past it toward the next one. “Alright, first one's good, be ready to take down some targets.” “I'm always ready.” Logan said, sighting his rifle on a Brute Chieftain. He found it odd that there were no Elites in sight. Usually they were the ones leading the charge. Logan quickly pushed the thought out of his mind. He was here to kill Covenant, no matter what kind they were. “Second charge is set! Moving for the third!” Ty said. “You've got 20 seconds before the first goes off, so feel free to open up on these guys!” “Roger. Keep your head down, and watch the crossfire.” Logan said as he slowly squeezed the trigger. The rifle roared in his hands, and he leaned forward to absorb the recoil, and pick out another target. Ty couldn't distinguish the shot from the ambient sounds of combat, but the sudden, and unique, sound of a skull popping told him all he needed to know. He quickly set the third charge, and sprinted across an open field to get clear of the blast. He slid along the ground and ducked behind a small knoll in the grass just as the first explosive went off. The resounding explosion rocked the ground Ty laid on, and the Covenant in the park began scrambling around, still not sure what was occurring. Logan locked his sights on another Brute, this one a mere foot soldier. Brutes had always been a terrifying sight to any UNSC trooper. Logan fondly remembered his Training officer refer to them as; “Gorillas with guns, only half as smart and twice as mean.” The true nature of the Brutes showed in their weapons of choice: Spikers, Maulers, and Gravity Hammers. All Brute weapons involved a blade of some kind, and each one had the same purpose: to brutalize. Logan chuckled to himself. “Brute-alize... Lugo'll appreciate that one.” He said out loud. Ty's voice snapped him back to reality. “Uh... Logan? A little help would be nice!” Logan looked through his scope, and scanned the park for Ty. Ty had moved from his hiding spot, attempting to leave the park grounds. But had been spotted a few feet from the exit. He opted to run across the street for an open store front, and hold them off. It wasn't working. “I see you.” Logan said, training his cross-hairs over a Grunt's methane tank. His HUD quickly gave him a suggested firing solution, adjusted for gravity, distance, and wind. He quickly made the corrections, and fired. The large caliber round tore through the air, rupturing the Grunt's tank. Almost instantly, the tank exploded, scattering Blue tinted gore across the pavement, and knocking the other Covenant off balance. “Jesus! Thanks Logan!” Ty said as he popped up over the store's counter, taking advantage of the break in fire to take down some enemies. He noticed a group of Brutes breaking off, running back into the park. “Logan, Heads up! You've got... 1, 2, 3.... 4 Brutes, One Chieftain class, headed back into the park, they may be headed your way.” Logan quickly spotted them, and began to fire. His first shot ripped through the Brute's stomach, tearing his organs to shreds. Logan switch targets to the next closest Brute, who had stopped to look back at his fallen friend. Logan took his time to line up the shot. The rifle in his hand kicked hard as the round flew forward. The bullet ripped through the Brute's neck, severing his spine, and killing him instantly. Once again, he swung the rifle down to pick out his next target. He sighted him out, and prepared his shot. He carefully squeezed the trigger and.... CLICK. The rifle's hammer fell on an empty chamber. In the most rookie mistake he'd ever made, Logan had lost track of how many rounds he had fired. He scrambled to reload, but just before he could line up a shot on the two remaining Brutes, they ran out of his line of sight, into his building. “Crap... Hopefully they don't know what room I'm in...” Logan and Ty's radios crackled on. “Logan, Ty, This is Mathison, Our objective is secure, and we are inbound to your location. We've commandeered a Warthog, and are coming up 5th Ave. now, E.T.A. 10 minutes.” “Great!” Ty responded. “I could use some support ASAP, The Shades are down, and their owners aren't too happy with me!” Mathison shook his head. “We're going as fast as we can, kid. Just hang on.”
  5. Do you like XCOM: Enemy Unknown? If not, you should! Do you like reading? If you say no, you're lying! because you're reading this status! Do you like things I write? Of course you do! I'm awesome! My new writing project is up here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/29464-xcom-declassified-debriefings/

  6. I wasn't sure if I should put this here, because it's a member created work, or in Other Games, because it's not Halo related, so if I've made a mistake, would a Mod please move this to the appropriate forum? Other than that, Welcome to my new writing project! Here's the deal, I've been playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown for a while, and I love it. So I had this idea a while back: The commander must receive reports about his missions, right? (RIGHT?!?!?) So I decided I'd write de-breifings to my missions. Now you may be asking: "BUT BOOOS? WAT DOO DAT MAEN?" Because apparently I think you talk like that No offense... This means, as I do my current play-through of XCOM, I'll write real reports of my missions, along with some in between stuff, such as Commander's Logs, Personal journals, Radio Logs, and if the inevitable occurs, Eulogies for my soldiers. Which means, everything you're about to read, is a creative play-by-play of what ACTUALLY happens when I play. ENJOY! MISSION 1 Operation Vengeful Sentinel Cologne, Germany March 1st, 2015 Squad members: Rookie Holly Lee Rookie Saida Isra Rookie Sarah Mcintosh Rookie Karen Jensen Mission Brief: Abductions in the German Mainland. Big Sky dispatched with Strike 1. Orders are to eliminate Alien presence on sight. Mission details: Big Sky touched down at 1:30 A.M. Local. Strike One deployed in the commercial district of Cologne. Rookie Isra made contact with invaders at 2:00 A.M, (Isra scored XCOM's first kill seconds after contact) Enemies responded with hostile force. (Enemies utilize some form of superheated plasma weapon, recommend collection for further study) At 2:10 A.M. Rookie Jensen made contact with a second group of E.T.'s in the Eastern Warehouse. (Jensen also scored a kill shortly after contact) Rookie Isra was pinned by enemy fire on the opposite side, near the Western building. Enemy suppresive fire was lifted by a well-placed frag grenade from Rookie Mcintosh. Rookie Lee entered the Warehouse, and eliminated the final Alien in the Operational Zone. Big Sky returned, and Strike 1 was evacuated at 3:12 A.M. No casualties, no injuries. Kill Count Lee: 1 Isra: 1 Mcintosh: 1 Jensen: 1 Central Officer Bradford's notes: It couldn't have been easy being the first ones to go out on a mission, but our team pulled through. I'm recommending promotions for all four squad members, and specialized training as well. Lee has some Medical experience, so I recommend she take a support role. Isra's pretty strong (And pretty loud, but that's just between you and me, Commander.) I recommend she be given a Machine gun, and let her figure out the rest. Although it didn't show in this mission, Mcintosh is one of our best shots, and with enough time, she could be a devious marksman. I don't like Jensen's reckless attitude, but she got results, getting the first kill on the books, which means I owe her a drink. I say give her a shotgun, and let her work her magic. Other than that, I think we've done well for ourselves. But I wouldn't get too comfortable. There are still a lot of countries that haven't checked in yet. I recommend we bolster our ranks, and start researching these... things. Dr. Vahlen is ready and waiting for you when you have a moment. Non-Combat Information: None at this time.
  7. Banned for banning him for something I wanted to ban him for.
  8. I've started another writing project! This doesn't mean I'll be giving up on Ground Zero, it just means you get to read more things I do! :D I'll make a thread with more details as soon as I'm ready!

  9. A few of the sentences could use a comma or something to break them up a little better, and punctuation too. there's a few points where you need a question mark. other than that, this is a great start!
  10. Installing Dragonball online... So complicated to get... Hopefully it works.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Its a... Korean? Some form of Asian MMO, so I had to use a page translator... it's really complicated, and I still need to figure out the english patch for it...

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL



      You got that really bad game that literally had adverts years ago




      How could you not tell it was Korean in the first place!?!!?

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      It's not easy to distinguish Asian writing unless you are Asian.

  11. To think I voted for you...
  12. Always good to see another story! I'll keep an eye out for it.
  13. Enjoy your month in the pink! And thanks for the shout out
  14. Yeah, I haven't played it yet though.
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