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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Probably. but I'd rather not investigate it.
  2. I really don't see what the fuss is about Halo 5. they didn't show gameplay, they didn't show story, they showed Chief, a Desert, and a Huge robot, which one of these are people angry about particularly? Because I see no reason to be upset.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      *Ahem* I don't know if the gameplay will be good, but the style and story seem just fine judging by that vid and the things it implies.

    3. Minuette


      Protection from the elements is a good though simply because his visor is cracked and his suit could be damaged as well.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Yeah. With enough time, sand can work its way into anything.

  3. I'd love to continue The Eagle's Talon RP, as I have an entire cast of Character's for it, but other people need to do it with me... Now, on topic; I'm for the carrier jumping. trying to get around in a partly destroyed Mombassa would be fun.
  4. None at all... I wanna see the fork lift part soooo much....
  5. Last game, Beat Fishy and Baconshelf... Hold your applause...
  6. God... it is hard as all hell to sit and play Shenmue by yourself...
  7. So, I shelled out the $20 for state of decay after playing the trial 3 times... And I'm extremely pleased with my purchase. State of Decay is a third person Action/Adventure/Strategy/Simulation game... I know that's a lot to swallow, but it's great, I highly recommend it. There's no Multiplayer, just the single player Sandbox, but the map is huge, there are various characters and ways to play, so you'll never get bored. Anyone else got it? Jus' waaaaandering
  8. I'll see you when you return my Avatar-brethren!
  9. Banned for being a Cookie Eater without a valid permit, License, and Cookie Eating apparatus.
  10. The skies had been entirely clear for Scott for the past hour. "This is Eagle 2-4... Skies are clear. How are things on the ground?" Scott banked his fighter and circled around the Financial District. He looked up at the carrier. "The only reason they'd call off their attack is if they were about to run for it..." He thought. "Be advised," He said into his radio. "I think the Carrier might be prepping to turn and burn. Just something to watch out for."
  11. A VOTE FOR DRIZZY DAN IS A VOTE FOR NOT DYING TOMORROW! This message brought to you by the "Drizzy Dan for president of the forum committee" Any and all claims are not endorsed by Drizzy Dan, and are mostly Boss being an idiot.
  12. Well, that was pretty good! Along with what Vangelis said, try spacing the paragraphs a bit, its a little easy to lose your place in the text, but maybe that's just me. A few grammatical errors, but nothing major. and also, we both have characters named Logan...
  13. Well, what are the requirements, other than Age? I assume a positive K/D? Because mine's 1.05.
  14. Don't read too much into it, but I MIGHT be interested in joining. Might. Never really been too big on Clans, but one with an Ace Combat related name is definitely worth a peek.
  15. Oh, another drummer! Welcome to the Community!
  16. I'll just leave this here on Pepsi's behalf.
  17. https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCm8z5m9-4Aq_r1EBxihYIlYpF1J2yyYGun6dzHlhm0TLJJvjC4Q
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