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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Unfortunately... Hey, do you now any places sailors hang out?
  3. This is such a productive Topic... It's like a glorified string of Text messages between us.... On another note, Shenmue.
  4. D.J. yawned loudly. "Man..." He muttered. "I never thought I'd be bored during training..." He took another gulp of his coffee. "But it beats kicking around the slums any day..."
  5. You still won the second match though, so.... crap.... I'll get ya next time, if I can stop randomly diving when the ball is 3 inches away.
  6. Um..... Hello hello? Welcome to the Community.
  7. So yeah... Virtua Tennis today.... pretty brutal...
  8. Well well well, Good for you buddy! Had a feeling it would be you after you got that award. Enjoy da pink!
  9. This is really good to start, but I'd spend a little more time working on Punctuation, there are a few sentences that run on a bit, other than that, I'm excited to see how this turns out.
  10. Virtua Tennis. Metal and Tennis. Beautiful.
  11. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/29228-hello-343/ A god friend of mine has joined the site. Welcome him.... DO EET NAO!!!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. D-38 Boss
    3. Vangelis


      I actually prefer the misspelling, it is nice to be thought of as a god friend rather than a good friend.

    4. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      ur friends with a GOD~? O3O

  12. Welcome to the Community!
  13. Banned for.... uh.... well....kinda defeats the purpose now...
  14. Banned for banning a member who banned another member. That'll teach you!
  15. I can't imagine how long the full player list must be... That was a lot of fun though, and I hope we can organize a similar get together in the future.
  16. Welcome to the Community! We arrange playdates every weekend, so finding people to play with is no problem. Seeya 'round!
  17. Happy Birthday Bro!

  18. I will eat your soul. I'll do it... you know I can. And I still hold to the fact that it's Drizzy's fault. it only doesn't work when he Hosts...
  19. I have both for the Xbox, but they were a little hard to find, because I wanted them cheap. I ended up getting them both for 10 bucks at a flea market. But if you have the money to spare, then yes. Get them.
  20. I'm working on the next chapter, which covers what Logan and Ty were doing at the time. Keep an eye out!
  21. After several continuous hours of Dominion, I can rightfully say I no longer have the mental capacity to breath....

    1. RedStarRocket91


      Sadly neither do I, considering how often you killed me :) very well played!

  22. I hope no one nominates me... *Muttering to himself* Time for reverse psychology to come into play!
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