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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. This already happened a few weeks ago... You're a bit late.
  2. YAY! I gets to be da Zudo! And I have another mic to try, so... we'll see what happens, yes?
  3. Sorry I missed posting last week, I hit a patch of writer's block, but it's all gone now! Here's a new Chapter for those of you who are reading it! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28622-ground-zero-halo-3-odst-alternate-storyline/page-2?do=findComment&comment=265314

  4. New Mombassa, October 20th, 2552, 6:00 PM Tracking ODSTs: Sergeant Charles Louis Mathison and Corporal Christopher Xavier Lugo Sector 3-F. Historical District, Armax Weapons Depot. Mathison Crept up next to the emplacement of sandbags outside of the Armax Facility. “Lugo.” He said into his radio, looking over the sandbags.”You in place yet?” There was a few seconds of silence before Lugo responded. “Yeah, I'm in place. You've got a bit of resistance on the way in.” Mathison peeked out again. “Which tower are you in?” Lugo used his helmets flash light to get Mathison's attention. “Alright, I see ya. Guide me in. I need to get inside the main building.” “Why don't we just take 'em out? Be a lot easier... and fun...” “Without a proper head count? We could be biting off more than we can chew. Once I get a solid number on the enemy, we can decide whether or not we can take 'em then.” Mathison said, with some annoyance. “Now can you do me a favor and tell me where to go?” Lugo rolled his eyes. “Alright, you've got a few grunts to your left, head right around those crates, and be quick. There's a brute who keeps making passes over there.” Mathison peeked around the corner one more time, before rushing out, and sliding to a stop behind a pile of Ammo crates. “Am I clear?” “You'd have to be blind to miss ya, Sarge, but I don't think anyone saw ya.” Lugo chuckled. He scanned around Mathison. “Slip around that shed behind you and move along the wall.” Mathison crept along the wall, staying as low to the ground as possible, in the shadow of the outer walls. Lugo followed him though his spotting scope. “You're clear, the entrance is on the left. Hope it's not locked.” Lugo said with a smirk. “Oh ha ha, you're on a roll today Lug'.” Mathison scoffed. “Get over here. Try not to get spotted.” “You're not giving me enough credit, Sarge.” Lugo said as he climbed down to ground level. “I'm telling you, you probably won't even realize when I get there.” “With your mouth? Hell I'd know if you were in the same state without seein' ya.” Mathison groaned. A few minutes later, Lugo crept up next to Mathison. “Did you get the door open, Sarge?” “No.” Mathison said, shaking his head. “I thought you could?” “Logan's the one with the lock-picks...” Lugo sighed. “Ah... F—k it.” Mathison stood up and kicked the door in, getting the attention of the four brutes inside the room. “A little warning would have been nice, Sarge!” Lugo shouted as he followed Mathison into the room, his AR lighting up. Two of the brutes dove for cover, but the other two didn't move quickly enough, and were cut down by the storm of metal. Lugo ducked down behind a crate to reload, while Mathison scanned the room. The Depot was rather large, but it seemed smaller with all the weapons and ammo crates around the room, stacked to the ceiling. Lugo circled the room slowly, searching for the two brutes, with Mathison following closely behind him. “How'd we lose a pair of god damn gorillas?” He said, Sniffing the air. “I smell you monkeys! Come out and play!” Almost to answer him, one of the brutes shoved over a crate of DMR's, colliding with Lugo and knocking him to the ground. The alien leaped over the fallen crate, intent on beating Lugo to a pulp. Mathison reacted quickly, however, firing his Shotgun, and blowing the Brute's chest wide open. The second brute tried to rush him, but Mathison spun quickly, cocked the gun, and blasted the Brute's face off. He ducked aside as the lifeless body toppled toward him, collapsing on top of Lugo. Mathison slid two fresh shells into his weapon. “And that,” He said with a grin. “Is why I brought the shotgun.” “Fantastic,” Came Lugo's muffled reply. “Can you get King Kong off of me now please?” “Since you asked so nicely...” Mathison chuckled, dragging the corpse of off his squad-mate. He scanned the surrounding room. “Oh yeah, we can definitely use this stuff...” “That's great and all, Sarge...” Lugo said, wiping the Brute blood off of his visor for the second time today. “But did you forget about our friends outside? Assuming they didn't hear all this.” “You didn't read up on our target, did you?” Mathison groaned. “Can't say I did. Care to enlighten me?” Lugo said, slinging the AR over his shoulder and looking into a few random crates. “Well, these Depot's are important, obviously, so they need to be protected.” “Which explains why we had to sneak in here and take it back...” Lugo said with a scoff. “Shut up and listen, Smart a--. This base uses Auto-turrets, we get to the Command Console up there,” Mathison pointed to a small booth overlooking the room. “We can turn 'em on, and kick our feet up while they do the hard work.” “Do I still get credit for the kills?” Lugo asked hopefully. “One of these days, I swear...” Mathison muttered, heading up the nearby stairs to the command console. Lugo peeked into another crate. “Ooo.... Pretty....” He said, lifting the large Automatic Rifle. “The hell is this thing? We don't have any of these in the Armory...” He peeked down at the Crate's label, and read aloud. “ The M739 SAW... Chambered for 7.62 by 51 Millimeter ammo... Hm... Sold!” He said, shouldering his new weapon. He gathered a few spare drum magazines, and joined Mathison in the control booth. “Damn it... which button is it?” Mathison muttered as he looked over the practically foreign control panel. Lugo reached forward and pointed to a single switch, labeled “Turrets”. “Oh... I knew that...” Mathison said, flipping the switch, which was immediately followed by the sound of heavy gunfire outside. Mathison turned to Lugo. “Where'd you get that thing?” “I found it... I call it Greg.” Lugo said with a cheesy grin. “Do you ever listen to the S—t that comes out of your mouth, Lugo?” “No sir, I do not.” Lugo said, puffing out his chest. “Idiot...” “Love you too, Sarge.” Lugo chuckled. Mathison walked over to the large garage-type door leading outside, and punched the button to open it. The door slowly slid open, and Mathison ducked under it, followed by Lugo. It was a gruesome scene outside, as the Covenant had been cut down but the auto-turrets. “Oh, this is real pleasant...” Lugo said, looking around. “Oh, hey! Lookie lookie!” Lugo pointed to the other end of the compound. “A Warthog!” A military grade Warthog sat near the wall of the depot, ready and waiting to be used. Mathison looked over to Lugo, holding up his gun. “I call Shotgun!” He said with a snicker, making Lugo groan. “That was bad... and you should feel bad...” “Like your jokes are any better.” Mathison said, rolling his eyes. “Go get it fired up, I'll plant the tracking beacon. I get the feeling Logan and Ty are gonna need our help.” “You got it, Sarge.”
  5. Banned for being in the way of the Orbital Destroyer Cannon on a Wednesday when I was wearing an Orange Shirt (That was secretly green) And Blasting Dubstep out of a record player because I'm old school like that (But I hate Dubstep) and the monkey next to me threw up on a Telegram machine, but it was fish so everything was okay and I made a Swiss cheese army knife out of a boot on the moon with Burt Reynolds but that was a dream I had that one time when I drank too much Lemonade in a drinking contest that was really just me with two glasses of Lemonade and my dog was casting me condescending stares and muttering incoherent slogans about Freedom and Democracy and accusing me of being a globalist who supported seal clubbing, but I explained to him the I was actually a green bean with a silly hat that had a funny slogan on it but I can't remember what the slogan was, (It had something to do with Kangaroo's and Honey) and my other dog came in with a sword and killed me but it was okay because I had an arm, and my brother said something about a car chase and my cousin Roman called asking me to go Bowling and I told him not now and he cried and I consumed his tears as nourishment and if you're still reading this I applaud your commitment and I got into a car and drove the wrong way up the highway but Harrison Ford was in trouble so the police didn't mind and Rutger Hauer was actually a robot and it was all like crazy and I fought a dragon but I lost and I needed the Orbital Destroyer Cannon. So yeah.... Banned...
  6. Scott's Longsword rocked as another fuel rod shot bounced off of it's shields. The Covenant's air superiority in this sector was astonishing, and Scott was using every maneuver in the textbook, and a few that weren't, trying to fight them off. The Banshee's weren't bad, it was the Vampires that really made his job hard. When they got behind him, he couldn't just fly up like he did with the Banshee's. He had to rely on his Fighter's speed and his reflexes, flying low through the city to lose them. One of the Vampires broke off from chasing him, and disappeared into the city, leaving it's wing-man following Scott. "And where is he going?" Scott muttered. His pursuer kept up the pressure, and Scott weaved through the buildings of New Mombassa, keeping him from being an easy target. Scott's reaction time was down to milliseconds, as adrenaline coursed in his body. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. Suddenly, the first Vampire burst out in front of him. Instinctively, Scott pulled up on the flight stick, avoiding the Vampire by inches. The two Vampires collided, exploding and spewing Plasma over the surrounding buildings. "Man, they should make a movie about me!" Scott laughed as he banked around another building, going back for more.
  7. Sent an Email, with MP3 for Zudo. And a bit of an explanation on my microphone related situation.... that rhymed. Let me know what you think. Also, I found my other mic, so I'll be sending another version soon.
  8. Well, you've got Peter Gabriel, so you win points on that alone. Here's another favorite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvOVMxOTwqw
  9. Hmmm..... I have quite varied tastes... (American Jesus - Bad Religion) (No One Knows - Queens of the Stone Age) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WP2exZurfc (I Get Around - The Beach Boys) (The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down - The Band) (Prayer of the Refugee - Rise Against) (Dear God - XTC) I have more, but that's good for now.
  10. YAY! HE'S BACK!!! I'll be seein' you around, Harby.
  11. I have exactly, ZERO clue when I'll be getting a new Mic, but I'll see about expediting it the best I can, worst comes to worse, you'll still have a body actor.
  12. I'm looking into getting a new mic for my PC. And upon further review, I'm much more interested in playing Zudo. I'll send the stuff once I've done it.
  13. Go to Google, Search Atari Breakout, click images, waste 20 minutes. You're welcome.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Harbinger


      I was confused as to what was happening for a minute. Got like 300 something. Woot.

    3. RaptorUnbound


      Pretty cool got like 1400 points xD

    4. skummgummigubbe


      like it 2317 first try, the lag mede my mis the ball several times

  14. D-38 Boss


    Welcome to the community!
  15. Ty had made it to the border of the Frost zone and Desert zone. It had always confounded him how these two areas existed so close together. He started into the desert, in the direction of one of his Rendezvous points. He fired up his radio. "Command, this is MacMillan, dispatch Skyfury 1-1 to RP Foxtrot. I might need to make a quick exit." "Roger, sir. Scrambling them now."
  16. ^ I nominate that man, Drizzy Dan. Hey that rhymed...
  17. I can body act, and I'd reaaaaaly like to try voice acting for Stormer. Up to you though.
  18. Your profile lives up to your fine standards, sir! I salute you!

  19. Banned for not herping before derping, thus ignoring proper Herp Derp procedure.
  20. "Uh... roger that..." Scott switched off his radio. "S--t, I don't know which one of those is more terrifying..." Scott banked his fighter and started his approach to the Air-base. He checked his ammo reserves. 30,000 MG rounds. 6 Hammerhead Air-to-air missiles. 2 Cluster bombs. 2, 100 count rocket pods. "Enough to fight a war on my own." Scott said with a grin.
  21. ONE WORD FOR YOU HUMAN!: ABUUJIJIBUJIJI BUU! (If you get that reference, you really enjoyed Halo 2. )
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