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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. "Captain, repeat your last, did you say a Scarab, AND the M.C.?"
  2. You should wait a day or so before you hand out the best answer, Drizzy. Not that I care or anything...
  3. "Yeah, but are vegatable's cake? No. I rest my case. Ain't no one tellin' me cake is bad." D.J. ate [AT A REGULAR PACE] and sat in silence, enjoying a cup of coffee, waiting for further orders from his Trainers.
  4. D.J. overheard the new arrival. "Hey man, I ain't complainin'. Food's Food, no matter how you look at it. And free food? That's just icing on the cake, Dude." D.J. looked at the massive pile of food on his tray. "Man.... now I wish I had cake..."
  5. Things had started to get a little boring for Scott. His assigned sector was almost entirely clear, save for the ground troops. He hadn't seen a single air unit pass through his kill-zone for the last half hour. "Covie's must've decided to cut their losses..." He grinned underneath his mask. "I've made this an expensive day for them." He checked his fuel gauge. He had enough fuel for another 8 hours of uninterrupted flight. "This is gonna be a Loooooooong day..."
  6. D.J. leaped from his bunk, excited to start another day. He showered quickly, and rushed off to the mess hall. "What's on the menu today?"
  7. Scott leveled his fighter as the drop zone sped closer, Needler rounds bounced off of his shields, but they held up. He flipped a switch on his control panel, bringing up the Bombing HUD, projecting a trajectory marker and a predicted landing zone. "Alright... let's see some fireworks! Bombs in the air!" Scott dropped two of his four Cluster bombs. The two bombs fell for a few seconds, before splitting open, spreading thousands of tiny 25 lbs bombs across the drop zone. The Covenant that didn't scramble for cover didn't have time to regret their decision. "Right on target! Captain, this problem is solved, I'll take my beer anytime. let me know if you need another dose. Eagle 2-4, out."
  8. D.J. had awoken promptly at 6:30, his usual time for his morning run back home. he didn't bother moving, though, as he figured he be out and running soon enough, probably with some extra PT for good measure. He leaned back comfortably in his cot. "Better than the couch back home..." He muttered. He was already enjoying Military life, time would tell if he would keep enjoying it.
  9. "Ivan, Kyro, Make sure you get clear! That area is about to get real hot, real soon!" Scott's Longsword shook as he turned sharply, pointing his fighter toward the drop zone. "Approaching drop zone, ETA, 2 minutes, if I don't run into any interference along the way."
  10. Welcome to the Community! Always good to see a forger!
  11. Not sure If I'll have a chapter ready to post in my FF this week. if not, I'll double down next week. We'll see.

  12. Like I said, When in doubt, just make one and post it. Nice people like Bacon and Helljumper can tell you what's good and what's not, and you fix it from there.
  13. "Ooooo, that'll look nice on the After Action report..." Scott said with a devious grin. "Consider it gone. Send me the Coordinates."
  14. Scott's Guns and Missiles replied for him, blowing the Spirit to pieces. "Eagle 2-4 is back on station!" He said into his radio. "Ya miss me? Paint your targets, I've got Cluster bombs ready to drop on some Alien heads."
  15. Sparkflow, just go for it. You're obviously a good writer, Making a character is the easiest part.
  16. I am officially disgusted at the state of the Gaming Industry, which is unfortunate for my future career.

    1. Spyro


      Your's and mine both man.

    2. GryffinGuy007
  17. Welcome to the Community, Zig! We already have a Zag... You two should team up... See ya round!
  18. Scott ran to grab a quick bite while he was on the ground. His Squadron members were in the mess as well. His leader waved him over. "Hey! Scott! C'mere!" Scott sauntered over and sat down. "Hey Cap'." "How many you down today, Haskell?" Scott shrugged, biting into his burger. "Not a clue?" Scott shook his head. "Command'll know." He said quietly. He ate in relative silence as his team talked away about their kills. When talking to someone in person, Scott was a complete introvert, not wanting to talk at all. Over a radio, though, he was a lot more comfortable talking to people. He finished his food and rushed back the hangar, finding his Longsword fully re-fueled and loaded. In a few more minutes, he was back in Earth's atmosphere, headed for Jacob's sector.
  19. Scott's ammo reserve was running low, and he only had and hour of flight time before he had to RTB. But he had managed to weaken the exterior of the Phantom with out taking much damage himself. He had about a 3 second burst of ammunition left, and he had to make it count. He rolled his fighter and moved in behind the Phantom, training his guns on the left engine. He waited until he got close enough for them to fire, before unleashing the last of his Machine gun's rounds. The engine flickered for a bit, and died. "Aw... that was diss-" The Phantom's engine exploded, sending the large ship tumbling toward the ground. "Hell yeah! that's what I'm talkin' about!" Scott flipped on his radio. "Eagle 2-4 to ground forces, I am at Bingo fuel and no ammo. I'm returning to base to re-arm and re-fuel. I'll be back before you know it, Eagle 2-4 out." With that, Scott aimed his fighter toward the sky, and roared off, heading for his base in orbit.
  20. [Ahh, that was what I was thinking of. I couldn't remember it... Sprirt.... ] Scott couldn't get a clear shot on any of the Carriers, or the Phantom. The Banshee escorts were seeing to that. Scott is a talented pilot, but five on one odds, weren't exactly good odds. He was trying every trick he knew, but nothing worked. He banked right and streaked past a building, using it to block a Banshee's attack. "Alright, I need to even the odds... the easy way." Scott yanked back on the flight stick, pulling an almost vertical climb, the banshees followed closely. reaching extreme altitudes, He rolled back and dove toward the banshees. At high altitude, the banshee's agility was severely diminished, making them easy prey. "That takes care of the escorts... Now for the big game!" Scott slammed the throttle forward, and rocketed toward the Carrier group.
  21. "I'll say it again, Focus on the ground, leave the air forces to me, I need to earn my pay check." Scott banked around and flew low through a few buildings, trying to shake the rather persistent Banshee on his tail. His Longsword took a few plasma bolts, but nothing major. Scott scanned the approaching buildings, looking for anything that could help him. Quickly approaching on the right, was a large billboard. "Cliche, but I'll take it." He trained his crosshair on it and fired off a quick burst, cutting the sign down. he quickly dove under it, narrowly missing being crushed, and flew up. Unfortunately, the Banshee's pilot didn't fall for it, easing up on the throttle and flying past after the billboard had fallen. The momentary distraction was all Scott needed. He pulled up sharply on the stick, doing half a loop, before rolling over and lining up a shot on the Banshee. He gave the trigger of his flight stick a quick squeeze, and added another kill to his daily total. "And that's how it's done!!!" His radar beeped, cutting his celebration short. "Aw crap..." He flipped on his radio. "Ground teams! Three Spirits entering the airspace, with 5 escorts... And a Phantom for C.A.S." He turned and started an intercept course toward the new contacts. "Keep your heads down! I'll handle the air units. Make sure you take out any Air-to-ground units!" Scott looked down at his ammo reserves. 8,000 rounds. "Plenty to get the job done." He scoffed.
  22. "Captain, rescind those orders, We need all the pelicans intact. I can handle these guys." Scott checked his Ammo and fuel reserves. He still had about 10,000 rounds of ammunition, and enough fuel for another 2 hours. Another formation of Banshees arrived. "Man, I must've hit Ace-status ten times over today." He said with a grin, Excited for the chance to add his new kills to his tally. The side of his fighter already had an Impressive amount of kill markers painted on, and he'd be the last to complain about adding some new ones. He expertly slid his Longsword in behind one of the Banshees, and unleashed a quick burst of machine gun fire, tearing it to pieces. "At this rate, I'm gonna need more paint." He snickered.
  23. D.J. snored loudly on his bunk, sounding like a chainsaw with a Megaphone attached.
  24. "Pffffft." Haskell scoffed at the Shortsword Bombers. "Nothing like flying a brick with wings..." He continued to keep the skies clear for Jacob's team, no easy feat with the amount of Banshees in the air, but at least he didn't have to go against a Phantom.
  25. AAAaaaaaaand My semester is finished. no classes until September! :D

    1. Quantum
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      what? June....July....August? 3 month holiday? What are you in, primary school??

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