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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Gunnery Sergeant Edward Buck. 'nuff said.
  2. [How is Scott supposed to bring him back? He's in a Longsword...]
  3. Scott flipped on his radio. "Captain, this is Eagle 2-4. I don't have any bombs left, but I can still make a few strafing runs if you need them. I'll circle and keep the skies clear until you need me. Eagle 2-4 out." Scott checked his fuel reserves, another few hours of flight before he'd have to refuel...
  4. Scott had managed to take out two of the three Banshees that he engaged, but the last one had slipped him up, and was now on his tail. His radio crackled, and Ivan's voice sounded in his helmet. "This is Ivan, shield's down. Fire away." Scott rolled his Longsword hard toward the kill-zone, and dove down, the Banshee right on his tail. "Get ready for the fire works in three..... two......one.... Bombs Away!" Scott punched a switch on his control panel, and dropped eight Mark 208 550 lbs. bombs onto the covenant forces. He pulled up hard to avoid slamming into the side of a building, which the Banshee tailing him wasn't quick enough to do. "Ivan, report."
  5. Scott just blinked at the verbal abuse he received. "I could easily drop these bombs in the wrong place, pal..." Scott thought. He banked his fighter and circled over Ivan's sector. "Establishing Air superiority. If you can get that shield down, I'll thin out the ground forces." Three Banshees streaked toward Scott's sector in formation. Scott grinned underneath his oxygen mask. "Time to play..."
  6. See, If I was able to stick around, the playdate might have stayed on for a while.
  7. YOLO? Really? Just..... no. If you and your friends had your own show, do you think it would even be good? And answer honestly.
  8. Scott trained his MG's cross-hair over the Banshee he was tailing. He gave the trigger a quick pull, and the .50 caliber Dum-dum rounds tore into it. The plasma cells overloaded and blew apart, sending scrap metal streaking across the sky. "This is Eagle 2-4, Kill confirmed. Sector Bravo-6 is clear." "Roger that 2-4, we're transferring you to ground support. A Scout named Corporal Barishnykov will direct you. Transferring channels now." A short silence enveloped the cockpit. "Man... CAS? Guess I won't be padding my kill count today..." His radio gave a short chirp, confirming his radio had been connected. "Hello? Corporal Bar.... Barish- Ba-... Corporal, This is Eagle 2-4 standing by for close air support. I've got bombs and bullets that need a new home."
  9. Hello! welcome to the forums!
  10. I'm slowly seeing Avatars similar to mine popping up... :D

  11. Ok.... I guess I can do that. Have.... fun?
  12. Uhmmmm... Bye? Hope you change your mind!
  13. Scott Haskell - Earth Orbit "Everything's reading green across the board." Scott said into his flight helmet, after performing his pre-combat checks on his GA-TL1 Longsword. "Roger that Eagle 2-4. you are cleared for decent into Earth orbit." Scott gently eased the nose of the fighter toward the planet's surface, and began entering the atmosphere.
  14. Howdy! Welcome to the Community!
  15. D.J. collapsed into his bunk, and drifted off into sleep almost instantly. One thing he was glad for, he could sleep almost anywhere, and sleep well.
  16. Ty smirked to himself. "Yeah, keep coming... keep following me..." He uncloaked, and ducked behind a tree. His M-8A was empty, so he slung it across his back, and drew his Fifty-seveN Handgun. He stopped to catch his breath for a bit, before cloaking, and moving up towards higher ground. He hoped the mountain snow would be frozen over to hide his tracks, otherwise he'd have a hell of a time trying to lose them.
  17. I use Fishstick. It's good because it's the universal FPS layout. That way I don't have to re-acquaint myself with the controls if I switch games...
  18. Wait... I did that? I can't even find it....
  19. Name- Scott Haskell Rank- Senior Airman (Sergeant level, just in Air force terms) Service Tag- E-24 (Eagle 2-4) Longsword Pilot Appearance(physical and face)- Rather average, and most would say overweight. 6 feet even, 325 pounds, with medium brown hair, and a full beard. Armour- Flight suit. Weapons - M6C Magnum. Specialty - Universal Pilot. Split second reaction times, High G force tolerance. Backstory - Nobody in Eagle has more confirmed kills than Scott Haskell, but you'd never guess it by looking at him. He tends to be extremely quiet on his own time, but behind the seat of his Longsword, he becomes a different person. Confident, Cocky, and sometimes annoying. most people overlook this, as having him on Close Air Support is like having your own personal MAC working for you.
  20. Oh, In Halo? Can't beat getting Vehicle Jacked, and driving off of a cliff with your attacker clinging on for dear life. Warthog - $500,000 Spartan - $100,000,000 The look of sheer terror on your attacker's face as you plummet to certain death - PRICELESS. Master Card, Master Chief.
  21. Really 343? Earth? You showed EARTH in your game? Copying Reality.... Have you no shame?
  22. Well, A: that doesn't actually work. Inertia would see to it you only lost a small fraction of your momentum, and you'd still be in trouble. But for the sake of attempting to answer the question in the manner intended: I'm gonna go and guess, because trying to do the math didn't really help... Jump around the 3rd floor?
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